30cm Distance⟵(o_O)

"With heavy balls," she completed. She frowned at him, expecting him to say something about her remark but he didn't. He didn't even flinch and he just kept her gaze on her which made her slightly uneasy. "What? Why that stare?" She questioned. "I am asking you a question you are to respect me and follow my commands, why are you still staring at me? Exit this room... I mean chamber right now!"

Before she could say anything again out of annoyance she saw his lips part, then she waited for whatever he wanted to say. "Your father has given full permission over you. I have the right to discipline you, so, not heeding my words would earn you cruel punishment."

"What?" She blinked her eyes, trying to be sure if she heard well, if ears could have lashes, she would have blinked those ear lashes literally. "What do you mean?"

"You heard me."

"So are you telling me you would give me, the only Damita a punishment? An ordinary bodyguard?" She sighed as she swayed the strand of her red straight hair to the back dramatically, "I need to talk to His Majesty, arrgh! This is unbelievable!" She walked past him in annoyance but before she could pass through the entrance, he had already held her arm and swung her backwards in a flash so that she was facing him.

At that moment, she felt as if something strange had abducted her and she was about to be swept up by the wind. The way he swayed her made her face almost hit him, she adjusted to the back, shocked by how everything happened before staring at her wrist and squeezing herself out of his hold. "Princess, you do not walk out of me, " he paused and then stared at her naked abdomen, "nake..."

Before he could complete it, Damita used that opportunity to land him a hot resounding slap. "Do you think I am a robot you can control with the snap of your finger?" She heavied out the breath she did not know that she had been holding before she proceeded, "I don't need an ethic master nor a bodyguard. Do you know what happened to the previous bodyguards? I almost killed them and they ran, what is the essence of a bodyguard If I can beat one? Besides, do not touch me!"

"I never knew this is who I am dealing with." She heard him say. There was a little smirk on his face that made her heart skip double times at a second. His smirk made him look more attractive in some odd and cold way. She did not even know if her description of him made sense. He raised his hand and Damita watched as his fingers grazed somewhere around her forehead. He took a strand of her hair and dropped it behind her ear, "It is not ethical to attack that way," he said, trying to comment on the slap he had received.

Damita was expecting him to be annoyed but he wasn't even for a single second. She just looked dazed. She was staring at him and as those words came out slowly from his lips. "This is not a counterattack, but when it's, you should..." He took her hand and covered it with his as if teaching her how to clench her fist, "extend a blow or an elbow, that is if you have a strong elbow."

Seeing how he talked nonsense, she removed her hand from his and frowned at him, "Do not touch me. Keep 30cm distance from me, understood?"

Immediately she said her word, she heard the sound of books falling and she looked at the entrance to see Priscilla.

She wondered why she took so long.

The bodyguard's face turned to where he heard the noise only to see a fragile lady in a maid gown picking up fallen books. His eyes looked through the covers and then to the maid's face.

Priscilla's eyes widened and she bent to take the scattered books on the floor, "I am very sorry for disturbing you, my Princess." She nervously smiled as she turned her back and planned where she was coming from before she heard the princess' voice.

"No, come back. Mr. Uhm... Uhm my new bodyguard is on his way out," she said, stylishly sending him away.

He just bowed a little and walked out of the room. Seeing that he was gone, Priscilla immediately ran inside and locked the door, "My princess... did you just call him your bodyguard?"


"He... He is your bodyguard?"

Tired of answering her question, she looked at the books that were with her and motioned for her to drop them anyway.

Priscilla dropped the books on the bed and walked to the princess, "Is...did he ...has he been your secret bodyguard?"

"Drop that, Priscilla. I told you, he is my Bodyguard. I'm much surprised as you are. I did not think father would not grow tired of appointing a bodyguard to me."

"No." Priscilla shook her head, "Do... Do you know who he is?"

"Who?" Damita's eyes were looking through the window now. She had caught something that snagged her attention.

"That man over there? Did he see you like this?" Her eyes further widened, trying to get the moment straight into her head.

"I'm stressed, don't push me to the extreme, Priscilla," Damita warned and the maid gulped.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." Priscilla wasn't delayed at all, she had been hiding behind the half-opened door and hearing their conversation until one of the annoying butlers passed and she dropped the books.

"I'm not offended. Now, tell me about dragons."