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No Longer Humans Part II

"Don't try to use your powers in this place, Alice." Said the figure of the black robed person who saw Alice who was about to change her fighting style.

"If I use it I can finish them all off." Alice replied to the figure of the black robed person.

"We don't need your powers at this time in a place like this." Said the figure of a person wearing a black robe while facing the humans who no longer have control over themselves.

"Fine, if that's your order." Alice replied, changing her fighting style again as before.

  The black robed figure also realized that the two of them would not be able to stop the humans who had lost their identity from this place. If they all got out of this long abandoned hospital then, there would be panic throughout this city. Of course, that would cause a lot of casualties in this city and in the worst case scenario, this city would become a nest for those creatures.