I was admiring my dress for the party smoothing the dark green-blue velvet textile. It was hugging me tightly to my knees and then went wide to the floor imitating a siren's tail with a split in the center. It was fluttering and shimmering when I walked. The top of the dress was made with a corset making my boobs pop out showing different shades of blue glitter smudged just under my collarbone.
Lora made my makeup and it looked extremely hot. My lips looked bigger and my eyes shone with confidence.
"Let's start now!" I heard Lora shouting and then I heard a popping sound of a bottle.
I trailed my fingers along my corset line and closed my eyes remembering how Noah touched me not so long ago.
Our unfinished business riled me up and I was now wet even after touching myself in any innocent ways.
Damn you, Lora!
I sighed loudly and went to take a glass of champagne.
"For the party!" she clicked her glass to mine and downed it in one go.
"Let's go. It is starting in 10 minutes." I shook my head smiling softly.
The main hall was decorated with candles and flowers. There was a big stage where some band was rehearsing and in the corner stood buffet tables. The atmosphere was astonishing.
It was still daylight outside but the venue looked like from some horror movie with dim lights, lots of candles, and a blinking light at some corners.
"This is so awesome!" Lora beamed standing beside me. "Okay, hunting time." she winked at me and disappeared from my sight mingling among people.
I looked around once more and strode to the bar to chat with some girls and have something strong and sweet for a start.
"Did you guys see Liam?" one of the girls asked. "He is so dreamy. The hottie is wearing a slick black suit and has horns on his head. I would definitely let him take me to hell and show me how it's done there." she said leaning closer so only we could hear her.
"I bet he has a full 6 pack under the shirt," another girl commented.
I smirked knowing all too well how Liam's pack looked. Shit. I would so lick him from top to bottom.
I shook my head returning back to my senses. It was my pulsating core, not my mind. I was just horny and remembering Liam's body I was just taken aback.
I ordered one more glass of alcohol and went mingling not wanting to hear how girls would eat and devour every part of my boss's body.
When I was passing the middle of the dance floor the lights on the stage turned on and the music was silenced. I looked up seeing Liam in all his glory moving on the stage with a mic.
I felt drool running down my throat seeing him move his body in the center. He smiled sexily and bowed his head a little. The devil had horns on him.
Yea, the devil wore devil horns.
"Gentlemen and my lovely ladies," he started and every pussy in the venue clenched from his deep husky voice. "I am happy to announce to you the beginning of our party." his voice was pouring like honey to my ears. I stood rooted to the spot observing his moves and every turn of his lips. Oh, those plump kissable lips.
I totally dozed off during his speech and returned back to my senses when I saw he looked right into my eyes.
His deep gaze penetrated me to the bones making the hair on my neck stand up. His eyes traveled along my body and I saw his Adam's apple bob.
I didn't hear the rest of the speech actually but at the end, I lifted my glass in the air like the others. His eyes were still on me when he took off from the stage. The music started playing and everyone started to dance.
"Shit, he was totally looking at me!" I heard Trisha's voice from behind me. "I am so having him tonight," she said confidently.
I turned around seeing her rearranging her dress making her boobs almost spill out. That girl was one of the "whorest" among all of us
"Chill girl, he was looking at everyone and no one in particular." I rolled my eyes at her.
"Oh, yea? Then why is he moving here with those predatory strides?" she asked nudging her head behind my back.
"Hello, ladies." I heard a voice and froze to the spot. I had no intention to turn around otherwise I would have to be scraped off from the floor.
"Mister Jones. You look so handsome" Trisha purred.
If only I could roll my eyes any louder.
"Oh please, call me Liam. There is no room for subordination tonight." I felt his breath fan on my naked shoulders.
Suddenly the song changed to a slow one and Trish moved right past me pushing me in the process.
"Liam, would you dance with me?" she asked with so much sex in her voice that it almost made me puke.
"Sure, Trisha. But I am not good at dancing." I heard some tension in his voice. Was he uncomfortable?
"Oh, I will teach you, Liam. And maybe later you can teach me some things." she tried to whisper the last sentence but I heard. I was supposed to be born on a planet Vulcan like the fucking Spock.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," I mumbled under my breath turning around and sprinting far from there but not before seeing Liam's smirk at me.
That fucker was playing on my nerves.
I spent almost the whole evening at the bar drinking. From time to time I saw Lora and danced with other girls all the while finding Liam looking intently at me with a glass in his hands. I never knew he was a drinker actually. We all thought he was this mystery sober-geek with a body of a Greek God.
I sighed and ended another glass. Putting it down on the counter I made my way to the beach. I was too drunk to drink and too sober to go to sleep. So I decided to breathe and then continue to drink.
It was dark and I marched a little from the villa to make the noise from the music lower.
I took off my heels and left them somewhere on the path thinking I will gather them on my way back.
I moved behind the big stone resting my butt on it and burying my toes in the sand.
"Finally…" I ducked my head back looking at the stars.
They were so bright and there were so many of them.
I took my phone from the clutch and scribbled a message for Noah asking if he was awake.
I was holding my phone in my hand waiting for an answer when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Care if I join?" Liam's voice startled me. I smelled alcohol in his breath and gulped.
"It's a free country," I said with a trembling voice.
He chuckled and moved in front of me. But despite my silent pleadings, he didn't sit down near me. He stood in front of me lazily and looked deeply into my eyes. He had a bottle of wine in his hands and his bowtie was hanging loose around his neck. Anyone could see he was quite drunk.
"You look…" he trailed off eating me up and down with his eyes. "You know what, I won't tell you," he said and turned to the ocean.
"What the hell was that?" I asked irritated at his sudden action. "How drunk are you?" I spat standing up and pushing his shoulders.
Liam turned abruptly and tugged my hand making me crash into his chest. He was so close to me, it was hard to concentrate the line of my thoughts that were circling around in my head like on marry-go-round.
"I am drunk enough to fuck you senseless here right now..." he hissed into my face. "I am drunk enough to suck the life out of your pussy until you cry out loud from the tension..." his words struck right through my head and went deep into my panties making me feel like I was drowning there. "But unfortunately I am drunk enough to not remember shit tomorrow," his last words he said brushing his lips on mine ever so lightly.
Well, wasn't that the best amount of drunk. I was so hammered myself and so egoistical that I let myself make that one-time stupid decision.
"Than fuck me, Liam," I said with a broken voice.
Liam's face turned hard for a second and he moved from me. He eyed me up and down again and then I saw that cocky smile.
"No, love. If you want me to fuck you, you will have to earn it this time," he said tilting his head.
"On your knees, now!" he barked crossing his hands on his chest.
And then I knew I would never be able to feel dry around that guy.