Chapter 170: Are you sure this is an energy potion? (Edited)

It is an extremely rare phenomenon to stick to the 90-round guarantee and ultimately draw 180 rounds for upstream. From a certain point of view, Tom is quite "rich".

His small goal was Professor McGonagall, who added one to his Transfiguration talent, and his big goal was Grindelwald, who still had a fixed amount of Charms talent and a bit of Divination, which brought Tom's Divination talent to seven, and changed the system panel a bit: he got a title for his Divination.

Now Tom's talent bar becomes:

[Enchantment: 8 (Superior Talent)]

[Potions: 6 (Superior Talent)]

[Divination: 7 (Diviner)]

[Transfiguration: 6 (Superior Talent)]

[Alchemy: 1 (Basic Talent)]

[Herbology: 4 (Intermediate Talent)]

[Varitology: 8 (Superior Talent)]

[Black Magic: 9+ (Azkaban)]

Apparently, for rare talents, only 7 talent points are needed to get the corresponding title. After 200 draws, Tom managed to draw 9 fragment pieces of the Diabolical Protego Charm, seven of which were synthesized into the five-star Charm "Diabolical Protego", and the remaining two were transformed into the 'Edge of Fate'.

From the remaining two five-star spells, Tom obtained four fragments of the 'Apparition' spell, a spell that had already appeared once in the 'Phoenix Fire' draw, and with the three pieces he drew from that draw, he was able to synthesize the 'Apparition' Charm, but only drew two pieces of the Cruciatus Curse. It wasn't a problem, however, as it was a spell Tom didn't want to practice even if he had gotten it.

Tom glanced at the descriptions of the two spells.

[Diabolical Protego: level 0 (1/100): A powerful beginner spell that focuses on defense. It casts a thin wall of fire around itself, damaging and slowing all enemy units that pass through it, and can increase in thickness to deal more damage as it becomes proficient or increases its overall magical power].

[Apparition: Level 0 (1/100): Allows the user to get where they want to go. To use it, the user must concentrate on remembering every part of his body and visualize in his mind where he is going, with a maximum distance of no more than 1,000 meters. With mastery, the spell can be cast faster, increasing the distance traveled, currently it is not possible to move with a person].

Both spells are now considered relatively low cost, but have great potential for the future.

As Tom obtained the draw cards, Dumbledore finished his potion, pouring the supernatant into a glass vial and handing it to Tom.

Tom looked at the brown potion and felt an uneasy feeling, "Professor, are you sure this is an energy potion?"

Dumbledore smiled and said it was definitely an energy potion, a recipe he had just received from a very old lineage that was said to replenish energy and had been tried by countless people over the centuries with no problems.

The uneasy feeling grew stronger as Tom drank the two potions in two batches, and he couldn't help but say to Dumbledore, "Professor, I've always been very intuitive, is your potion really okay?"

Dumbledore felt a little helpless, he pulled out a small yellowed covered, unnamed pamphlet, flipping through it, "Yes, it says it's good for energy, wait a minute..." Dumbledore frowned, "It says Antler's gum shouldn't be soaked in yellow wine, but it's not a big deal, it should."

Tom: "???"

He hurried to grab the pamphlet from Dumbledore, and as soon as he saw it, Tom's eyes turned black: the text inside was in traditional Chinese.

Gritting his teeth, Tom said to Dumbledore, "You know traditional Chinese?"

Dumbledore nodded gently, "He's been alive long enough to know a little bit of everything." He did not tell Tom that he had gone to a lot of trouble to make this potion. The ingredients needed for the potion were rare and highly prized, and Dumbledore had spent hundreds of galleons on them alone, many of them purchased abroad.

It was all compensation for Tom, for whom Dumbledore was sorry; the train bombing had gone a little beyond his expectations and had ended up putting the three of them in a dangerous situation, and Dumbledore had to make it up to them as best he could.

Ordinary energy potions would not do, and Dumbledore decided to use a mysterious potion from the East that he had treasured for years.

Tom looked at the recipe.

It nourishes yin and blood, warms yang and tonifies the kidneys, and improves Qi flow and laxity. warms kidney and nourishes blood, nourishes kidney and nourishes lungs; Cistanches nourishes blood and nourishes spleen; Tribulus terrestris strengthens spleen and nourishes fluids, regulates qi and helps move the body; Lotus beard and sauce nourishes blood and nourishes qi and warms yang...

His head was spinning as he read it: he couldn't understand many of the words, so he could only guess, but how could he read it without thinking that it seemed to be a formula for toning the kidneys?

He looked at Dumbledore with an expressionless face.

"Don't worry, this potion is good for you." Dumbledore was quite sure of that. Tom wanted to say something else, but realized that it was time for his first class of the morning, and he had to go to class first.

He decided to go to class first, because Tom didn't feel any discomfort either, but a real sense of energy in his body.

"Doesn't that seem like a big deal? Maybe it's really a nutritious recipe" This was Tom's thought.

So Tom walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Today was a class for second year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, and the moment Tom entered the classroom, his eyes met those of a small brown-haired witch sitting in the front row.

It was clear that Tom's disappearance over the weekend had worried Hermione, but Hermione's concern dissipated the moment she saw Tom, replaced by a surge of rage and anger: where were you this weekend? She was genuinely worried. Hermione resisted the urge to give Tom a "smack down," after all, Tom was now officially a professor.

Then kick his ass!

Tom understood her mood, but couldn't say anything except smile apologetically.

He was about to walk up to the podium when he stopped in his tracks: how had Hermione, whom he hadn't seen in a weekend, become so beautiful?

He couldn't help but take another look at Hermione and see how she was dressed. Hermione's face didn't appear to be made up, she must have cleaned it with a face wash or something, but it was so white and smooth that it must have oozed when he touched it, right? She was wearing the same wizard's robe, but the lining was gorgeous: a sarong with a light black tulle bottom and a pretty dark black print, mostly maple leaves, flowers and the like, the bottom of which was covered by the desks, but it was intriguing...

Taking a deep breath, it seemed he could still smell the light fragrance of the young woman's body, a scent that really fascinated Tom...

Someone tapped Tom on the shoulder, Tom struggled to tear his eyes away from Hermione, he turned his head and saw that it was actually Dumbledore, he squeezed out a sentence with difficulty, "Professor Dumbledore... Is your magic potion really an energy potion?"