I stood in front of Noah's house trying to call him but all my calls went to voicemail. I didn't want to go inside because it could be so awkward. I just needed to talk to him and clear everything out.
"Shit," I cursed at my phone seeing one more call going to voicemail.
"That's the way to speak with your boyfriend's parents." the deep husky voice beamed behind my back.
I turned around abruptly and almost fell into Liam's chest. He steadied me with his hands and gave me his famous smirk. Oh, I could just melt into it. I stood there looking at his beautiful features. His hair was combed in a different way and it made his eyes look even bigger. His full lips were twitching in a small smile making butterflies in my stomach go crazy.
"Are you done drooling on me?" Liam woke me up from my fantasy.
Shit! Was I looking at him for that long?
"Liam…" I started but at the same second I felt two hands on my waist and I froze not even turning around.
I saw Liam's face go dark and his beautiful green eyes extinguished. I could feel my blood boil from all the anger but I took a deep breath and composed myself.
"Excuse me," Liam hissed and stormed inside the house.
"I missed you so much," Noah breathed in my ear.
I turned around quickly and stepped from his hold.
"Noah, we need to talk." I started but he just cut me off.
"Not now, babe. I have a surprise for you. let's go inside, my parents are waiting." he tugged my hand but I dug my heels to the ground stopping him.
"Noah, we really need to talk and I don't think- HEYY!" I squealed when Noah took me in his hands bridal style and made long strides inside the house. "Noah, no! We need to talk!" I yelled but he was deaf.
"Baby, you can yell at me later. They are waiting." he finished his words when we were already inside.
It's okay. I will just eat with them and then take Noah for a walk and tell him everything, I tried to convince myself.
"Anna, darling! We are so happy to see you!" Noah's mother came to me hugging me tightly.
She sat me down right next to Noah and of course Liam had to sit in the opposite chair burning holes in me.
That was the most awkward dinner ever. I was silent all the time and kept my head low not wanting any extra attention.
Shit started to happen when we had dessert.
"So, I have some exciting news for you guys," Noah said cheerfully.
Everyone stopped doing what they were and looked at him. He grabbed my hand smiling happily.
"As Liam is leaving the city and I will be the next in charge in Sweet Talk I decided that it is time for one more step." he beamed.
I nearly dropped my cup of tea hearing Liam was leaving. I splashed some on my top and started to clean it with my hands awkwardly.
"Oh, don't bother, babe. I will show you to the bathroom in my room and give you one of my t-shirts. But now I want you all to congratulate us." he looked among all of us. "We are moving together!" he stated loudly.
My eyes went wide and I stopped breathing. I looked around seeing shocked faces and stopped my gaze on Liam. I never felt this shitty in my whole life. All the pain he felt was shown in his eyes. He shook his head as telling me how disappointing I was for him and stormed out leaving only the sound of his fallen chair in the room.
"That's some news you got here, son," Mr. Willis said.
"Excuse me, can you show me to the bathroom Noah?" I asked with a breaking voice.
It was too awkward to sit there.
Noah showed me the way to his room and gave me his t-shirt running back to his parents.
I leaned on the sink looking at my reflection. I shouldn't let it go that far. It was all my fault the only man I wanted to be with was in pain right now.
"Just get it over with!" I commanded myself in the mirror and stormed out.
I was determined to take Noah outside and break up with him but first I had to call a taxi and as my phone was downstairs I decided to use Noah's laptop.
It was on so sat on the chair and was about to do my stuff when I saw the logo of Sweet Talk and curiosity took the best of me.
I launched the app and what I saw made my blood boil. He was logged in as "Master_of_the_bed". I scrolled through his dialogues and accounts but there was no sign of Succubus. With shaky hands, I entered his administrative account and looked for Succubus in the system. When I was about to open the profile Noah entered the bedroom.
"Babe, what takes you-" he stopped in his track seeing what I was doing.
I took a deep breath I closed the laptop and stood up.
"Anna, I can explain…" he trailed off looking horrified.
I closed my eyes remembering Noah exiting Liam's office. He looked up my account and figured out how to make me believe he was Succubus.
"Anna, please just-" he moved closer to me but I was quick to slap him hard in the face.
"My name is Devina and don't you ever dare to come close to me!" I roared and stormed out.
My head was pounding and I needed fresh air. I couldn't believe all this time he was playing me.
I ran outside and saw Mr. Willis taping on his phone.
"Is everything okay, darling?" he asked clearly seeing I wasn't in a good place that moment.
"I'm fine, Mr. Willis. Can you please tell me where Liam went?" I asked desperately.
"Darling he took off. His flight is in half an hour," he answered with a confused look.
"No! No! No!" I clutched my hair in my hands making my scalp burn. "Where is he going?" I asked all the while I was running out of their lawn.
"New York!" I heard a scream back and ran for my dear life to catch a cab.
On the way to the airport, I was dialing Liam like crazy but he didn't pick up. Of course, he wouldn't. He was angry at me.
"God damn it! Pick up your fucking phone!" I roared hitting the call button for the tenth time.
I recalled all the times I saw women running to the airports to catch their loved ones and let me tell you it's not fun at all!
I was in a damn agony.
"Will you hurry?" I snapped at the poor driver clutching the phone in my hand harder.
"N-new York…What…What terminal?" I breathed out to the woman trying to calm myself down from the sprint I made there.
"This plane you can see is the last one for today." she smiled sweetly pointing her finger at the plane in the air that was vanishing in the thin air.
I slumped on my ass burying my face in my hands. I did it. I screwed up. And this time I screwed up big.
Liam left without even knowing how much I wanted to tell him that I loved him…