Breakthrough Quest (2)

"Yes, and only display the necessary stats"

After grinding duels in the colosseum for quite a while, Lennon had successfully made it into the numbers. It had taken a pretty long time, but mostly because of how many matches you had to win to get into the numbers. The fact that Lennon had won 102 matches in a row could only meant he had climbed to the leaderboard without losing a single match.

This was the same feat Tabsi had achieved the day before. Usually, even rankers lose a match or two due to having to get used to fighting players instead of monsters. There aren't many people who manage to climb to the leaderboard without losing a match, and if there is one, they are most certainly a high ranker.

The forums were in an uproar once again, the win streak of a leaderboard player is always public. There were not one, but two brand new leaderboard players on the leaderboard. One being at rank 78 while the other at rank 9. There were also several posts which showed recorded footage of duels against these players.

Someone had compiled a list of videos recorded by people who had fought either Tabsi or Lennon. There were several clips, but most of them featured either a player with a greatsword or with icy fists. But what attracted the most attention is the fact that they both wore white masks. It didn't take long for players to notice similarities between these clips and another famous clip.

- Hey! Aren't those people the ones from the lizardman fight?

- Yeah, that's what I was thinking, they both throw ice punches around and deal insane damage.

- But they were supposed to be NPCs?!

- Maybe the book dude was an NPC, and was helping the magician with the fight

- Then who's the new guy with the whip sword?

The conversations stretched on as players tried their best to identify Lennon and Tabsi. Some speculated that it was a small, hidden guild which consisted solely of elite players. Others thought NPCs somehow managed to glitch into the colosseum.

"Well, none of them will get it right"

Lennon was scrolling through the forum post with a smile on his face, it was funny and entertaining seeing the players make wild guesses.

'Tabs reached rank 9? She must've grinded her heart out'

Reaching rank 9 in just two days definitely isn't normal, and was pretty insane even for Tabsi. As expected, there were multiple guild scouts trying to recruit them. They were offering salaries of upwards of half a billion won a year. However, neither of them wanted to be tied down to a guild, even though they would like the money. There were even offers from the top ten guilds such as Gongsuo, Gorde and Royals.

But little did they know that Tabsi barely visits the forums, and would only go on it if Lennon sends her a link to a forum post which contained a new strategy or something.

The developers of a certain game were currently huddling around a screen as they usually did, watching live footage of the game being relayed to them.

Currently, they weren't watching a raid team attempting a boss fight, nor were they watching the the rank #1 player, Erynxx. They were watching a duel between two players in the colosseum. Well, it was more of a one-sided onslaught than a duel. It was between the rank nine and rank three players of the arena, and despite being ranked lower, the rank nine player was clearly winning.

"That's a Tisixa player right?"

"Well obviously, you can easily tell the difference in experience between the two."

"Rank three is getting pounded right now"

The rank three player in the arena, Anicha, was certainly getting destroyed. She was a high ranker and quite good at PVP. However, she's never been placed in a situation like this before. The player in front of her was continuously throwing punches at her and she had no choice but to go on the defensive.

In fact, she hasn't even been able to land a hit since the duel started. All she could do was pray her opponent would somehow mess up, but those chances seemed to be slim as she watched her HP being drained.

"That was a shame, I thought the rank three player would be able to put up more of a fight"

"Maybe the rank one player will have a chance"

"Well, there isn't a massive skill gap between rank one and three"

"Perhaps Erynxx could fight rank nine on even footing"

"Erynxx is more specialised towards monsters though"

The developers were leaving their comments on the match, and when they saw that the player Tabsi had won and logged off, they turned their attention to something else.

It was the next day, Tabsi had reached rank three in the colosseum while Lennon hadn't progressed at all. Lennon had already achieved his goal in the colosseum, and that was to become a number to get bonuses from the colosseum store.

But now, they were both doing separate quests. But not quests given by some NPC, quests given to them directly by the system. It was something every single player must experience when they hit level one hundred.

It has been two months since the release of Tisit. A couple high rankers had already surpassed level one hundred. When a player hits level one hundred, they go through what is called a breakthrough quest, which allows them to break through this level cap.

The quest also allows them to gain more class skills, and some might even advance to a better class depending on their performance.

These breakthrough quests require you to clear a dungeon the system specially creates to suit your class. Depending on how well you did, the rewards can either increase or lower. The rewards can be extremely handsome if the quest is completed well, and how well one is able to complete this quest can determine their future.