Prologue 1-3 (Anti).

A bustling town; people everywhere.

Some are buying produce at the market, other people are selling said produce.

Some are leisurely walking, others are rushing from place to place.

Some, alone. Some, opposite of that, together with others.

Most of the said people have cheerfulness to them, a lot of them true, a few, not. Only a pretense to keep up face.

Homeless people are few in this town, but the few that are seen groveling on the ground for a shred of empathy from the happy people, are unfortunately ignored. Thus their days' efforts are effortlessly shut down by the ignorant cruelty of those above them.

Wherever one would set their gaze upon, that's the scene they would see. Day in, day out. Not much changes in this specific town.

And in this very town, right now, walks a lone figure, the stretched-out shadow reflects on the ground making it seem imposingly huge. But in truth, the figure is of average stature, neither short nor tall enough to warrant any unwelcome looks from those around them.

The figure is a female, on the young side, a pure, pale, beautiful, and well-proportioned face sits on her long and slender neck which itself is attached to a lean, yet shapely body. The beautiful face owns itself a pair of big and clear heterochromatic eyes. One of them is pale blue, the second one is of a darker tone, violet.

Her hair is curly, reaching down to her shoulders. Two prominent colors occupy said hair, half of it, the top, golden as the shining Sun shining above. The other half, the bottom part, is blue like the clear Sky surrounding the Sun.

However, if one were to look closer, they'd see one streak of hair flowing down towards the back of the head, its color? Ashen, silver, just like the Moon, that follows the Sun's demise when it is time for it to leave.

The people in front of her gaze at her beauty in pleasant shock, but once she passes, they continue going on about their day with the thoughts of seeing some noble lady that takes care of herself, only a few eyes stay for longer than they should with fewer kind intentions.

As the girl walks unperturbed by people's eyes, she sees it, finally sees it, her target, her reward for the day, her primary goal until another shows itself.

She stops in place and then looks around, spotting an accessory shop nearby, she goes inside. And quickly picks up a mask at random, and goes to the counter to buy it. Normally she wouldn't mind chatting with the clerk or somebody else for that matter. But this time she shuts down the clerk's attempt at small talk with a small open bag of gold coins which got smacked right on the counter. While the clerk is staring greedily at the open bag, the girl leaves the shop while putting on the mask to hide her face. The clerk's brain, overwhelmed by the riches in front of him, has already forgotten any of the details of the girl's appearance as if nobody was inside his shop, to begin with.

The woman moves towards her target. She walks up to a big building and stops in front of it. One would figure that her target would be somebody inside. But no, her target is the building itself.

Her eyes lazily gaze at the sign to the side.

'Get yourself an official slave, best slaves all around the continent, right here inside the Exquisite Exotic Emporium!'

The girl's lazy gaze turns dark with disgust for a moment, before going back to how it used to be.

She extends her arm, her palm openly pointing towards the entrance and she starts to focus as she closes her eyes.

While she's doing that, the people walking near her and around her throw a quick and funny look. All they think is that this young girl is trying to practice her magic, maybe let out a small fireball, squirt out a drop of water or grow a root out of the ground, or something along those lines.

But soon there's a loud and preceding noise. And it gets louder and louder. The earth also seems to shake, but that's more of a butterfly effect of the mind than reality. Causing the people to stop moving and look around, most of the eyes then travel to the young girl again, only now do they notice a mask covering her face.

So they crane their heads in the direction that the girl is looking only for them to gasp in shock as they see the slave shop building crumbling in on itself, little by little, and then finally split in two horizontally.

The top half then quickly lifts up as the girl pulls her arm up. Revealing the 'goods' of the shop.

Elves, goblins, orcs, mermaids and merbutlers, demihumans with different kinds of fur, tails, and ears, demons, and many other races all chained up, some in cages, some out in the open for display. All so different from one another, but unfortunately all share one thing in common and that is a metal bracelet strapped to their upper arm indicating that they are slaves yet to be bought, with the added bonus of their magic being locked away if they have any, to begin with.

The inhumanely locked away people of different races all look malnourished, sad, pitiful, and more or less dead inside, a few still look 'lively' but that's only because they got here not long ago, so the liveliness hasn't been beaten out of them yet by the sick bastards and their tactics.

There are also the 'trainers', the seller and the buyers inside... Well outside now, since only the bottom part of the building remains instilled in the ground.

The people around the girl, the people on the building's floor, and the lamented souls of the different races, those who can actually register what's happening, all of them look in dazed shock at what just happened.

But their shock is about to increase with the girl's next actions.

The girl rotates her palm sideways and the next moment all of the slave bracelets come off of the poor souls' arms.

Of course, the bracelet is laid with multiple spells, one of them being safeguarded from forceful removal. Which are Grade One fire and ice magic combined.

In a half a meter radius, the area will first cool down and freeze everything inside it and then quickly defrost as the fire catches everything that was first cooled off, ending with an explosion, it's a sure way to kill somebody as 99% of populace wouldn't be fast enough to use magic to protect themselves if they tried to get rid of it themselves.

