Chapter 31-Bloodsport Between Mortal And God

"I hope you're ready for the final event! Because I'm finally going to rid you of this planet and your life! Crimson!!"

Crimson didn't react as he stood with his new reinforced arm.

"Now that you are a Resonance I will no longer be able to stop you from using my power. If you are to win you must unleash as much as you can take!"

"I appreciate it Crisma... I'll do everything I can, and make this second life worth something to remember."

"In all my years, I've never met a host... So willing to die not for his sake, but for others. You are truly a leader amongst the mortal realm. You truly are... A one true Kingslayer in the making."

"Kingslayer?... I like that, Yeah... I like that title!"

"Good luck my friend, I will be waiting for your victory."

"Crisma, why do you make it sound like you're leaving?"

Crisma didn't answer.

"...Bastard you could've at least told me what was going on."

"What's wrong? Losing that fire you had just a second ago!"

"Shut up..."

Crimson reached his left arm out at Salas, unaware that his arm would extend and wrap around Salas like a tentacle.

"This is new! What kind of secrets are you holding back from me Crismon!!"

Salas was flung into the sky allowing Crimson's arm to reform back to normal. Instantly Crimson jumped at him ascended high into the sky as well. Reaching Salas within seconds. As he got above him, he gripped hold of him and began unleashing hell amongst the god. Crimson's arm hit harder each time it swapped out with his right. Repeated beating him further and further from the sky. While Crimson held Salas in check, Okara found himself unconscious from shock. Unaware of the events happening, but that wasn't all as roots had begun making their way to him. Instantly as Crimson and Salas crash into the roof of the parking lot. Crimson notices the roots reaching for Okara.


"Where are you looking!!"

Salas breaks free of Crimson's grasp and grips hold of his arm slamming him into the ground beside him, as Salas rolled up he grabbed hold of Crimson, and tossed him away into a building.

"Why don't you focus on yourself!!"

Salas raised his arms to the sky and threw an energy blast at the building causing it to explode from a giant energy field. Consuming the ground and other buildings around it. As smoke covered the area, Salas didn't restrict himself, as he began unleashing Ki blast after Ki blast. Creating more and more destruction around Crimson's location. Regardless of the assault, a giant ball of red and black shot down from above. Causing Salas to hold his arms up and contain it above him.

"HAHAHA! Do you plan to kill your friend!!"

As Salas held the ball of energy above him, he saw movement to the side and shot his head to notice Okara, was gone."

"I see now..."

Salas released the ball of energy and let it hit him, causing a massive explosion. Destroying the entire parking garage below him.

"Never before has a mortal put so much effort into keeping others alive! I can't fathom this resolve you have! Come on Crimson give me a real fight! Show me what one hundred percent of the Ruby can really do!"

Crimson's voice was heard from behind Salas.

"Salas... You're a menace, an unfathomable monster. Yet you preach to know nothing of resolve, or morals. Like you've never had any yourself! If that's true... Then I'd rather stick to mine till the bitter end. Even if that means I die here to you!"

Salas turned to unleash a ball of energy in an attempt to catch Crimson off guard. However, as he turned he found nothing but the city behind him. Then again Crimson's voice could be heard from behind.

"What exactly do you plan to do, once all this is over? Once every world has fallen to this parasitic planet you've created? What do you intend to do?!"

Salas turned once again trying to catch sight of Crimson, still nothing but the city.

"Why's it matter to you? You'll be dead long before that happens!"

"You may be right about that... But at least I'll know I died trying to stop you!"

Salas's head shoots up, looking up at the sky. Finally catching Crimson in his sights.

"There you are!"

"Here I am!"

Crimson reaches his left arm down at Salas and shouts.

"Crimson Horizon!!"

Suddenly from all angles, diagonally blood spikes erupted from the ground, piercing through different parts of Salas and holding him in place. Blood spewing from his mouth yet his body still felt the entirety of the pain inflicted.

"A prison...(Salas gasps as he breathes heavily) You outdid yourself this time."

Crimson descends before Salas and stares him directly in his face.

"Quit playing, you and I both know you can escape anytime."

"True... But wheres the fun in that?"

Crimson grits his teeth...

"You're a monster... Because you do nothing but destroy, you give no remorse to those who you've affected!"

"Why should I... When this universe took everything from me too."


"For years I've lived with the destruction of my homeworld. I death of my race, the death of my family. They all died just so you Lyrx could live! You're the reason my race is gone! You're the reason chose this path!"

Crimson was stunned at these words. Wanting to know more he listened to Salas's words.

"After the invasion, I watched as they created biomasses... Each Lyrx held a section of my planet and slowly ate away at it. Killing anyone they found, anything they saw... It was all a bloodsport to them, nothing more... Nothing less. Every monster that race held was just as bad as I am... Just as worse! They're the reason chose to do this, Astrid has his own horrid past just like me. Yet... You can't seem to understand that our plans only contain one thing.

"...What would that be."

"Revenge! Revenge for my race! For my people! Revenge for my homeworld!"

"You're mad!"

"No! I'm sane, I'm driven with sanity that I've plunged so deep into to realize that everything I'm doing is right! Everything we're doing will be the start of a new world! A new universe one where you Lyrx won't exist!"

"Your madness has driven you to the point of no return!!"

"You call it madness, but I call it retribution!!"

Suddenly the blood spikes holding Salas shatter into nothing but shards and he stands free from his weak prison once again.

"You've relit my vengeance Crimson... I hope you're ready for the consequences."

Salas's orange aura erupts around him as he's back to his serious self.

But then from behind someone wraps around him.

"We won't let you win this time!"

Salas turned his head to see Okara standing once again, his arms repaired like it never happened.

"Die!" Salas shouted as he ripped Okara's arms off his body and threw him into Crimson. Pushing them a distance away from Salas.

"Crimson... I think it's time we do the thing!"

"You mean the earrings?"

"Yes! Let's see what these bad boys can do!"

"You can bet on it!"

Crimson and Okara pulled out their Potara and placed it on their opposite ears. Once both earrings had been put on. They began to flash brightly. Before forcefully pulling Okara and Crimson together the moment their bodies touched. They quickly merged into one. A pillar of white light shined around them. As it encased them from Salas's view. Slowly the light faded and a new being appeared.

Red eyes, black puffy hair, black forearm gauntlets, A red belt around his half orange top, and baggy orange pants. Red wraps covered his shins, along with black martial arts shoes. With his Potara dangling from his ears, a new warrior was born.