Chapter 356: King? (Edited)

The British Ministry of Magic imprisoned the Dementors on a small island, controlling the population of this species through human intervention. Within this limit, the Dementors lost all desire to reproduce and only gained enough emotions to keep themselves sated.

The most primitive desire of a species is to reproduce, and wizards successfully managed to suppress the Dementors' reproductive urge. It's truly a terrifying method. From the perspective of the Dementors, wizards are the most terrifying dark creatures.

Wizards mistakenly believe that Dementors are the guardians of Azkaban, but in reality, Dementors are also prisoners locked in Azkaban. Furthermore, keeping the Dementors always hungry has an advantage: hungry Dementors will squeeze every new prisoner that arrives to the limit, completely eliminating any chance they might accumulate enough power to escape. Even Hagrid, the half-giant who fears nothing, after spending a few days in Azkaban, dreaded the place and shuddered whenever he remembered it.

After several days like this, it's hard to predict in what mental state those prisoners who have been incarcerated for more than a decade would be.

If Sirius had not been an Animagus, he probably would have gone insane already.

After describing the beautiful vision of "being sated" and "reproducing" to the Dementors, they began to waver.

They were presented with a scene where, after absorbing enough emotions, they could rest without worries under the dark clouds, while younger Dementors floated amidst the storm. Suddenly, they felt that life seemed quite good.

"Follow me, I will lead you to obtain 'food' and 'reproduction'." Tom opened his arms and roared at all the Dementors.

"How... can you... achieve it?" The Dementors were still confused. "Fight against the wizards... and... that... is impossible for us to resist... the wizards' Patronuses?"

"Of course not, I dare to say it because I am special," Tom shook his head and transformed back into his human form in front of everyone.

The Dementors stirred, they had just witnessed a companion become a wizard. This completely shattered their understanding of the world.

"A wizard?"

"How... is it possible?"


Tom, who had returned to his human form, felt a sinister wind throughout the valley. The air he breathed seemed to freeze, causing pain in his lungs.

However, it seemed that due to his experience as a Dementor, all the Dementors had less of a negative impact on him.

But Tom didn't stop for long; he transformed back into his Dementor form.

Dementors: !

"I can transform into a wizard, I have researched how the magical society works, and I am confident that I can obtain a territory where we can survive." Tom was very sure of this.

On Earth, there is a shortage of many things, but not of human scum. Among the 7 billion people, there is enough despicable scum that can feed the Dementors. The reproduction rate of the Dementors definitely cannot keep up with the population's reproduction rate, so there is no need to worry that prisoners will run out someday; every million people produce a super-criminal, so around the world, 7,000 prisoners can be collected!

"A territory..." Suddenly, the Dementors experienced two emotions they had never felt before, one called 'hope' and the other called 'anticipation.' Some of them wanted to see what that supposed dream territory was really like.

At that moment, some Dementors on the edge of the valley began to panic. Tom looked in that direction and saw some human figures on a nearby hill: it was Umbridge and her subordinates.

They arrived quite late compared to Tom; after all, they didn't have the same strong "feeling" he did, but their arrival was quite timely.

"You arrived just in time!" Tom sighed. "It's as if it was destined!"

He looked at the Dementors who were a bit fearful and restless and shouted loudly, "Do you see the wizards on the hill? They are sent by the Ministry of Magic to punish us!"

The Dementors were stirred by hearing this, but soon, as if they had been infected, they all calmed down and looked towards where Tom was.

They wanted their special companion to give them a solution.

"If we join forces, they will be insignificant before us! You help me defeat these wizards, and I will get you a territory." Tom pointed to Umbridge's group. "You should remember that you just successfully tore apart a Patronus, so you only need to repeat that act."

"Rip them apart!" Driven by Tom's inspiration, the Dementors filled with vigor.

Meanwhile, Umbridge and her group on the hill had not yet realized the danger approaching them.

"I finally found them..." Umbridge pulled out a handkerchief embroidered with a cat and wiped the sweat from her forehead, relieved. They had followed the changes in the sky to find the Dementors, but as wizards, their senses were less acute, so they had wandered aimlessly through these mountains.

Umbridge was about to give up, but her pride and the pleasure of revenge made her persist.

Now, her persistence was about to be rewarded.

"Minister, something is strange..." Brian's intuition troubled him. He was looking at the Dementors in the valley and felt that something was not right.

Why were they surrounding a short Dementor? Brian soon noticed the anomaly.

"Who cares?" Umbridge didn't care: "They will disperse when the Patronuses charge."

She drew her wand and summoned her own Patronus, a white cat. Due to fluctuations in her emotions, her Patronus was even more solid this time.

Seeing that Umbridge was ready to act, Brian had to suppress his unease and summoned his own Patronus. The other members of the group followed suit and summoned their own Patronuses.

"Charge!" Umbridge pointed her wand at the Dementors; her Patronus led the way among the crowd, leading the other Patronuses in an attack against the Dementors. The other wizards created bursts of silver mist that wrapped around them.

However, surprisingly, the Dementors did not disperse upon contact but, after being repelled by the Patronuses, immediately returned and continued leaving marks on the Patronuses with their attacks.

Umbridge helplessly watched as the silver light emitted by her Patronus was gradually eclipsed by darkness, being eventually entirely consumed. There was also a harsh hiss in her ears as the Dementors lunged at them.

Brian looked at the small Dementor surrounded by many Dementors, and somehow a word came to his mind.


How was that possible? The Dementors hadn't had a king in hundreds of years! He pushed that thought from his mind.