Chapter 69: Tom's Rewards (Edited)

"Come on, let's have a fair one-on-one duel!" Quirrell's eyes shone brightly: he finally got rid of that annoying vicious dog.

"You're next, Minerva McGonagall!" Quirrell said, pointing at Professor McGonagall.

"You bastard!" Professor McGonagall felt a burst of anger, she had guessed the identity of the three-headed dog, though she didn't know how she had done it, but now he had been killed by Quirrell!

The two fought fiercely, spells bounced off each other, filling the ground with bumps.

But neither of them noticed that the rightmost head of the three-headed dog on the ground blinked, while a blue light shone from the mouth of the middle dog.


An Occamy appeared out of nowhere, quickly turning around Quirrell's calf, then wrapped around his entire body, flinging Quirrell into the air in one fluid motion, and in less than a second, Professor McGonagall seized the opportunity.


Her spell struck Quirrell in the chest, splitting him wide open, exposing his red heart to the air, which was beating wildly.

Despite the severe wound, Quirrell did not die immediately, but was incapacitated. He slowly fell backwards, and Professor McGonagall did not continue attacking, because she saw, and Quirrell saw, that a huge shadow, covering Quirrell's body, a giant dog covered in blood, opened its bloody jaws on Quirrell, showing its white dagger-like teeth.

Quirrell's head was completely engulfed by the bloody maw, and then....


Tom thought he heard a roar of anguish and rage, and then a cloud of smoke billowed past, with a distorted human face looming in the cloud. But soon, the cloud disappeared and all was calm again.

[Mission: End the Evil!]

[Reward: Monthly Card x 1]

[Giveaway: "Evil Spirits and Confused Souls" is open for a limited time]

[Title: Demon Dog (equipping the title increases pain tolerance)]

[Monthly card: For the next month, you will receive an additional 90 magic stones for logging in every day]

[UP pool info, dear travelers, the "Evil Spirits and Confused Souls" event raffle is now open, "Evil Spirits and Confused Souls - Quirrell (Wind)" probability UP!]]

[During the event, travelers can obtain more skills and treasures to improve their power]

[Draw time]

[Start: After completing the quest "End Evil"]


[During this event, the chance to obtain the limited 5-star character "Evil Spirit - Quirrell (Wind) in the raffles will be increased!"]]

[During the event, the chance of obtaining the Unforgivable Curse will be greatly increased!!!]

[*Limited characters will not be entered into the "Travel the World" resident raffle]

[For more information on the raffle, click on the [Details] button located in the lower left corner of the raffle screen.]

But Tom didn't linger here, he looked at Professor McGonagall, their eyes met and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so Tom ran off, like a husky that was caught making a mistake.

Professor McGonagall held out a hand, but finally swallowed her words: never mind, let's not break the ice.

The potion was still in effect. Tom crossed the flames and then transformed back into his human form in the room where the potions had been placed. The moment he did so, he nearly fainted from the pain: his left shoulder caved in and his bones were fractured, while his right shoulder suddenly suffered a penetrating wound.

At the same time, he had many wounds of various sizes on his body. He endured the pain and pulled out a teapot from under the table, and then opening his mouth, a blue light flashed, and the Occamy was back in the teapot.

He hadn't felt it during the battle, but now that he had come to his senses, there was no part of his body that didn't hurt. To ease the pain, he switched to the title "Demonic Dog" and it had some effect, reducing the pain a bit.

After some aftercare, Tom leaned back on the table and began to close his eyes.

At the same time, he opened the system panel, clicked on [Draw], and then chose all ten in a row.

To Tom's surprise, there was a blue glow mixed with gold.

Ten consecutive draws!

Tom was so excited he almost jumped.

The three colored shooting stars crossed the system screen and Tom clicked on them one by one.

Blue, blue, gold!

A man wrapped in a large turban appeared in front of Tom.

Tom: (ΩДΩ)!

Ten in a row and he got the new character directly!

Is this how times change? Tom is excited.

But Tom clearly didn't see what was coming, as he continued to hit a streamer, and then two more hoods appeared in quick succession on the ninth and tenth shots.

Tom: "!!!!"

A flurry of ten consecutive draws, and out come three Professor Quirrell....

Tom looked at his 9+ Black Magic talent and pondered: he seemed to understand something.

So he made ten more consecutive draws, but this time the odds were much more normal, all nine blue and one purple.

"After a little luck, one will fall to ruin." Tom remembered the words the card draw players warned the younger generation, and he had a bad feeling in his gut that something bad might happen if he kept making draws. So he abandoned the idea of drawing any more cards.

But the three Quirrell professors also gave Tom a very rich reward.

In general, with the exception of a few characters, a five-star can add a bit of talent, distributed according to the characteristics of the five-star character. Professor Trelawney, for example, has no skills other than Divination, so she only offers the Divination talent.

Quirrell's spells were excellent, and under Voldemort's tutelage, dark magic was even better. So Tom gained a spell casting talent and two black magic talent points, which naturally translates to [Black Magic Level 0 (0/100)] in the Theory of Knowledge column and a skill.

[Avada Kedavra Level 0 (0/100)]

Tom looked at this spell and shook his head. Unforgivable spells may seem powerful, but there are certain conditions that must be met for them to be truly lethal. And relying too much on dark magic, which could warp your soul, should be used with caution.

Besides, Tom's level 0 Avada Kedavra spell could only cause at most a nosebleed.

Tom opened his eyes and saw scattered points of light floating in front of him, Tom reached out and made contact with them, and suddenly fragmented memories came to Tom's mind: memories of Quirrell.

He saw in these fragments how Voldemort had taught Quirrell to use the Unforgivable Curse, and he also saw some advice on how to use dark magic....

Tom had acquired some knowledge of dark magic.

At that moment, Professor McGonagall also crossed the fire wall and entered the room. She did not mention the three-headed dog or the Occamy, but took Tom straight to the school hospital.