Final Evolution Before The Journey Started

Aspertia City Auction House

600,000 For This High Grade Stone.....Going Once....Going Twice....Sold to the Bidder from Room 6!

'Excellent Kirlia can evolve now' thought Richard, the bidder whom won such a quality stone for a reasonable price considering the stone's rarity.

Richard, this Rich Young Master also loaded up on TM's prior to hearing about this Dawn Stones Appearance at this Mid-March Auction in his hometown of Aspertia City which is situated in the far Southwestern part of the Unova Region.

He spent 170,000 on five TMs for his Kirlia's Evolution. These Moves are Ice, Thunder and Fire Punch for 25,000 each, Low Sweep for 25,000 and Drain Punch for 70,000. Quite Expensive for the average trainer though it is just a drop in the bucket for our protagonist.

As the Auction went by nothing else interested Richard even though there were several interesting items and pokemon up for bid, such as a Gold Talent Aron and some Evolution Items such as a Deep Sea Scale, Prism Scale and a Magmarizer. Nothing that could be used on either of Richard's Pokemon.

After the Auction was over Richard went back to his family home, which was one of the grandest estates in the entire City. The exterior of the home was reminiscent of an Aristocratic English Manor from Earth. The home was situated on 30,000 square feet of space, it had a nice large garden in front of the Manor, a Lake in the back for water type Pokemon and a regulation Gym Battlefield in the back part of the house.

While the interior of the home was adorned with luxurious modern style furnishings. There were plenty of unused rooms in the Manor, as the only people who currently live there are Richard, his two Pokemon and the Family Butler Simon.

You might be wondering where is his family? Richard is the only child of an only child so his direct family is fairly small. His Grandfather is out traveling the world exploring and enjoying life while his Parents are busy with the Rutherford Family Corporation and rarely come home for the last few years.

That's it, his family is a total of five people, including the Butler Simon as he has served the Rutherford Family for over four decades. Richard truly sees Simon as a second grandfather.

-The Next Day-

"Kirlia come out" Richard said as he tossed out his Pokeball.

After a quick ray of light shot out of the ball, a Bipedal Humanoid Pokemon showed up in front of Richard. Kirlia is mainly white with green hair and all Kirlias male or female appear with slender arms, legs and wearing a ballerina like dress.

Using telepathy Kirlia asked "Brother, is it time?".

To which Richard replied "Yeah, it's time to evolve. You can hand me that Everstone back and take this Dawn Stone".

Richard exchanged stones with Kirlia as he started to absorb the Dawn Stone. It took a minute before a blue light shrouded Kirlia and he started the change and grow bigger. Kirlia continued to absorb the stone til it turned to dust after a few minutes. The light dimmed and a Gallade appeared where Kirlia once stood looking majestic at 5'03"(1.6m).

Gallade is a white, Bipedal Pokemon.

It has rounded hips, strong legs and arms shaped like tonfas with extendable blades. It has sharp red horns on its thin green chest and back. Its head resembles a gladiator helmet with a teal head crest, red eyes and a white face.

It's dual typing Psychic/Fighting renders it weak to Flying, Ghost and Fairy. So Richard's Starter being a Gallade can come in handy in a multitude of situations.

Richard came close to his new Gallade and gave him a fist bump while saying "Good Job Brother, I am happy that you got stronger."

To which his Gallade responded "Thanks".

"Did you get any new moves?" Richard asked.

"Slash, Psycho Cut and Swords Dance" Gallade responded.

"That's wonderful" Richard said with a smile he was truly happy Gallade learned three new moves.

"Gallade, I got five new TMs for you to learn and then train at your own pace as we will not be leaving the Manor for another two weeks til league starts." Richard quickly added handing the TMs to Gallade for him to absorb. To which Gallade promptly absorbed.

Richard got a good look at his Gallade with his Appraisal Skill:


Type: Psychic/Fighting

Level: 38 (Upper Class Intermediate)

Ability: Telepathy

Talent: Diamond

Moves: Teleport(M), Double Team(M), Magical Leaf(A), Psychic(A), Heal Pulse(A), Calm Mind(A), Future Sight, Slash, Swords Dance, Psycho Cut

Innate: Confuse Ray(M), Disable(M)

TM: Reflect, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Low Sweep, Drain Punch

Richard's Gallade is truly a gem for a young trainer to start their journey with. Why is it a Gem? well that answer lies in the fact that Gallade's Talent is Diamond Grade which is comparable to most Royal Pokemon that are given out to the top graduates from Unova's Elite Trainer Academy and the fact that it has Mastered four moves and has another four moves at the Advanced Rank.

There are five Talent Grades a Pokemon can have Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum. What do these different grades mean exactly?

Well a Bronze Pokemon levels and learns moves at a slower pace compared to a Silver Grade. Also Bronze Grade Pokemon do not learn Eggs moves and have a slightly more limited move pool. Silver Pokemon have a slightly better movepool but still no egg moves.

Despite Bronze Grade being the weakest grade, a Bronze Grade Pokemon can reach the Advanced Rank (40-59) through a few years of continuous hardwork if trained well.

Bronze and Silver Grade Pokemon comprise a majority(80%) of Pokemon found in the wild. Also these Talent Grades make up a majority of starters for the trainers from middle class and lower families as the cost of training is really high.

Gold Grade Pokemon can be found in the wild(approximately 15%) as well as labs. Gold Grade Pokemon have access to one egg move and a near complete movepool. These Pokemon can easily reach the Advanced Level (40-59) with slight effort.

Diamond Grade Pokemon are usually found in labs, though approximately 4% can be found in the wild. At this grade Pokemon can have an easier time reaching the Elite Level (60-79), access to a complete movepool and two egg moves. All Lab raised Royal Pokemon are at this talent level.

Platinum Grade Pokemon are reserved for Pseudo Legendaries and Legendary Pokemon. At this talent grade they can easily reach Champion Rank (80-99) with little effort. 1% of Royal Pokemon raised in labs can be found at this talent level.

Richard is really glad he got a Ralts from his Grandfather as his first Pokemon instead of one of the Royal Pokemon from Juniper's Lab due to the fact that it is only weak to one Main Gym in the Region which is the Flying Type Gym in Mistralton City.

Not that he didn't like Snivy, Oshawott or Tepig as a starter choices he couldn't get one because he wasn't ranked in the top 6 during the regional exam ranking so he wasn't able to get one. He ranked 8th for his year and instead of getting a Unovan Pokemon from the Lab he chose to have his Grandfather procure the Ralts during his Hoenn travels as that was one of the main pokemon Richard wanted on his main team.
