Chapter 34-Astrid's True Intentions

"You see, simple destruction is beneath my true goals."

"If destroying the universe isn't you-."

"Come now! You think a deity such as myself would go to humane methods to do such a simple goal! My goals are greater than that!"

Okara grit his teeth listening to Astrid's words. Hoping Crimson would hurry back in time to help him with this situation. However little did he know, Crimson was shot off towards a nearby village. Crashlanding amongst black ground and dead trees, Digging up dirt and rock around his body. His body stinging from the attack and the crashlanding. That it took him a moment before he could move. While he laid in the ground the parasitic ground began parting from trying to avoid his touch.

"O-Ow... That bastard really knows how to hit hard when he's pissed off."

Crimson forces himself to stand up and survey the area.

"T-The hells going on here!"

Crimson saw the corruption caused by the biomass. Realizing the giant yellow and black hive tower in the center of it all.

"That's disgusting... Wait."

Crimson could feel the energy from the biomass. It was calling to him, crying for help.

"I-I can hear you... No, I can feel you, wait. Why can I-."

Then he remembered what Crisma had spoken of. A new variety of powers he has yet to explore. He can do so much more and now he's found a new one.

"I can feel your pain, you don't want this... You don't want any of this, and here I thought that every Lyrx wanted to destroy. Even Crisma pleaded for me to rescue you... Crisma. Where did you go."

Without a second thought and a deep breath Crimson walked forward. The parasitic dirt and rocks retreat in his footsteps.

Viens of black and yellow redact-like limbs. The rain washed the slight blood from his face and the bunched dirt from his hair and back. Thunder roars from time to time as he gets closer to the biomass. As he steps foot in the biomass a tendril lashes out at him and wraps around his left arm. Crimson jerks his head to look at it and grabs hold of it. Watching as it slowly disintegrated into nothing but ash.

"So that's why everything is avoiding me. I'm the only one who can truly destroy it."

Crimson brushes off the remains of the ash and steps closer into the center of the village aligning himself with the biomass.

"You're an ugly piece of work aren't you."

Suddenly tendrils shot from different angles and wrapped around each of Crimson's limbs. However, he didn't take his eyes off the biomass as he knew the ones that touch him turn... To ash.

"If I destroy you now, I can save the planet and heal the Topaz. The only thing that worries me is..."

In a flash, Crimson's eyes widened in shock as a strong attack was driven against his body sending him through one of the houses of the village.

Dark energy had been birthed from the biomass, one Crimson had never felt before. However a hint of familiarity formed from it as he pulled himself up from the wreckage. His body was in shock and his eyes shaking at the visual.

"There's no way... There's no way they did that to you! Cassa! I-Is that you?!"

It was indeed Cassa, however, her appearance was different. She had fangs, her eyes were bright yellow, her black hair a bleeding red as it reached the ground. Her fingernails turned into black claws that could lacerate at the slight slash. Then with a banshee-like roar, she leaps at Crimson.

Causing him to roll out of the way as she lands into the debris. As Crimson repositions he watches as Cassa stands with a piece of glass in his hand, she instantly ripped it out and Crimson watched as her wound vanished.

"Shit... This isn't good, this isn't good at all!"

Astrid continues along with his lines as he expects Okara to listen.

"You see ever since I realized the restraints to this role I have taken, all the consequences you must take if you break even one of them. Has opened my eyes, and realization has taken over! My plans from the very beginning have been there ever since I found him!"

Astrid looks down at Salas and smirks.

"I helped him kill my last God of Destruction because I saw something in him that suited me even more. His will to take back what is his! It was strong like mine, dare I say stronger! I craved the passion the raw talent he had to grow and be as strong as he wanted to be. So I tried him for millennia, pushing him through multiple tests to see if he truly was what I wanted! Every test, every step he exceeds them all! My expectations, my ideals! He's the very being I needed to take revenge on them for taking my beloved away from me!"

"Yet you treat him like nothing, but a weapon!"

"No... He's more than a weapon, soon when this goes how I need it to. He'll be nothing, but my vessel! My new body! He'll be... Me!"

"Y-You?! Do you plan on taking his body!"

"Of course! That's exactly what I've been planning! Salas will no longer exist! Salas will only be a mere thought! As I Astrid will take over his body and become a new being! I will become, the original Lyrx Kingslayer! I will become the one who took Calamity over the pure Kingslayer! The one true King! Astrala!"


"Astrala was known as the end of the beginning! He was the one who eradicated the entirety of the Lyrx race and left behind a bitter legacy upon them! So I have chosen to take that path and reclaim all that was destroyed! Making it my own and rebuilding what he destroyed! So Instead of the end of the beginning... I will be the beginning of the end!"

"T-That's insane! You can't just take over someone else's body for your own selfish purposes! No! I won't let you!"

"Come now why fret over something so trivial wouldn't you want to know something more like where your precious Cassandra is?"

Okara's eye twitched at Astrid's words. Then suddenly in a fit of rage and assumption Okara awakened into Legendary Super Saiyan unwillingly.

"W-What t-the hell did you do to her!"