And just as the multitude of bracelets went off, they got surrounded in a heavy circle of magic, not affecting anything... Yet.

The girl raises all of the magically set-off bracelets high up in the air so that it's barely visible to the naked eye.

And finally, after the girl did that, the bodyguards, a.k.a the trainers snapped out of their daze and started acting. They themselves extended their arms and started casting their own spells.

A bunch of fire, water, wind, ice, and even some earth magical particles started to appear around their arms.

Normally when one casts magic, they draw it from their respective source. And most elements aren't stingy in that regard. As long as the Sun is shining, magicians that use flame magic, just gather heat around them to cast it. Water is more or less the same, as they use vapor particles if there is no immediate water source around. Wind, the air around everybody, but coincidentally it uses it without the oxygen part, so nobody can just turn off breathing for their enemies, that's not to say that experienced wind magicians can't overload a person with Nitrogen though.

Obviously, earth as a resource is everywhere, just bend down and grab some ground, and there you go, you have earth particles inside your hand. But what sets it apart from any other particle? Is one simple fact. The Earth is stingy, as people don't cherish it enough, barely anybody can wield earth as a magic resource.

Some of the less knowledgeable magicians curse the earth for that fact, magic scientists' explanation for it be damned.

Every elemental particle, be it light, flame, earth, etc, makes visible particles float around the caster's arm while they are preparing to use spells. The more particles, the more powerful the spell, and the more powerful the spell, the more skilled the caster. So when the townspeople saw the girl extending her arm, they all thought she would use magic or at least try to, as there were no visible particles around her arm, they had thought that no magic will be cast, that or a tiny, tiny wisp of an element would show up.

But they were wrong and none of them understood what was going on, the girl is seemingly casting such high-grade magic, yet no visible indicator is shown to what element she's controlling. Of course, even the least experienced magicians can figure that it's not one of the basic elements, as no flame or water would be able to do what they see.

It might be earth or wind, as there's some resemblance there, but most likely it's one of the rarer mage forms or just a combination of other elements.

But anyway, back to the event at hand.

The guards release their magic all at once toward the assailant, which creates a big cloud of smoke as the elements mix in. It takes several seconds for the dust cloud to vanish and as it does, the eyes of the trainers snap wide open and their grins stop, all because the girl didn't retain any injury, none of the attacks hit her, it's as if there were no attacks launched in the first place.

So the few more of the guards, the ones that are more hard-headed, launch another attack, only for the same thing to happen, well almost the same, this time the dust cloud was barely noticeable, thus allowing everybody, trainer and non-trainer to see what actually happened.

They all witnessed the same and only thing, however, they couldn't believe their eyes. The girl's body seemingly bounced all of the spells off of her and once they got past the young body of the girl, the magic just dissipated.

Only the keenest people around this event could determine why the magic disappeared, the girl was protecting the civilians from any accidental damage from the residual remains of magic. And everybody else that can't understand is left none the wiser.

The girl doesn't pay much of her attention to the trainers attacking her, instead, she looks past them to the vaults that keep the gold coins.

Her eyes get darker for a moment. Every single coin that is inside it, was used as a payment for a purchase of a slave, for a live or close-to-death person, it makes her sick to her very core.

So with another twist of her wrist, the vault quickly breaks apart, all of the gold coins spilling out, she uses her magic to start floating the vault and the coins upwards towards the exploding fire mess in the sky.

She also didn't spare the sick customers in the emporium right now and took all of their gold coins by separating anything that isn't just clothing from their bodies, so even jewelry wasn't spared. Of course, she got some shouts, gasps, and displeased voices. Some of the haughtier customers started to shout at the guards to do something.

But the girl paid no attention to it, as she finally threw all the accumulated riches into the flames. And kept them inside it, without letting any of the coins or the flames escape with a simple force field.

The trainers being screamed at by the customers and their own boss, see that magic doesn't work on this girl for whatever reason, take it into their own hands, literally.

They rush to the girl to try and punch her and beat her physically, but just like magic, their punches just miss, bouncing off of her body, which makes them lose their footing and fall to the ground.

They keep at it for a bit, but they get no results, so they all look toward the boss with confused and scared faces. Confused because they have no idea what to do and scared because they don't want to get punished for it.

While the boss and his hired trainers have a silent and poorly timed eye-gazing battle in the middle of all this.

The girl has moved on to another part of her goal. Destroying a building and their treasury wasn't enough, she's here to steal... Take back all of the locked-up people. So they could enjoy the most beautiful thing in the world. Freedom.

The girl directs her arm toward the slaves and with that starts using her magic on the people. Soon enough they start rising off the floor, but unlike the rubble of the building, the coins of the emporium, the people rise slowly, she has to be more careful with people, after all, they are already stressed and have all of these negative emotions swirling inside them, that any sudden moves could agitate them.

But the problem with them rising slowly is that the boss of the emporium who saw his merchandise about to escape got enraged and stepped up to three slaves, grabbed them by their necks, and extended his other arm towards them, collecting flame particles and then turning around his head to face the girl.

