It was when he got out of the Gun's house that he gave Angie the call. Listening to how Angie's hoarseness sounded, he promised to get to her as soon as he could. That morning he had left for Brooklyn to Gun's wife leaving Angie all alone. 

He didn't mean to but he needed to act fast. His men had waited for him throughout the entire night and he didn't want to keep them waiting so he had to leave Angie at home. Although he left her with his guards surrounding every nook and cranny of his house he knew she still wasn't safe. 

His men can't help her up from bed if truly she couldn't and it will be suffering for her. He used his left finger to rub off the worries on his forehead. If he didn't have to deal with cases like this, then it would have been great. Yet, what could he do? If he gave up on the case then, he should imagine his innocent father rooted in jail. He didn't want that to happen to the only parent he had left. 

Even though he and his father have had a lot of battles before, his father has been able to pacify him. Besides, it's not like he had fully forgiven him. He just couldn't neglect his father all because of his self-esteem. All he hoped was for Angie's safety till he got back from the three-hour journey.  

He texted one of his female guards at Orleans to help him check how Angie was doing. About thirty minutes later, a message popped on his phone and it was the guard he had texted. The message read that she was in her room with Freya chatting. The name Freya almost pissed him off. The brat that almost killed his relationship yesterday. If Angie wasn't as patient as she is then, a fight would have broken out. But the thought that someone was with her calmed him down and he was able to take a nap during his journey. 

Freya helped Angie take her bath and helped her out with her clothes. When Angie finished dressing, Freya went downstairs to prepare some meals for her and it pained her that Mathias wasn't the one doing those things for her after taking advantage of her. 

She wondered where he could have gone so early in the morning after their first night. The boy doesn't feel any remorse at all and he still behaves like the Mathias she had once loved. Notwithstanding, she loved him. He was the person she has been craving all her life so, why would she complain when she knew how busy he was? 

She checked her next swimming schedule and discovered she had missed a training yesterday which she had forgotten about. Her manager didn't even give her a scolding call. She looked through the chart on her phone and the next swimming contest for her was in three days. 

How was she going to cope? She hasn't even been into the water for the past two days after returning to Brooklyn whereas she could have practised a hundred times in a day if she was in Pennsylvania. But look at her, all pitiful. 

The door lobe was slightly turned and Freya came into view, striding her way in and closing behind the door with her right hand while the other one was carrying Angie's meals with a tray.

"I'm not going to eat much, you could have just prepared some little food." Angie taunted and sat comfortably on the bed, her head resting on its headboard.

"You don't eat much or because of_" Freya paused and laughed, "Because of yesterday." She finished off her words.

Angie didn't take her statement personally, instead, she blushed hard. She was starting to know more about Freya. Looking at the cute girl, she sure does know what she was doing and was good at teasing someone. "Maybe both," Angie answered so she could vibe with the tease.

Freya placed the tray on a small slab beside the bed and pulled the slab to face Angie so she could sit properly while eating on the bed. "I don't take both for an answer."

"Yeah, can I ask you a question?" Angie inquired trying to see if the girl was going to give her some information about herself. However, Freya was glad she did ask.

"I've been wanting you to raise a question about me but I was thinking you might want to take it gradually. I'm so delighted you asked as I expected."

Angie nodded her head between smiles, picked up the cup of tea Freya had prepared and sipped a little bit of it since it was hot. "How old are you?" Angie appealed her first question.

"Eighteen." Freya started without any hesitation. 

"Oh!" Angie mouthed and took a sip of her tea again. She swallowed the content in her mouth and jostled Freya to sit. "I know you didn't fairly meet with Mathias, can I know how you met?"

"At the club." Freya retorted. She was a straightforward person, so she didn't hide things from anyone.

"I see."

"He took me here to have sex with me and_"

"What?!" Angie exclaimed and the peanut butter she was holding fell from her hand. "What did you_"

"We did nothing."

Angie gasped for air. She was sure she didn't hear Freya very well. Mathias wanted to have sex with her? An eighteen-year-old girl? 

"I guess he remembered you and pulled away," Freya added with a smirk.

Angie who was now on top of the world stood up from the bed. It seemed she wasn't breathing well. What bothered her wasn't the fact that Mathias wanted to have sex but the fact that he was trying to sleep with a young girl.

"I choose to have sex myself, not him." Freya continued and Angie's gaze met with hers. 

"How long have you been having sex?" Angie asked, tiptoeing towards the window.

"Ten years with my cousin brothers," Freya mumbled this time since the incident was one of her first memories. "After that day, I became a sex freak. I could have sex with an old man."

Angie veered around to her ignoring the pain she felt between her legs. She cried out, "For fucking sake I'm twenty-six and I just broke my virginity last night which I regret ever happened with this pain I'm feeling right now!"

Freya began to laugh. She laughed so hard that tears began to drop from her eyes, "That's because you're too naive." She mocked, between her laughter. 

Angie stood still, her gaze fixed on the girl. Was Freya okay or had she gone crazy? Why was everyone just ridiculous to her?

Author's note: Thank you for reading. Kindly support my book with your votes and comments. Cheers!