Chapter 165: Sea of Flames (Edited)

Although Tom and the others were on the first floor, it was rather strange to see a rabbit hopping out of the window. Instead of the usual rabbit, ears perked up and hopping about, he was a bit stiff and lazy, and his fur was covered with dirt. When it hopped up, it turned its head toward Tom and the others.

As he turned his head, Tom could clearly see the rabbit's face: instead of red eyes, they were a pair of cloudy eyes, even with yellow pus coming out of the corners.

"Hiss" Tom took a breath of cold air, knowing now what had gnawed the dog there.

"Diffindo!" The rabbit was split into several pieces at once by his spell, and unlike the skeleton's, this time it didn't return to its original form.

The system notification appeared just in time.

[Ride horses and kill demons (Prologue) - Final opening]

[Mission description: The infested animals of Burnham Manor have become a great danger to Bristow and must be eliminated, if anything is left behind, it will bring a great disaster to the world]

[Mission objective: Find the source of the disaster and rid the world of all demons].

[Reward: Anniversary Celebration (this weekend marks five years since the awakening of the system, and the system has prepared a big fifth anniversary celebration for you)]

[Penalty for failure: Anniversary cancellation, anniversary reward changes to 1600 magic stones]

Tom: "!!!!"

He counted the days, indeed he had the system for five years. He was interested in the description of the "big fifth anniversary celebration", because in his experience, any anniversary would have many rewards or events, especially one to be announced in advance, where there would be not only magic stones to get, but also limited items. But they are only available if you complete the quest yourself. If you fail the quest, your 5th anniversary celebration will be cancelled, this is too bad!

Even the anniversary of a paid game developer couldn't be that bad.

There is no way, there is no how? There can't be a system where the anniversary simply of game coins. If this system is paid, will there be a reset of the first charge?

The good thing is that it is up to Tom to decide whether it is a celebration or a reward.

The task wasn't too difficult, just clearing the area around the mansion of demons.

"Come on, let's do one more sweep of the area and then we can head back to Hogwarts to report to Dumbledore." Tom led Harry and Ron back to the living room, ready to go out the front door. Tom opened the door and was met with a white vision: the manor lawn was littered with identical rabbits.

Tom backed away slowly and then closed the door as fast as he could.

Something had gone wrong in the way he had opened the door. But Tom didn't have the courage to open the door again to check. Now two of his questions were answered: how had the rabbit killed a hound in return, and what was that rustling noise outside.

He also understood that all gifts of fate came at a price.

After five years, he still hadn't seen through the system! He was tempted to take the junk bounty and forget about it: he could lead Harry and the others out of here anyway with [Sister] at his disposal.

Outside, the rabbits were already attacking, and Tom could hear the sound of raindrops on the walls and doors, as well as the sound of glass breaking. The situation had become so urgent that Tom looked at Harry and Ron, and the difficulty was now beyond judgment.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Tom cast a levitation spell on a tapestry, "Get up there!" he pulled Harry and Ron up, "Go get Professor Dumbledore, I'll take care of this side for now."

"Professor Lockhart..."

"Go!" With a wave of Tom's wand, Tapestry led the two up to the third floor and then out a window. The third floor was almost ten meters off the ground, so even a mutated rabbit couldn't jump that high, it was safe.

Ron and Harry could only watch as Professor Lockhart sent them out of the mansion, and he stayed behind, at which point, Lockhart began to please them.

Flying in the air, a little further off the ground, they could see more clearly what was going on outside: the mansion grounds had turned white, and there was a steady white stream coming out of the back of the hill.

"Merlin up there, what's with all the rabbits!" exclaimed Ron, "What do they eat? I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of them."

"Look for Professor Dumbledore!" That was Harry's thought.

The tapestry carried them to the car outside the mansion, then fell to the ground with a thud, becoming an ordinary tapestry again.

Most of the rabbits were attracted to Tom, but a small number, less than a hundred, ran toward Harry and the others.

"Harry, get in!" Ron opened the driver's door and climbed in. But Harry didn't get in, he thought about it and pulled out his wand.

"Ron, have you ever wondered what would happen if these rabbits got out of the manor?" asked Harry, and without waiting for Ron to answer, he said to himself, "The crazy rabbits would get into the other residents' houses and make the city a living hell."

Harry had realized that these rabbits were obviously not a wave of mutations: there weren't that many rabbits in all of Bristol put together. It was obvious, then, that one rabbit had been cursed, thereby infecting all the rabbits in his colony. Of course, it could have been infected by the source of the curse.

Then, the infected rabbits multiplied like crazy and reached the numbers they have now.

And that's what's scary: they multiplied so fast!

How long had it been since the train bombing happened and Tom and the others got here? Tens of thousands of rabbits had appeared, and if they were allowed to multiply unchecked, Harry couldn't imagine what would happen.

It wouldn't be possible to eliminate them all, but Harry could get rid of the ones that had escaped.

"Ron, it's time to work on the sectioning charm: Difffindo!" Harry smashed one of the rabbits in front of him to pieces.

Relying on this Renault car, the two began a contest with the menacing rabbits. As a cover, the Renault car also served its original function: a weapon of war.

The oldest automobile companies in Western Europe have one thing in common: they all started out as arms dealers. The company produced guns, ammunition, aircraft and light tanks in World War I, resumed its traditional production activities after the war, and returned to business during World War II, producing arms and ammunition for the Germans, leading Renault to be one of the most exported cars to Germany even after the war.