"Let the merchandise go!" The Boss shouts, attracting the girl's attention "Or I kill these three"

The calm eyes of the girl meet with the angered and deranged eyes of the real monster. But the girl quickly looks at the three slaves oppressed by him, then the next moment she completely looks away and resumes trying to float them up.

The man's eyes cringe and his face morphs into a sour lemon as he feels the three he's holding onto slowly rising. His hold tightens and becomes harsher, that one of the slaves meekly lets out "P-please"

It was so quiet that even the customers and guards near the man didn't hear it.

The only ones that heard it was the Boss and the Girl, which got noticed by the Boss because the girl froze up and stopped rising the slaves once the slave let out the word.

So the boss's annoyed look changed into a smirk instead and he shouted to his men.

"Grab the other 'ilth, now!"

It took only a second for the trainers to do so, and they copied their boss as they started collecting particles for spells.

"Hahaha! You better walk away now, or these worthless things die" He haughtily bellows out at the girl. If the girl didn't wear the mask and hid her face, he could see her expression and if he did, he wouldn't be celebrating.

The girl slowly raises her second arm and extends it out to point it the same way as her other one.

The boss's eye twitches and he while laughing calls out to the girl "Nice bluff there, ya 'ucker almost scared me. But two-handed magic is way above you, only the oldest mages who spent years to train up their experience can succeed in it, yet you're just a 'ledgling, sure you surprised me today by being moderately powerful, but don't get conceited, you stupid girl"

But his words fall flat on deaf ears as the girl stares in his general direction.

He tsks loudly and then orders "'ine, men release your spells on these 'ilths, I'd rather see them dead than let them get away because of this little girl"

"Yes sir!" The trainers shout affirmatively and do just that, without a shred of sympathy or hesitation... They are about to end the lives of dozens of people just because a middle-aged bastard ordered them to. It disgusts the girl that witnesses it all, disgusts her so much that she can barely restrain herself from just ending these miserable fools, but she has promised herself and her special person to not stoop to their level.

The conscious and not dazed slaves scream in fright and try to struggle for the first time since being released from their bracelets. It took a lot of time for them to fully realize their situation, it was like it was just a dream to them, to be rescued by a young girl right in the middle of the day, not to mention all of the destruction caused by the girl. So one after another they started to struggle, attack their previous trainers, punch, kick, bite, whatever it takes them to get away, as they feel that they have a chance to escape.

While the trainers and the boss get mauled by the slaves, they finally release their pent-up magic at them.

All of the slaves freeze up as that happens, their hearts beating fast, eyes closed, not wanting to die. They hear screams of pain all around each other. However, after several excruciatingly long seconds, they open their eyes, to find themselves untouched and uninjured. They blink in surprise, only for that surprise to deepen as they find the victims of the pained screams, it was the trainers and the boss.

All of them are writhing on the floor in pain and bleeding. Only they and the customers that were inside were left unharmed.

The girl might not be evil enough to take someone's life herself, but she surely isn't kind enough to protect them from their own magic-cast residual particles. She did, however, stop them from getting to the customers, she believes that some of them might get scared and somewhat traumatized from today's event and never again step foot in the slave trade business. No matter how little chance of that happening actually exists.

The girl seeing that the slaves have become somewhat lively speeds up the process of flying them away. With focus she quickly lifts them up into the air, some of them letting out surprised gasps as they quickly ascend into the air.

And after that, the young girl twirls both of her palms and they start flying to an unknown location. And she stands there for a good minute or two, while nobody even dares to come near her, she does however hear the magic jailers coming. She needs a few more seconds before she can release her hold on her magic because the now escaped people are almost at the place.

"Hey! You there! On your knees and surrender, or we will be forced to beat you down!" The scariest-looking magic jailer shouts at the girl, seemingly to be the captain of this particular squad.

The girl however doesn't listen and just as the jailers start channeling their own magic after surrounding her, the girl quickly lets one hand down and the accumulated smoke from the stopped explosions above, dashes to the ground, creating a smokescreen, quite a warm one too, as there was fire all around it not long ago.

The jailers shout at each other to stop and not shoot or do anything so as to not injure one another.

But when the smoke disappears, the girl has vanished.

"Damn it! Not again!" The captain of the jailers shouts as he slams his hat to the ground "Search everywhere, search! Don't let her escape! If you don't find her, don't even think of coming back to the job, you pathetic whelps!"

His men listen to the orders and run off to look everywhere.

However, no matter how far or how meticulously they look, they find nothing and come back to the captain empty-handed.

"Sir, she's gone" One of the higher leveled jailers says to the captain.

The captain squeezes the hat that he picked up and grits his teeth.

"When I find you, oh trust me, Anti, I will put you in a cell for a long time, you'd wish you never messed with me"

"Anti? Sir?" The same one asks confused at the captain's rumblings.

The captain rolls his eyes and just points lazily to the side, the man and the others look to where their captain pointed, only to see a few sentences written out in the debris from the building.

'Slavery bad, slavery gold bad, stop, I not ~ Anti'

And an 'Oh' is the only thing to come out of the jailer's mouth.