Chapter 29-Opportunities!

Crimson and Okara bid farewell to the rest of the family as they depart for the corrupted Westfall city. As they step out the door and enter the sky. They could already see the chaos happening from afar. A black spike-like pillar was built from some of the tall skyscrapers. Other builders had hives on them, filled with unknown entities. Smoke filled the cities sky as the blue sky turned gray. The trees began turning red as they got closer and closer, the grass and dirt changing to that disgusting yellow and black.

"These bastards... They're really doing it." Okara said with grit in his teeth.

"Keep your head on straight Okara, if we lose ourselves now. We won't see this to the end."

"I know already."

Quickly they arrive floating above the chaotic town. Roots of black and yellow stretch in different angles. People absorbed, wrapped, and murdered by this horrific disease.

"This is horrible... All those people..." Okara spoke as he examined the damage.

As he surveyed the area he began noticing wonderers.

"Crimson, down there... Look."

They watch people walk limply as if they were lost, or hurt. Like they didn't know what to do.

"W-What's wrong with them?" Okara questioned wondering if he should get closer.

"I don't like this... Somethings very off here. We need to be-."

Suddenly from a vine, a human leaped out at them. Instantly gripping onto Okara, causing him to swerve and descend. As he held back the rabid person, he got a glimpse of the damage it was doing, their skin was pale white. As pieces began falling off like powder, their eyes a thrilling lime green color, the skin around their lips gone only showing their teeth. However, that wasn't all, on their bodies was the disease manifested like some type of armor. As it began wrapping around Okara's left arm. He realized what was going on.

"Crimson!! Get this thing off me!!"

Below the rest of the infected began gathering near Okara's soon-to-be landing zone. As he wrestled with the current wrangler. He felt his life force slowly draining from him.

"G-Gah! S-Shit!"

Nearing the ground Okara had no other choice. As he began head butting the infected human. To cause its grip to loosen up, however. The only thing it did was reveal its hollowing insides. Its brain was blackened, its eyes were nothing but melting spheres. Like gummies left on a boiling car. Its blood is a stinging yellow as it slowly oozes and sizzled from its host's head. Then before Okara could see any more, Crimson manages to swoop in and rip the infect from him. While retaining his speed, Crimson quickly spins and launches it through a nearby building. Sending it on its merry way. Okara was quick to react stopping himself from reaching the ground, only a few feet before the rest of the infected could reach him.

"W-W-What the hell... Was that!"

Crimson met back up with Okara.

"Are you alright?"

"No! Do I look alright?! That thing tried to eat me!"

"Well it's gone now, however the ones down there seem to have the same idea. We need to find somewhere we won't be disturbed, somewhere we can figure out what's going on."

"What about over there?"

Okara points at a multistory parking lot building nearby.

"The veins are barely wrapped around it, and there doesn't seem to be anyone on the roof."

"That might work, lets head over there then and see what we can find out."

As Okara and Crimson disperse towards the parking lot, a sudden jolt shoots through Crimson's body. His mind becomes fuzzy at a random moment. Then he's back still flying. Okara hadn't noticed what had happened and Crimson decided not to mention anything about it.

Once they arrive on top of the parking lot, Crimson and Okara observed opposite sides of it. Looking out into the diseased-filled city.

"This is atrocious!" Okara shouted still surveying the area.

"Tell me about it, those bastards know how to create a storm!"

"They'll get what's coming to them, that's for sure! I'll make sure they pay!"

In Crimson's eyes, the world was finally coming to an end. I mean it was only natural to believe it, they're fighting a God of Destruction and an Angel, two of the strongest beings in the entire universe. They've fought and lost multiple times and failed at every attempt to stop them. As he watches the corrupted city worsen it's only natural to expect the end. Then without notice something wrapped around his foot, one of the roots around him had reached the top and decided he would be the first to feel its presence. It squeezed and squeezed, glowing brightly as it tried to absorb Crimson's lifeforce. Yet it only made Crimson's eye twitch as he felt little to nothing being taken from him.

"Crimson... Do not be alarmed, it cannot harm you nor infect you. These roots are not of their own volition. They're merely being used to create a cry of help from the topaz. My brother, he's suffering and it pains me to see this. So Crimson I grant you this information alone, do not share this with any other if they were to learn about it. They would surely fear not only you but for me as well."

"What is it Crisma? What is it you wish to tell me?"

"It's only possible now, but you must absorb my brother's disease and turn it into your own power."

"Wait, you mean I can... We actually have a chance of-!"

"It's an opportunity as you mortals call it, yes... It's one of the last choices you have. But Crimson there's something else you must-."

Without warning a strong crash was heard behind him, as he turned simultaneously with Okara. They both found themselves facing death once again.

"Of all times... Why now!" Crimson shouted at the sight of Salas. Who as once again appeared to finish what he started.

"So this is where you've been. Okara, Crimson! The last of Earth's heroes! The last stand against me!"

Okara powered up into a Super Saiyan God immediately ready to fight once again.

"So eager to fight? Don't you wanna know...(Salas slowly turned his head revealing only half of his face to Okara. His evil grin visible to both Okara and Crimson.) What happened to your friends?"