Chapter 45: The Occamy Hatching (Edited)

Instead of being moved by the presence of the little wizards in the library first thing in the morning, Mrs. Pince didn't have the strange feeling of "Ah, these children are trying hard," she had the strange feeling of "You students are here to damage my books again!"

Mrs. Pince loved books, but in her eyes, a book was best kept in perfect condition, and anyone who turned it over did the most damage to it, which is why she doesn't like little wizards.

After being questioned by Mrs. Pince, Tom and Hermione finally entered the library, where they first went to find some books about magical animals and then sat down in an inconspicuous corner.

"Breeding Magical Animals", "Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them", "Oviparous Magical Beasts: From Hatching to Burial" Hermione was a bit puzzled, what are you doing with all these books? The only book that seemed reliable to her was "Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them." Hermione looked at the list of books with the words "breeding" and "hatching" and pondered.

Suddenly, a flash of light crossed her mind and she deduced something extraordinary.

"Are you going to find a way to hatch the silver egg you got in Diagon Alley?" Hermione said quietly as she looked at Tom.

Tom confirmed her idea, "And I have two vials of a magic potion to aid hatching, now I have to figure out how to use it..."

Hermione was instantly intrigued and began to quickly flip through the books Tom had pulled off the shelf, trying to read between the lines to find some clue about "facilitating the hatching of oviparous magical creatures."

"...medieval wizards would put fire dragon eggs in a bonfire because the mother dragon would breathe on them when they hatch their own eggs...this doesn't seem to work, because I don't see anything in the book "Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them" that says the Occamy is heat resistant."

"Look at this, the ancient Roman priests would mix volcanic ash collected from the wild with water and apply it to the hatching eggs, saying it would bring together the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind, which would make it easier for the eggs to hatch." Tom pointed to a sentence in the book for Hermione to analyze.

"So maybe the magic potion was to be rubbed on Occamy's egg? Wait a minute! I have the original text here: prepare two copies of the magic potion, and rub it on the eggs at the time of the alternating sun and moon, to complete the hatching." Hermione found the answer in "The Fantastic Beasts of Oviposition."

"The alternation of the sun and moon? Isn't it morning and dusk?" Tom frowned, he was going to try tonight. After finding the answer he needed, the two stopped thinking about the book and decided what to do.

After their afternoon flying lesson, Tom and Hermione found a deserted classroom and waited quietly for dusk to come.

Tom watched the sun fade into the sky, and immediately pulled out the bottle of red potion, uncorked it, and took a look inside. The potion was very sticky, and it looked like the water inside had evaporated from being left too long.

"Will this magic potion expire after it's been left for too long...?" Tom looked a little vain, while Hermione took out the book and read it carefully a few times, shaking her head, the original text said nothing about the shelf life of the magic potion.

Tom thought, 'They can't reward me with expired magic potions for a decent system, can they?' The egg had been in his possession for three months and hadn't reacted at all, so if he waited any longer it would probably hatch dead, so he had to use the potion, which he didn't know when it had been made.

Tom dripped the potion onto Occamy's egg, which inexplicably felt like rice porridge on an egg. When the whole bottle was poured, the potion was absorbed into the egg, the egg hadn't changed much in appearance, but it was warm to the touch and seemed to have a heartbeat.

"I will get up early in the morning, still in this classroom, to hatch Occamy's egg thoroughly." Tom picked up Occamy's egg and left the classroom with Hermione. But instead of going straight back to the Common Room, he found an excuse to separate from Hermione: he had to pick up two other mission prizes.

One of them was hidden in the Room of Requirement. Tom was impressed, why was the system putting all the rewards in the Room of Requirement?

What was the point of doing a quest?

But when he was guided to the quest reward, he was deterred by the fact that it was a mediocre ink bottle. There were 800 vials of this type of ink, if not a thousand, in the Room of Requirement, and he'll be damned if he can find it without any guidance!

This ink bottle will enhance the five-star pen you drew, which needs no ink, and it's super simple to dip the pen into the ink. Tom followed the instructions on the system, dipping the pen into the bottle, and something magical happened: the ink was absorbed by the pen as quickly as a sponge absorbs water. The black ink was absorbed along the grain of the pen, and finally the ink in the bottle was absorbed and the whole pen was dyed with ink, which was better than the white it had been, and the pen also feels a little strange.

But soon the ink vanished like a tidal wave and the pen was white again, back to its plain and unimpressive appearance.

Tom picked it up and saw that the system notes had changed [Pen (Five Star - Refined II): a pen that could write without ink, correcting the user's grammatical errors].

"This will work!" Tom's eyes lit up, the pen was great, his current problem was that he was too colloquial in his answers and made a lot of grammatical errors. Sometimes he would write sentences like, "The question says that the answer will be faster if the firepower is increased. The pen will automatically change it to read: The question says that the reaction can only be accelerated by increasing the firepower.

This was very convenient, and Tom needed it.

Finally, the hidden reward was hidden not in the Room of Requirement, but in a hallway on the seventh floor of Hogwarts castle. The system did not specify where it is, but tells Tom to look for anomalies in the hallway. Tom looked twice in the hallway, sensed something was wrong, and upon closer inspection saw something different: a European-style suit of armor, topped with an Oriental-style helmet!

Tom tried to grab the helmet, but when he reached out, he stopped, and it took a second before the system popped up with an update [Dungeon Mission: Realm War unlocked, touch the helmet to enter the dungeon].

"Damn!". Tom was scared, if he hadn't stopped, he would be in the dungeon now! Tom thought this wasn't the right time, he needed to prepare to enter the dungeon, and if he was going to enter, didn't he at least need to know what the rewards would be?

The night passed in silence.

The next day, Tom and Hermione arrived at the classroom before sunrise. The journey was safe, as the warden, Filch, also had to sleep, he could patrol at midnight, but never in the wee hours of the morning.