Not In The Moodᕙ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )ᕗ

"If Damita doesn't fly the window and kick the guards' asses, she tiptoes into the kitchen and adds unknown sedatives to the dishes. Your Majesty, are you expecting this kind of girl to get married to Prince Jacon, the son of the overseer?" Queen Dana asked the king as everyone in the dinner hall enjoyed their dinner.

The king seemed to be lost in thoughts but he kept biting and chewing his food slowly, he did not know what to say because truthfully, he was tired of the princess's attitude. If it wasn't her, it was what she did, if it wasn't what she did, it was what she said. Everything was too much for him to handle he had never seen an issue that would disturb him as much as this daughter of his did. He could have left her in the city but still, what he did was the right thing. He could not just leave the girl he had never been deemed to see let more of taking care of her.

The king stared at his daughter and she gave out a nervous smile in response, "Princess, is that true?"

"Your Majesty, do not say you have no idea of what this child has been doing without your knowledge?" Queen Dana chirped in.

Damita glared at the queen and then at her daughter who was sitting opposite her mother, "Your Majesty if you can reconsider you would know that I am not befitting to be a queen. Isn't it?" She questioned as she gave a little smile to Queen Dana who nodded rashly but Damita continued, "because, I'm too good for that piece of rat, can you imagine the look on his face when I told him to try alcohol? He almost spat it on me. He is just too naive."

Immediately she said that Queen Dana's daughter, Crystal laughed in response. Her palm struck hard on her chest as she tried to calm herself down. "Your Majesty, it is purely understandable that my beloved sister does not wish to concede to the arranged marriage with Prince Jacon, but as your biological..." She hesitated, and took a glance at Damita as if to tell her that the word she just stated had something against Damita, "...daughter, I can take her position. I do have everything it takes to be a queen and I am very sure that it would go right, just as planned."

Thinking the matter did not concern her anymore, Damita stood up and walked out of the dining hall not forgetting the chicken she was eating, the king kept calling her but she refused. "Do not make any bastard shorten your life span, my husband. You have a well-behaved daughter already, I do not think you need one from the city to break down our traditions. If it's not Princess Crystal, my beloved daughter, do you think it's Damita? Weigh your options, Your Majesty "

"Yes, father. Princess Damita is worse than you could ever think of, I do not even understand why you would choose her instead of me," Crystal groaned the last few words and straightened her spoon.

The king sighed before staring at his second daughter, "She is older. And apart from Prince Jacon choosing her himself, there had been some agreement between Prince Jacon"s father and me before she was even born."

"But your Majesty, she wasn't born here. She was born in the city and she is destined to live there. As you can see, father, she, herself doesn't like the idea."

"Crystal, do not forget it's our custom to let the elder get married before the younger." The king's voice was cold. He was tired of the rubbish talk. He stood up abruptly and walked away while the two guards that were standing behind him followed also.


When Damita exited the dining hall, she headed straight to where she had been hearing awkward noises from. Her eyes widened as she saw Prince Jacon and his guards coming down from the chariots.

"Old stuff! Who uses chariots when there are cars arrgh!" She muttered and faced back, planning to get inside before the prince spots her. "jeez! He is too clingy. We are not even married, not like we will, of course."

"Princess!" She heard his voice after she had already entered the king's hall. She hissed and kept heading to her chamber. She did not have the time for unnecessary talks.

Before she almost reached her chamber, a guard stood in front of her, trying to stop her from running further. "Tsk! This is a violation of Liberty!" She dramatically looked at the guard's face. No guards even dared to stop her before but who was this? "Are you blind, huh? Do I need to tell you that I don't want to see that piece of rat?!"

"Your highness, there he is. Just behind you." The guard uttered before walking away.

Hearing that, Damita's eyes widened, even wider than her previous ones, she slowly turned back to meet the prince's cute smile. "Hey there! It's so late in the night, why don't you go back into that chariot and head here tomorrow morning." She yawned, "I am so sleepy!"

"Your highness, I would spend the night here. It is better to know each other before the marriage," the prince retorted.

Damita stared at the prince from head to toe, wondering what to do. When her eyes caught his waist, somewhere below, she hesitated before looking back into his eyes. She walked closer to him, her hands nearing those hidden balls, "You need a squeeze in there right?"

The prince was awestruck but he found it hard to believe how bold one could be, every single action of hers made him fall even more. "Not right here."

Yeah, not right here. Damita stared at the guards that were behind him before sighing and whispering to him, "I was so in the mood...just get lost."

She smiled nervously, pretending to act fine she turned, her back facing the prince and her feet heading to her chamber. When she heard his footsteps she stopped, "Do not even get in here."

"I won't without your approval."

"I am not done!" She almost shouted. Do not get in here, I doubt your balls would be able to..." She cooled down, "satisfy me. Then, what's the point of getting married?" When she was done talking, she opened her chamber and slammed the door so hard that the prince almost thought the building would collapse.

After she had entered, the prince smiled foolishly and paused. "I could have said something better!"