I stretched my body in the bed feeling more energetic than ever. A smile crept my face seeing a message from Noah on my phone.
"Have a nice day babe. I won't attend uni today so I will be thinking about you all day until we meet for dinner XOXO"
I rolled my eyes from his cheesiness and went to do my morning routine. It's been his habit to send me messages every morning and before bedtime. It kind of made me think that our chatting from before continued but at a much slower pace.
It was Wednesday and I had classes till late. My exams were about to start in three weeks so I took lesser shifts at work spending mostly all the time studying.
Liam didn't bother about it much. He wasn't in a good mood lately and he lashed out at girls a lot. I had no idea what was going on and honestly, I tried not to think about it.
It's been a while now after that night on the beach and I decided just to let it go and never visit that memory lane. As much as my heart sank every time I saw Liam at the office I knew better than to show that to him.
Noah was making me happy and that was my priority. He didn't push me and I took all the time I needed. We still haven't slept together although we had a few sleepovers at my place.
I got to meet his parents and they were such a cute couple. They made me feel like a part of their family inviting me every weekend to a barbeque.
I was about to enter the classroom when my phone bussed with a notification
"All the stuff should be at the office today at 7 PM."
I groaned thinking it will be another brainwash about our lack of professionalism or shit like that. That happened a lot lately. Unnecessary meeting and training that supposedly would higher our working level.
I texted Noah to reschedule our meeting for tomorrow and went to study.
After the exhausting day, I took some coffee and went to work. Lately, I started to write some stuff thinking it will help me to pour my emotions to better understand them. I became inspired by little things and started noticing stuff I have never seen before. I never paid attention to people I passed on the streets showing so many different emotions or how the asphalt smelled just after the rain.
I was so engrossed in work and getting my education that I totally closed myself to this world.
Lora said that it was all because I started to fall for Noah but honestly I just think that I opened my eyes wider and allowed myself to live.
I stood at the pavement looking at a little boy helping his grandmother to pick some flowers. This moment seemed so casual and that smile on the granny's face was so warm and sincere.
I was so mesmerized by the scene that I didn't see that big truck that was cleaning the road and screamed bloody murder when it passed me soaking me from head to toe.
What were they adding to that water? The soapy substance made me nauseous. My coffee was ruined and my clothes were ruined. Thank God I was almost at work.
I ran inside the office passing the security guy who tried not to choke on his laugh seeing my miserable form. I shoot him a deadly glare and ran straight to the bathroom.
I sighed loudly understanding that in no way I could clean myself. If all this would dry on me, it could make my clothes look crisp.
I pocked my head into the hall. It was still early for the meeting and I couldn't be more thankful. I tip-toed to Rosie hoping she would help me. Because of her age, she always had some shirt or jacket or a cozy sweater to keep her warm in the office.
When I reached her desk she wasn't there but I saw a sweater lying on the chair. I knew it was wrong to just take it but I honestly had no other choice.
I looked around and snatched the sweater turning around quickly but got startled with a hand on my shoulder.
"I don't tolerate stealing in my office," Liam said with a mocking tone in his voice.
"Shit!" I turned around seeing his smug face while he was eyeing me up and down. "Why do you have to scare me all the time?" I shoot daggers at him.
"What the hell happened to you?" his smile never left his face.
"Water-truck happened to me," I snorted. "Do you mind? I need to go and change." I turned to leave when he again stopped me.
"Come," he put his hand on my shoulder again turning me around.
"Where?" I narrowed my eyes not totally understanding his doings.
"I have a bathroom with a shower in my office. You can clean yourself there."
"You have a bathroom in your office?" I asked shocked.
"I often work late," he rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.
I just narrowed my eyes more looking at him.
"No funny business, don't worry," he put his hands in the air.
"Fine," I rolled my eyes and went to his office.
I was surprised to see a nice bathroom with a big shower and ceiling-to-floor mirror there. I quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned myself. It was so hard to concentrate my mind when I had to use the gel that smelled like him. I couldn't stop myself from recalling the time I woke up next to him. His peaceful sleeping face and even breathing.
Shit! I had to run from here as quickly as I could. I exited the shower covering myself with a big black fluffy towel. I looked around and saw I bag in a sink. Was he here while I was in the shower? Fucking creep!
I looked inside the bag only to find there my clothes that I left at his house. He kept them. A warm feeling spread my body.
I exited the bathroom seeing Liam typing something on his computer.
"Thank you," I said quietly and made my run the hell out of there.
"Sit," his command stopped me and I cursed under my breath.
I was this close to running away.
I sat on the chair uncomfortably and looked at still busy Liam.
"I can come later if you're busy," I said and pushed my hands on the chair to stand up.
"I said sit," his stern voice made me slump back on my ass.
He pushed the last button on his computer and a piece of paper came from the printer.
He looked at the paper and then passed it on the table turning it to me.
"What's this?" I asked confused.
Was he going to fire me?
"You are the new Team Lid for group B. Sing this and that will be all," he said not looking at me and went back to typing things.
I sat there shocked looking at the paper. I couldn't understand his motives. Was it because I slept with him? Or was it the way to make me indebted to him? What was that?
"Before your head explodes from all the questions you have in mind I will answer you. I needed a new Team Lead. You work long enough to be capable of taking charge of the group. So stop looking like a deer in front of the car lights, sign the paper and you can go," he said not even sparing me a look.
I scribbled my signature and passed the paper back to him looking intently. Something was sure disturbing him. Something was wrong. But I had no right to ask him. I just stood up thanked him again and went to the meeting.
No matter what was that, now I was a Team Lead. No more chatting with perverts.
I smiled to myself and sent a message to Lora telling her that we were celebrating tonight. For a moment I thought about my constant drinking lately but who cared? I was about to graduate and I was promoted.
After the meeting, I went to the bar and ended up drinking with Lora.
I didn't remember much when I woke up in the morning from the worst headache I had. I rubbed my temple and threw my hands to the sides.
"I will never drink again..." I groaned trying to find my phone on the nightstand with my eyes still closed.
"I think that's a great idea," I heard a voice.
"Oh for fucks sake! You gotta be kidding me!" I screamed opening my eyes.