Hidden Boss (2)

The raid team arrived at the entrance of the swamp, which had little players in it. The main reason there were few players here despite it being a hunting ground for level 15s, which is currently the average level, is because of the environment.

It should be common knowledge that swamps are one of the worst hunting grounds, the terrain makes it difficult to move in. On top of that, swamps are full of monsters which have adapted to the environment, making them extremely difficult to hunt. There are also many other hunting grounds that are much better, which makes swamps very unpopular. In fact, many players only come here to do quests, or gather materials exclusive to these swamps.

The team moved into a relatively secluded location, then formed a circle and Band explained the boss.

"Alright, the boss should be just over level 20, and it mainly focuses on using plant magic to attack using the hollow trees. The boss is a lizardman, which means physical attacks won't work well on it, so the DPS guys will purely focus on defending the mages against the plants. Hollow trees are not that hard to cut, but they are hollow on the inside. Whenever you strike the tree without cutting it, it will make a sound which paralyses everyone for 1 second. So, make sure to put everything into every strike."

Everyone was listening intently, they knew that strategy and teamwork is key to success in a raid. They were also all very excited about the rewards.

"The boss is also able to shoot wooden spears, so the tanks will take care of those. Mages will focus on firing spells of the fire attribute, since all lizardmen are weak to fire. Throughout the fight, also be aware that we could attract other enemies, so we have to adapt quickly. Understood?"


Band's team members yelled as if they were soldiers in an army responding to their general. Band smirked, it was time to raise some morale. Asada was concentrating hard, if he proves his skills this time, he might even be able to get a promotion in the guild.

'I'll make sure not a single person dies'

Asada thought confidently.

"Alright boys, let go and get our loot"


With that, they marched into the swamp with overwhelming confidence.

"We're approaching the wet section, drink your potions now."

Swamps were unpredictable, the pools of water could be extremely deep or extremely shallow. You could usually tell by the ecosystem surrounding it, but none of the members of the raid team were that experienced. They drank potions which allowed them to breathe underwater for thirty minutes. It had cost them quite a lot, but Band decided that it would be worth it. Better safe than sorry.

After walking for a while and encountering no monsters, the hollow trees became denser as the pools of water eventually disappeared. Soon, they arrived at a clearing surrounded by hollow trees.

"This should be where the boss is, everyone be on alert"

Band whispered to his fellow teammates, who all made their footsteps quieter and stopped talking amongst themselves. Asada equipped his shield and slowly marched forward along with the rest of the party.

"Humans? I don't remember inviting any guests"

Suddenly, a voice rang out in the clearing, and all of them found themselves to be paralysed.

'What? Did he lie to me? There's no way the boss is able to paralyse everyone with only his voice.'

A hollow tree seemed to come alive and started to glide across to them. Then everything made sense. The lizard man was using the hollow tree's paralysing ability while hiding inside of the tree, it didn't matter if he was paralysed since he could use the tree to move himself by his plant magic. He would strike the tree with its own branch, causing paralysis.

'Shit, we're so fucked'

"Mages, cast your fire spells just as we planned. Tanks, be sure to-"

"Silence, your insignificant voice is not needed"

The raid team was paralysed once again, Band was unable to relay the instructions, but everyone got the gist of it.

"State your reason for coming here, humans"

As soon as the paralysis ended, the mages casted their spells.

Flames of all shapes and sizes flew at the tree, and the tree was completely melted.

"Phew, I was worried there for a second"

"I know right? But he's a monster after all, he can't be that smart"

"Alright! Where are the rewards?"

"The only reward you shall be getting is death, foolish humans"

The raid team was paralysed for the fourth time, leaving them in confusion. The confusion was resolved when they saw the empty tree, they had been baited. Tree branches flew at them, penetrating the mages and killing them on the spot.

'Shit, we didn't have a chance from the start'

At this point, they knew they stood no chance. Their main firepower had been wiped out, and their opponent was more powerful and intelligent than them.

Asada was panicking.

'No, no this isn't how it's supposed to go!'

His teammates were getting struck by spears of wood one by one, without a chance to resist. Even worse than that, they were helpless, he was helpless. The paladin, the one who should be protecting the entire team, could only stare as the team falls. He had been standing at the back of the party, in case of any sneak attacks. There was another tank at the vanguard who had already perished.

'Sigh, just kill me, this raid was impossible from the start'

He closed his eyes, but he wasn't struck by a spear.

'Huh? Did he decide to spare me?'

"Well would you look at this, more foolish humans have arrived."

Asada opened his eyes, there were two figures approaching from the lizardman's right side, and it seemed to have forgotten about him.

'They're definitely going to die, I would warn them, but then no one would be able to escape'

Thinking this, Asada quietly sneaked away.

"Hey human, stop trying to flee, you can stay and watch the show before I end you"

But he was quickly caught and the branches trapped him, forcing him to watch the battle unfold. The two masked figures stared at him before returning their attention to the lizardman.

"Now, how should I kill y-"

"Shut up, dumb lizard"

'What? How can he move?'

An unbelievable scene was unfolding in front of Asada's eyes.