Chapter 139: The Lockhart Artist (Edited)

"Professor Dumbledore, you're revealing yourself!" Severus Snape was fuming at this point, as he slammed hard on Dumbledore's desk.

"There's definitely something wrong with that Gilderoy Lockhart!" said Snape in a tone of absolute certainty, "He even knows Occlumency!"

"And so do you!"

"It's not the same thing!" Snape grew increasingly annoyed by Dumbledore's relaxed attitude.

"Legilimency can't solve all problems once and for all." Dumbledore said calmly, "I think our Professor Lockhart is a true Ravenclaw."

"A true Ravenclaw," Snape said, a smirk on his lips, "After all these years, you and I know all four founders! You don't really think the legendary 'Raven Claws' is a know-it-all who likes to hang out in libraries, do you?"

"Raven Claws, metaphorically speaking, is a greedy predator. Only it's not wealth that Lady Ravenclaw covets, it's knowledge. If you have the knowledge that Lady Ravenclaw wants, then you should be careful.

Dumbledore smiled, "The entire Hogwarts library is open to this raven, and there is enough knowledge in it for him to plunder for the rest of his life. "

Dumbledore didn't worry about Lockhart at school, even if he had done something out of the ordinary.

"He also taught the students the Killing Curse" Snape recalled another of Lockhart's "crimes", "Professor Dumbledore, we must act now, and send him where he belongs! "

"Where should he be?"


Dumbledore smiled happily, "Well, Severus, don't overthink it, getting the students to see the Killing Curse and teaching them the Killing Curse are two different things!"

Finally, Snape came out of Dumbledore's office in long strides.

He decided to keep a close eye on Lockhart, the suspicious Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, just as he had done with Quirrell last year. Snape was also a bit depressed: the last two years of Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers had not been pleasant, so he hoped that next year's would be a bit more reliable.

Snape no longer intended to tangle with Dumbledore on the subject of Lockhart, he still had more important things to do today: the reworking of the Death Eater potion had reached a very critical stage, and would require a great deal of effort on his part.

The process had gone as well as it had the first time he had done it over the summer, and everything had gone just as Damocles had written on his paper, but the further he progressed, the more anxious Snape became.

This was because Snape's first experiment with aconite had inexplicably failed over the summer. It was the third time he had brewed a wolfsbane potion, and having failed twice already, Snape didn't want to do it again.

He had been thinking about why, but it had taken him a while to find the root of the problem. Snape had a hunch that he was a little closer to success, and if he could figure out the key, he would be the first master potion maker in the magical world to successfully duplicate the wolfsbane potion.

Without looking back, he headed for the basement. He had done his duty anyway, Dumbledore knew who Lockhart was and it was none of his business what Dumbledore did next with Lockhart.

Tom sneezed, "Who's talking about me?" he muttered, suddenly confused.

He wondered, if it was true that someone sneezing behind someone's back made that person sneeze, had he sneezed because someone was talking about Tom or someone was talking about Lockhart?

But he quickly put that ridiculous idea out of his head and, instead of being confused by it, tried to learn the spell Voldemort had cast on his name. The effect of the spell was terrifying, as the utterance of the word "Voldemort" would cause a disturbance that would allow the Death Eaters to locate him, and then the Death Eaters would come to the scene of the incident, capture and eliminate the target.

The spell is quite powerful, but there are some loopholes: can the spell tell if it is the voice of a real person? Wouldn't it be a waste of Death Eater power for the rebels to have a bunch of tape recorders playing the word Voldemort at a distance? And by extension, could people use the stage to fight Death Eaters?

Learn to fight! Wizards in the British magical community are still not experienced enough in combat.

Tom was lost in thought.

At that moment, his puppet [Sister] was partially finished.

Sister]'s core had been securely armored by armor, and the small cylinder that resonated with the core had been encased in a shell that looked like a handle. The handle was divided into two parts, the left half was a joystick that controlled the direction of [Sister]'s travel, the right half was three interlocking rings, each with seven compartments, and the circle enclosed in the ring was divided into four equal parts.