BMW and Mercedes Benz, and Mitsubishi, on the other side of the continent, were such companies. They sold cars in peace and tanks in wartime.

But there are limits to a magician's power.

Harry and Ron's Difffindo Charm was clearly not keeping up with the rabbits, and the tide was coming in. Harry turned his attention to the Renault that was being used as a bunker...

"Auto mode, engage." Tom turned on the [Sister]'s automatic combat mode with a loud bang. This was a new ability that Dumbledore had added, which allowed [Sister] to fight automatically, just like in the stone dungeons of Hogwarts. Also, by setting it up beforehand, it would allow [Sister] to cast spells in a set order.

"The Explosive Charm... doesn't seem to need any other spells either." Looking at the incoming rabbits, Tom decided that the most effective spell so far was Explosion.

"Bombarda!" Covered by [Sister], Tom struggled and retreated, and slowly made his way up the stairs. Attracted by the sound of the explosion, rabbits also entered the house from all directions.

"Impedimenta! Bombard!" Tom used the Obstructing Charm and [Sister] used the explosion spell, which was very effective, blowing up a large group of rabbits and clearing several square meters of space, so that the next moment it would be filled by the other rabbits. As for the Obstructing Charm, Tom found it completely ineffective: it did not stem the tide of rabbits.

Tom backed up a bit, from the hall to the stairs on the first floor, and then to the stairs to the third floor balcony. He didn't know how many rabbits he had destroyed along the way, but the limbs they left behind were devoured by their companions the next moment.

Retreating to the balcony, Tom had no choice but to look at the rising tide of rabbits, and he took a deep breath: he now had two choices, and he would use the first.

Tom said a prayer to Merlin, hoping the rabbits' eyes could still see.

"Hiss!" A huge green snake appeared in the room, its massive body crushing several rabbits at once, but many more took the opportunity to jump on Tom, who was staring at them, but to no avail.

"Of course they did! They're blind!" Tom felt his head spinning, the basilisk snake's murderous gaze very powerful, but it was actually quite limited, as long as you didn't use your eyes, it couldn't kill you by eye contact.

This operation put Tom directly at a disadvantage. More and more rabbits were hopping towards Tom. Although their tiny teeth couldn't get through the basilisk's scales for a while, it was only a matter of time before they did. Once the scales were gnawed through, it was only a matter of time before Tom was bitten to death, something akin to death by torture.

It is always best to prepare a way out of a situation beforehand.

Tom's plan one failed, but he had a backup plan and, in fact, he had a backup plan to the backup plan.

He threw down the rabbits with all his might and transformed into a phoenix. He flapped his wings and flew out of the mansion while grabbing [Sister]. Tom flew to the top of the building and returned to his human form.

He spun the three spinning wheels to seventh gear, and in this special position, a corresponding spell was inscribed.

When the command was given, the spell began to work, and the core of the [Sister] began to ignite with maximum efficiency, with Tom placing his hand on it as a backup.

A tongue of flame erupted from the tip of the [Sister]'s wand, rose in the wind and devoured the [Sister]'s wand and arm, a crackling sound emanated from her body, as her body began to crack, and white smoke began to emanate from the core, draining the energy stored within, and then began to draw magic from Tom's body.

Tom paled quickly, as if he had lost too much blood.

[Sister] raised her arm, her wand was condescending, her raised arm trembled greatly, and the tongue of flame spread rapidly, turning into an extremely bright ring of fire, and the white clouds in the sky also began to slowly rotate, forming a funnel-shaped vortex, and with [Sister]'s movements, the vortex formed by the clouds also slowly rotated, and the ring of fire was like a huge whip, sweeping towards the rabbits below, wherever it went, everything quickly burned and a sea of flames formed, engulfing all of Burnham Manor.

Outside the estate, Ron stopped the car, both of them breathing heavily. It was as if they had run a marathon, although they had only driven the car to crush the rabbits.

The Renault looked like something out of a zombie game, the bodywork covered in blood and dents from the impact, with the flesh and blood of the rabbits in the cracks of the tires. The street they were on also looked like the scene of a traffic accident.

Harry flicked his wand towards the dashboard and it clattered against the dashboard, sending up a trail of sparks.

"Click!" He dropped a pistol from his pocket, one they had found earlier at the mansion that Tom had passed on to him. The situation had been so tense that Harry had forgotten about it. Only after the battle did it fall out.

"What's this?" asked Ron curiously.

Harry tucked the pistol into a small drawer, "It's much better than a wand if you have unlimited ammunition." Harry commented to Ron about the pistol: it can fire seven times, the pistol was fast, after seven shots, the wand was fast.

Harry banged his head violently, they were just obsessed with fighting monsters.

"Go, go-" stalled Harry: he didn't know how to get to Dumbledore in this situation.

"We can take our wands and do magic! That way the Ministry will send an owl to deliver the message, and with an owl we can contact Dumbledore!" Ron had a flash of insight and came up with a solution.

Harry looked at the wand in front of him, always sensing something was wrong.

Harry: "..."

"Wait, we've been doing magic! According to you, the Ministry would know about it by now, wouldn't they?" Harry finally realized. He and Ron hadn't stopped casting spells, and if the Ministry got a notification when a spell was cast, they probably would have flooded the office with them by now...

At that moment, far away from London, a tall, dark-skinned wizard entered an office and tossed the pile of reports that had accumulated into the fireplace.

"Professor Dumbledore, why did you give that order?" He was a little confused.