Chapter 337: Two Corporeal Patrons (Edited)

The stadium descended into chaos due to the appearance of the Dementors, with screams and exclamations echoing endlessly. Many wizards abandoned their seats and desperately fled through any exit leading out of the stadium, blocking the stands' exits in the blink of an eye.

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for?!"

"Someone has fallen!"

"I'm the Prefect, everyone must remain calm..."

However, not everyone was fleeing; some were doing their utmost to help. Ron watched Harry falling from the sky, desperate to find a solution. At that moment, he had a sudden idea and remembered a spell.

He raised his hand and pointed his wand at Harry, saying, "Wingardium Leviosa."

He cast the spell, but Harry's fall only slowed down slightly, continuing at a great speed toward the ground. The Levitation spell also had its limits. It was evident that Harry, falling from such a height, was beyond those limits.

Fortunately, there were still two trusted adult wizards on the field: Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. Both were standing in the stands of their respective houses, with pale faces. An event as significant as a Quidditch match could not take place without the supervision of adult wizards. If it weren't for Professor Dumbledore, who had urgent matters and couldn't attend, he would also be there today.

Professor McGonagall was furious; she already knew that placing Dementors near Hogwarts would cause a great disaster, but she didn't have the power to change the Ministry of Magic's decision. Now she could only find a way to fix this disaster on behalf of the Ministry.

Initially, Professor McGonagall thought about summoning her Patronus to drive away the Dementors, but when she saw Hermione Granger taking out her wand, she changed her mind and decided to maintain order in the stands. She was giving Miss Granger the opportunity to prove herself. Professor McGonagall would be attentive to changes in the situation, and if Hermione couldn't resolve the issue, she would intervene to support her.

"Arresto Momentum," Snape used a deceleration spell, which was more useful at this moment than the Levitation spell. The spell greatly reduced Harry's falling speed, and he finally hit the ground at an acceptable speed, sinking into the mud without even breaking his glasses.

After completing all of this, Snape put away his wand and averted his gaze from Harry, but he was surprised to see that the Dementors were still circling above the field and some were even descending, seemingly with the intention to feed near the stands.

"What is Minerva doing?" Snape was surprised and angered. "Why are you just standing there, Minerva?" he shouted in his mind.

He had thought that while he caught Harry, Minerva would summon her Patronus to drive the Dementors out of Hogwarts, but he didn't know what had happened to her, and she hadn't summoned the Patronus yet.

He knew that at this critical moment, it should be him who summoned his Patronus, but he really didn't want to reveal his Patronus's form in front of everyone.

He was sure that Minerva knew Lily's Patronus form. If he summoned a Patronus identical to Lily's, how could he face Minerva in the future?

Hesitating like this, it seemed like he was leaving everything hanging. Seeing Professor Snape standing still in front of the stands, many Slytherin wizards felt instant respect.

"Why doesn't the professor use the Patronus Charm to drive away the Dementors?" asked a naive young wizard to his older companions around him, but no one answered him. Not even Malfoy, who was next to him and always took any opportunity to boast about his pure-blood lineage, responded to his question.

Because the people who could answer that question wouldn't reveal the answer in public: those who had been corrupted by the Dark Arts and had lost the power to summon a Patronus couldn't do it. That is, if Professor Snape couldn't summon a Patronus, it basically meant that he had been a staunch supporter of the Death Eaters in the past.

How could the understanding young Slytherin wizards expose their Head of House in public?

As Snape watched the Dementors approaching closer and closer, he took a deep breath and knew he couldn't delay any longer. Just as his wand was sliding into his palm, he saw a bright silver flash in the Ravenclaw stands next to him.

Snape could clearly see that Hermione Granger was summoning her Patronus. Not only her, but Tom Yodel, flying on his broom, was also summoning his Patronus.

"That know-it-all young lady is still reliable." The ice on his face melted for a moment.

"Expecto Patronum!"

"Expecto Patronum!"

Two dazzling silver lights ignited on Hogwarts Quidditch field, the white light dispelling the darkness that the Dementors had brought, and the chill of the young wizards disappeared like dew under the sun.

The young wizards who had previously been in chaos calmed down and stopped in their tracks, looking up at the sky, observing those two silver lights.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

A miniature three-headed dog emerged from Hermione's wand tip, quickly wagging its tail. Instead of running and attacking the Dementors immediately, it hovered in the air, waiting for something.

Soon, everyone knew what it was waiting for.

Something strange happened with Tom.

Previously, Tom's Patronus Charm could only summon mist, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't summon a Patronus with a defined shape. But today things changed.

The mist he summoned seemed to boil and churn. In the end, the main body of the mist transformed into a dog, while the two smaller residual masses on the sides formed two smaller dog heads, attached to the body of the dog. The silver mist swirled and eventually formed a three-headed dog identical to Hermione's Patronus.

Was Tom's Patronus also a three-headed dog? Hermione's eyes widened as she saw the two three-headed dogs standing side by side.

Once they were close to each other, they began to emit silver vapor, and with the vapor rising, their bodies began to shrink slowly, like dry ice evaporating.

Their vapors intertwined and formed a huge silver whirlwind in the stands, illuminating the entire field as if it were daytime, looking like a round cauldron filled with boiling water. The whirlwind seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting gradually, solidifying, and finally turning into a dazzling radiance.

The gazes of everyone present were drawn to this amazing phenomenon. The whirlwind seemed to have the power to purify their souls, and negative emotions of unease, anxiety, and fear faded away like retreating waves, making the world around them colorful once more.