Tom divided the spells on [Sister]'s body into seven main areas: hands, legs, torso, head, and armor. The seven compartments in the first circle correspond to these seven areas. Next, Tom divided the spells in each area into three levels of danger: normal, dangerous, and deadly, each followed by counter spells.

Of course, Professor Flitwick included very few deadly spells. After all, practical exam examiners would not have asked students to try to break spells like the Imperius Curse or the Killing Curse. A spell like "Diffindo" was the limit, Tom wouldn't even do it in class. Because there is a real risk of breaking the student all at once.

Spells and counterspells occupy six slots, and the seventh slot is reserved for that part of the body, which can be prepared for some delicate movements. Each of these seven positions can correspond to seven moves or spells: that's where the third circle comes in.

With these three circles, Tom can use the limited space available to perform 343 moves and spells with the [Sister]. Of course, these 343 slots are not filled, for example, the protector spells are mainly protection spells and there are only seven of them. The four matching circles are the four small spells that Tom asked Professor Flitwick to attach to the one-handed sword.

[Semi-automatic combat puppet [Sister]: (4 stars): The work of a transfiguration master, an enchantment master, and an apprentice alchemist, this is a semi-automatic combat figure with many functions and intricacies, and has great potential, but is half-finished. Once completed, the creation will be able to get more stars].

[Alchemist Achievement Unlocked: Successfully create an alchemical artifact with a 4-star rating].

[Achievement reward: alchemy breakthrough track number two].

Tom immediately remembered that the reward from the previous quest [Elf in the Forest] was also a hint that helped him advance alchemy, which was a miracle in Egypt, as it could be used to advance alchemy without getting stuck.

Each of the two clues is accompanied by a commentary and a poem. The first tells Tom what the secret treasure does, and the second tells him what the secret treasure is. The poem tells exactly where it is and how to get it.

However, the poem was so confusing that for a while he couldn't understand what it said. At that time, after a long night of work, his mind was spinning. But even after all that time, the [Sister] was only less than a third complete. It was almost dawn, so he lay down and rested for a while.

Under the same sky, different people did different things. But everyone in this castle had one thing in common: they all had classes the next day.

Tom's main event today is Defense Against the Dark Arts for the sixth graders. The previous class was the opening exam, and in this one, he was bringing something to the table.

Percy Weasley took a seat and waited for Professor Lockhart to arrive. Next to him sat Oliver Wood, the goalkeeper and captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

Other than that, the classroom was sparsely populated by a dozen students. This is the state of things in the upper years: many subjects, after the fifth year, have a large number of fewer students. The remaining students either fail to pass the minimum grade set by the professor, or they learn during fifth-year career counseling that they do not need a certificate in the subject for their future position.

If it is not needed, it should not be taken. It would not be worth taking an extra course that would leave you with less energy and lower your grades in other subjects.

Today, unusually, Professor Lockhart arrived to class five minutes early. It was rare for Tom to enter the classroom before the bell rang.

Today Tom was not alone like Lockhart, he had brought a huge packet with him.

"Alright, kids " Facing a group of students who were at least four years older than him, Tom called them kids without any psychological baggage, "You must know me by now, but I don't know you yet. So let's take roll call before class today. Anyone whose name is called will have to come up and pick up their papers. "

With that, Tom pulled out a thick stack of parchment and a list.

"Brian Rocky!"

"Frans Baker! "


"Percy Weasley!"

The slim Percy immediately stood up, lifted his glasses and walked quickly to the podium. Tom looked at the "traitor" Weasley, he had the standard Weasley fiery red hair, he was slim, had long limbs and had what could be called a clean face, his robes looked plain, but they were very clean and neat.

"You're Molly's son, aren't you? She has written about you often" Tom smiled softly, not that he hated the big clean boy, though many would call him a traitor.

Percy bowed to Tom, or rather Lockhart, "Yes, Professor, that's my mother."

"She always praised you," Tom handed Percy a stack of parchments, "I am a Ravenclaw student, and I have always believed that knowledge changes destiny. I believe that you too can change your destiny through struggle. "

"Sometimes family members say things that don't sound right, but deep down they still love you."

Percy took the parchment Tom handed him, bowed even more respectfully and returned to his seat.