It's been a couple of hours after my shift ended and I told Lora what have happened to me for the last 24 hours.

We sat in the kitchen with a bottle of vine. Two bottles actually. I was still high from the orgasm I had but I decided to leave this story for some other time.

"Shit girl, it's so fucked up. And I don't know what's worse, the fact that he is your boss, the fact that you don't remember screwing him, or the fact that you missed a chance to screw Noah." she laughed filling her glass again.

"Tell me about it. You should have seen him only in sweatpants. I literally choked on my saliva" I mused.

"Are you going there again? I mean, you have to renew your lost memories. I bet his penis is as big as his ego."

I rolled my eyes at her stupid comment.

"No. He was different. Actually, I liked that Liam. He was…I don't know. Different. Normal. Charming at times. Total opposite of our shithead boss." I twirled the vine in the glass remembering his beautiful smile.

For fucks sake. Get a grip, Anna!

"Anyway. It's not an option. I don't want to make it more complicated. I need to show him somehow that I don't give a shit about what happened." I sipped some vine and tried to think of something.

"Then go out with Noah," Lora said casually like it wasn't a big thing.

"Are you out of your mind? I have no idea how to look into his eyes after what I did and you advise me to go out with him?" I asked angrily.

"No, I mean not go out like go out, I mean go out," she explained.

"Do you even understand what you just said?" this girl was so stupid.

"Just have some coffee with him, spend some time, take him to the annual party and Liam will piss off seeing you with Noah. Jeez… What's not to understand?" she rolled her eyes and finished her drink. "Noah is into you; I saw how he was looking at you."

"Noah wanted to fuck me. Don't mess it up with "going out""

"So what? Make him think you will give yourself to him. It's only for two weeks. Then you will ditch him." she moved to the sink to clean her glass. "Also, he may change his mind after knowing you better. So as you."

"You know I don't need anybody in my life…" I scoffed at her.

Lora just turned around leaning on the sink and looked at me.

"Babe, not every man is like your father. Stop making assumptions that every man will leave you. I know it must have been hard to live without dad but-"

"No, you don't know and I am not talking about it!" I stood up throwing my glass on the table and stormed out to my room.

I fell on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I've never told anybody how hurt I was about my dad. Lora knew just the tip of the iceberg. I hated all men till I was 18. I never dated or had any boys as friends. I felt sick just from the thought of betrayal.

It was 3 AM and already tomorrow I had classes. And I had to face Noah. Uggg. I put a pillow on my head and drifted off leaving all my choices for the morning.

I was late as always running down the corridors to my auditorium. This was my last year and I had to do my best to finish it on top of the class. I entered with the bell ring and sat at the far end not even acknowledging people near me.

I opened my textbook and started to write down the lecture when I suddenly froze.

"Are you avoiding me?" Noah whispered behind my shoulder.

It's been three days since the club and I really was avoiding him. He texted and called and even tried to catch me up in the corridor but I was quick as a gazelle to run away to hide from him.

I just didn't know what to do. I was debating between Lora's plan and my totally opposite plan to ignore him for the rest of my life. But of course, now I had to act cool.

"I'm busy," I grumbled at him not even moving a single muscle of my body.

"Come on Anna. I was waiting for you in the club. You stood me up and now you owe me." arrogance in his tone made me look back at him.

"OWE YOU?!" I whispered-screamed.

He smirked at me showing his brilliant smile and leaned back on his chair.

"Yes. You owe me. And the best thing you can do is to have coffee with me after classes." he played with a pen and looked at me like we were the only two in the whole room.

"I owe you nothing. And I don't drink with jerks who use drunk woman." I said proudly and turned around.

I heard some commotion near my back and then I felt a light touch on my hair.

"Who told you I would have used you? We never went that far." his baritone made my goosebumps awaken. Traitors. "I will wait for you after classes. Be a good girl and don't run away from me, little rabbit. I'm gonna catch you either way." he purred in my ear and tucked a strand of my hair behind it.

I heard him move away and then I heard the doors opening. Only then I realized I was holding my breath for God knows how long.

I still had two classes to decide on how to act but when time passed my empty head remained empty.

When I exited the campus I saw Noah leaning on his bike and talking to some boys. He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt that looked like a second skin on him. His brown hair was neatly combed and his eyes were hiding behind the shades. By the time I came close to him, I forgot how to talk not to mention what I decided. His looks could have killed any woman.

Act cool and go with the flow. Yes, that was my new plan.

"I'm glad you made the right choice" he smiled at me and stretched his hand motioning for me to climb on the bike.

"There's a coffee shop down the street. We can walk there." I pronounced and moved down the street not waiting for him. I saw with my peripheral vision he was trying to get the kees and put the helmet down as quickly as he could.

My inner child was dancing in my head when I heard him screaming "wait up!". I smirked and slowed my pace so the poor guy could have a chance to catch up with me.

"You are one strange girl," he said after a short sprint to me.

"That I am." I smiled sweetly and kept walking.

"So are you going to tell me where you disappeared that night at the club?" his question was obvious but I had no good answer for that.

"I felt sick and took a cab back home. Hope I didn't ruin your plans much." there. Nice answer.

"Oh, no. It's okay. I was just a little pissed because I had a thought that you might have gone with Liam." he said casually putting his hands in his pockets.

Shit! I forgot the part where we all crossed at the club and only now I remembered the tension that was between them. Were they friends? Or enemies? How am I going to process all of this now? Surely I still could listen to Lora but what consequences this stunt could have?

"Earth to Anna!" Noah said making me come back to life.

"Sorry, just thinking about studies." I lied quickly. "So, how do you know Liam? It looked like you know each other." I asked trying to sound casual.

"Sort of. He is my brother."