Chapter 147: The Evans Prophecy (Edited)

Evans wiped his monocle, "Aren't you at all curious about your destiny? In my opinion, destiny is an illusory thing and there are traces to follow."

Tom laughed, "It's a coincidence, in my opinion, the future is also clear!"

Tom looked at Evans seriously, he didn't think the man was a con man, but there was a whiff of low level deceit in his demeanor. If in a few moments he came back with the words: bad luck, bloodshed, bad omen of death, he would smell good!

First you offer a small benefit, then you offer a free medical checkup, then you say you have a serious health problem. Wouldn't it be more in keeping with the flow if you substituted butter and beer for the small benefit, free medical checkups for free fortune-telling, and problems with your health for problems with your fate? Evans' routine is similar to that of a health food salesman in front of a community.

It seems Evans doesn't know Legeremancy, otherwise he would have jumped up and given Tom a big slap in the face: what do you take me for?

But when he pulled out his own divination equipment, Tom was tempted to walk away: Evans pulled out a crystal ball, a tortoise shell, six ancient coins, a sand board and feather, and a small incense burner with a bunch of herbs.

"Your divination methods are a bit complicated..." Tom couldn't help but complain that this set of divination methods at least mixed five divination methods, Chinese and Western styles were available, and there was even a shadow from the African continent.

Evans also seemed a bit embarrassed, raising his monocle and saying that it looked like a lot of work, but it was all necessary.

So he began to guess Tom's fortune.

First he placed the coins in a specific position on the herbs, then the herbs were lit, then he put the tortoise shell on, then he closed the lid of the small incense burner. Gradually, smoke came out of the tortoise shell lid, Evans picked up the crystal ball and sucked in the smoke. Suddenly, the crystal ball that was originally transparent filled with smoke.

The drinkers around seemed to be minding their own business, but in reality they secretly focused their attention on the two people who were guessing, wanting to see what was going on. The protagonists of the incident, Tom and Evans, seemed not to have noticed at the time.

Evans picked up the incense burner, took a deep breath and inhaled the little smoke that remained. The smell was so strong that Evans' eyes turned white and his hands began to shake. He picked up the pen and began writing in the sandbox, drawing a bunch of ghostly charms that no one could understand.

When he finished, a foot-long white smoke billowed out of Evans' nose that didn't dissipate. He waved his hand to disperse the mist, picked up his crystal ball and compared the shape of the mist in the crystal ball to the pattern he had just drawn.

Tom: "..."

Good boy, you really used it all up! With so many shards, Evans strung all the pieces together, and it seemed quite reasonable.

Apparently, the other patrons of the Pig's Head bar were also surprised by Evans' series of actions, and they all pricked up their ears to hear what he had to say.

Evans stared into the crystal ball for a quarter of an hour and then let out a long sigh, "I see in your destiny, the word 'unknown'."

Tom: Ah... this....

All listeners: Ah... this...

Evans: ???

Why that attitude? This is "unknown"! The "unknown" that can bring curses and death! Why do you have that look on your face? did I miss something?

"Wait a minute, I'll look again." Evans felt really incomprehensible, unbelievable. So he picked up the crystal ball again, looked at it carefully for a while, and finally he was quite sure that he had seen something very bad in the prophecy.

"I find it incredible, in your state, how can you sleep?" Evans was very confused.

Tom: "???"

"I suppose you also have a good talent for divination? Don't you have a little foresight? If I had half the foresight you have, I'd probably be up all night." Evans fiddled with his monocle.

[Divination: 4 (Superior Talent)]

Maybe that would qualify as a "good talent?" thought Tom. But even if Evans had been right about something, it would put him in the charlatan category. The rest of the bar thought so too. Their mindset had gone from spying on the "secret" to listening to a free talk show.

It is not Evans' fault that the word "ominous" and "unlucky" have been misused by a woman named Trelawney for the past ten years. Because of her insistence and persistence in making bad prophecies, these experienced witches have come to regard the word "unlucky" as a fraud. It is a different planting of trees by those who have gone before.

Evans didn't know, he just knew that in an instant there was a happy atmosphere at the Pig's Head.

"I'm not kidding with you!" He felt a bit offended, and decided to make an exception this time to give the little wizard in front of him an idea of the fate he had observed.

"Go ahead."

"Please don't laugh!"

"I'm not laughing."

Evans: "..."

Are you treating me like I'm blind?

"The crystal ball tells me that the last few years at Hogwarts will not be quiet, it's a hectic time, I even saw very bright stars in it, which is not a good sign, but luckily, the omen was soon dispelled due to a mysterious force..."

Tom nodded, he agreed. It was true, there was going to be a big war at Hogwarts, but getting rid of the culprit early would have eliminated the disaster.

Of course, Tom was the only one who believed it, everyone else scoffed. What was Hogwarts? was Dumbledore there! What dark wizard would dare go there and die?

"But this year, a Wraith will break free from the chains that bind him."

"He?" Tom was curious, Evans had not been precise about the Wraith's gender when he had described it, but had used the word "it" instead.

"Yes, I can't see the details, but I know that a Demon King will break free of the chains that bind him and bring disaster to a nation, and of course, fate tells me that this Demon King will be the leader of that nation as well."

"Behind the scenes?"

"Probably?" Evans nodded.

Tom thought things were getting interesting: Evans' prophecy, apparently, was something.