Chapter 117: Time-Turner (Edited)

Tom wanted to take the parchment straight to his pocket, but the Slytherin insisted that he open it first.

Tom opened the parchment and found the words "How to make a time-turner" written in Latin.

Tom was slightly disappointed, not because time-turners weren't tempting, but because the Ministry of Magic had a cupboard full of them. He might even apply for one next year, or borrow Hermione's if he couldn't.

"What's wrong?" asked Slytherin as he saw Tom's disappointment.

"It's okay, after all the method of making a time-turner is lost, but the Ministry of Magic, I mean, the Wizarding Council, still has a cupboard full of them, so I'm not really looking forward to making one."

"How can that be!" The Slytherin dummy was a little beside himself, "I've spent my whole life making these things in my original body, but the Magic Council crap can make a closet full of them?".

Tom: "???"

So he introduced the Ministry of Magic's Time-Turner to the Slytherin dummy.

"How can you call it a time-turner when you can only travel steadily five hours backwards in time?" Slytherin turned scornful when he heard that the Ministry of Magic's time-turners were dangerous when they went too far back in time. "I'm afraid these so-called time-turners were probably remodeled from the faulty products left behind by Slytherin!"

It was then that Tom realized that the scroll the dummy had given him was the complete method for making a time-turner, the only one of its kind in the magical world.

"If there is nothing else, you may go now." The dummy didn't want to talk anymore, he was ready to dismiss his guest.

"One more question, is Merlin one of your students?" Tom asked.

"Silly question! How could Merlin be my pupil? I have a fool named Mryddin among my pupils."

Seeing the Slytherin's impatience, Tom also left the chamber. He got the answer from the Slytherin himself: there was no pupil named Merlin in Slytherin, and the rumors that Merlin was from Slytherin house were dispelled.

The strongly Welsh-influenced name Mryddin bore some resemblance to Merlin, probably because parents who admired Merlin had named their children after him, just as some parents would have named their children after famous people.

Tom walked down the stairs, this time without proof, as if he were walking down a normal staircase. Tom approached the large silver door, which created a suction that sucked him in and spit him out.

The moment he came out,

[Mission: Travel the World]

[Goal: Explore the magical world]

[Slytherin Chamber unlocked]

[Stage 5]

[Progress: 1/16]

"So this is what is judged to be the Slytherin Chamber." Tom looked at the silver door thoughtfully. He had been a bit surprised that the "Travel the World" mission had not been activated upon entering the Chamber of Secrets, but it seemed that the Chamber of Secrets activation point had been placed behind the door by default.

[Five Star Alchemical Creation: Plane of Time-Turner]

That's what Tom just got.

Tom looked around and found Hermione leaning against the wall with her knees in her arms, looking sleepy, but immediately lifted her head when she heard the sound and looked towards the door.

"Thank goodness! You're finally out!" Hermione was relieved to see that Tom was safe and sound, "Can you stop taking an adventure like that next time? the wait was so torturous!"

"There won't be a next time," Tom stretched his arms and helped Hermione, whose legs were numb, after squatting for too long, "How long have I been inside?"

"A couple of hours, I don't remember exactly. Well, what have you got?" asked Hermione.

Tom handed the Slytherin scroll directly to Hermione.

"There's a puppet and a test that Slytherin left. I passed the test and got this scroll."

At Tom's words, Hermione's hand stopped, "I'd rather not read it then, after all, it is your reward."

Tom waved his hand dismissively, "You have to see it, your role in this adventure is very important. It's a safety fuse. Only when you're behind it can I dare to go in and venture out."

Hearing Tom's words, Hermione smiled sheepishly, "I didn't really do anything, I was just sitting dazed outside..."

"Come on, don't be polite between us, open it, maybe you'll help me do it in the future!"

Hermione then opened the scroll and watched as the time-turner was made with Tom. But the scroll didn't start with how to make a time-turner; it repeatedly stressed the need to be wary of time, and devoted a good deal of space to examples of people who had played with it and ended up dead.

"Time is a forbidden domain! Be careful what you tread upon." These are the opening words, and then the text.

"To make the time-turner, you need the Sands of Time and the sacred substance from Fairy Castle in the 'other world'..." Hermione read, "Fairy Castle? It's a familiar word, but what is the Sands of Time? Oh, it says below, we may have to go to Egypt, the Sands of Time are a specialty of the temple of the Egyptian God Thoth."

"As for what the Fairy Castle is, we'll look that up later." Hermione looked at the parchment and carefully rolled it up.

So Tom was willing to share the parchment with Hermione, not to mention affection, but mobility alone made her a great assistant.

But Tom was in no hurry to leave, he remembered he had a carving of a silver snake in his hand.

He pressed it against the door of the room opposite, and it quickly melted, and when he spat it out, the snake's eyes had turned red.

Tom looked into the snake's eyes and a text came to his mind.

[5 Star Acquired Skill: Basilisk Eyes]

[Level 0]

[Progress: (0/100)]

[Skill requires a piece of the basilisk brain stone to be used.]

Tom took a look at the dead body of the basilisk, which he could use to his advantage. He approached the basilisk and reached inside its head and, after a while, found a cherry-sized bead.

[Basilisk brainstone +1]

Looking at the various traces of blood on the bead, Tom still couldn't take it on the spot, after Hermione on the side used some clean water and cleaned it, he was able to muster up the courage to put this thing in his mouth. At least after washing it, the brain stone is still beautiful, like an agate bead.

Tom swallowed the basilisk brain stone whole, feeling nothing but a cool sensation sliding down his throat to his stomach, as if he had actually swallowed a stone.

He looked at Hermione, "Come on, it's time, let's go back to the Common Room."

"Your eyes!" Hermione suddenly exclaimed, and Tom felt a distinct strange sensation in his right eye, so he couldn't help but cover his eye.