WebNovelZero Soul24.84%


"W-what did you say? S-so all this time the mysterious mist was created by someone?"

"Yeah, but, I don't really know the details either."

"Hahaha..." Luke laughed because he heard all the words said by Nia, if it's true that what happened in this world was caused by a greedy vampire then, it seems Luke is starting to find a bright spot for every question that is in him at this time.

"Looks like I have to find the person responsible for what's happening in this world."

"You'd better give up your intentions." Luke who heard Nia's words was surprised. Why did the girl even tell Luke to give up finding the vampire who was responsible for all of this?

"The vampire is no longer in this world." That's what Nia said.

"Is that so… Damn, I thought we could find some light and it looks like we're still blind to everything."

"Maybe you can go to vampire territory."

"Going to vampire territory?"