Chapter 404: Mr. Granger's Family Brother (Edited)

Mr. Granger muttered some complaints, but then he realized it was Christmas today and he shouldn't vent so many negative emotions. So, he quickly lowered his head and started devouring his breakfast while turning on the radio and tuning in to the morning news.

At that moment, Hermione had already finished her breakfast and brought down her backpack. Our smart and beautiful Miss Granger was going to start doing her homework on the first day of Christmas vacation. Not only was she going to write, but her somewhat lazy companion was also going to start doing his homework under her supervision.

"Last night, the Prime Minister delivered his Christmas Eve speech and announced his resignation for the midterm elections..." the radio host's voice came through the radio as if he were announcing a football match rather than a boring morning political program.

"Dad," Hermione looked disapprovingly at her father, "I'm going to start doing my homework."

"Do you have to do it in the kitchen? We have a study at home!" Mr. Granger protested.

"The study table is too small! Look, just with my homework, I can occupy three large tables," Hermione struggled to place her bulging backpack on the table.

Mr. Granger was left speechless. Under Mrs. Granger's kind gaze, he obediently turned down the volume.

"According to an anonymous gentleman, the next Prime Minister will emerge from either the Minister of Finance or the Minister of Foreign Affairs."

"That's not good news," said a guest next to the host, "for their party, this could be a disaster. As we all know, the relationship between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Finance is very tense, and anyone from the two of them taking office will cause division within the ruling party... I really don't understand why the Prime Minister chose this moment to resign."

"Maybe it has something to do with the resignation of his cabinet secretary, Sir Arnold," the host suggested without delving into the topic. Instead, he changed the subject and gave his opinion on the ministers.

The host laughed, "If it were me, I would choose the Minister of Finance. According to reliable sources, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was drunk last night and ended up crashing his car into a dental clinic in the city center, causing damage that could amount to tens of thousands of pounds. Don't you think such a minister is too unreliable?"

The guest remained silent. He knew the host had revealed his intentions. Just by the name of the program, "Morning of Economics," you could tell which side the host was leaning towards: he was clearly the mouthpiece of the Minister of Finance.

But in terms of profits, it couldn't be underestimated. The guest also joined in the criticism of the Minister of Foreign Affairs; after all, this program paid well!

Hearing this, Mr. Granger grumbled a bit dissatisfied. "It's not about money, they don't even know how much time and effort I've invested in this clinic..."

"Dad!" Hermione scolded him, and Mrs. Granger sided with her daughter, looking at her husband angrily. Mr. Granger quickly shut his mouth and sighed quietly. He decided to take his radio and head to the study to listen to the radio.

"Uncle, do you know what position Jim Hacker from the Department of Administrative Affairs is in now?" Tom remembered something and asked quickly.

Six months ago, he had executed an artist named Chris, and before the execution, he had taken a look at Chris's memories. There was content in them that was very damaging to the Minister of Finance's candidacy for Prime Minister: he was involved in influence peddling with the royalty, and he was not a clean person.

Now the Minister of Foreign Affairs was involved in a dangerous driving scandal, and his reputation was plummeting, significantly increasing the chances of the Minister of Finance becoming the next Prime Minister. The value of this information in Tom's hands was on the rise.

"Hacker, yes, he's still the Minister at the DAA (Department of Administrative Affairs), although his ability is mediocre, he has a good rapport with people, he has even become a PC!" Mr. Granger explained. Not that he knew all the details of British politics, but he was quite well-informed.

It's quite common for the person with the highest position and the greatest power within a government group not to be the same person. That's how it is in Britain. Currently, the Prime Minister of Britain is the leader of the ruling party, and the highest-ranking PC (Privy Counsellor) within the party is Hacker. To make a comparison, it's as if the Huashan Sect ruled the martial arts world, and Linghu Chong became the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance, but the leader of the Huashan Sect would still be Yue Buqun.

Currently, because his secretary has taken control, Hacker doesn't have much real power in his hands, but his position is really high. If you insist on saying that he's above ten thousand people but below the Prime Minister, it wouldn't be incorrect either. Moreover, his popularity among the public is quite good: you can't become a PC if you have a bad reputation.

Even if it's just a draft, it's still a respectable draft.

"So, do you think Hacker can become the next Prime Minister?" Tom asked Granger with evident determination.

"Jim Hacker as Prime Minister?" Mr. Granger heard that and almost laughed. But upon careful consideration, he realized that Hacker's advantages were overwhelming.

Firstly, there are currently no scandals about him. Secondly, he has good relations with others, so his rise to power wouldn't cause internal divisions in the party. And most importantly, his opponents have all sorts of issues.

"Jim Hacker..." Mr. Granger pondered for a moment. "His advantages are significant. If he can defeat the Minister of Finance, there shouldn't be any problems."

Tom immediately became intrigued. What if he fans the flames under Hacker? After all, they have an encounter pending.

Having a good relationship with the Muggle Prime Minister is not a bad thing.

However, Tom, who had a deep understanding of the British cabinet, knew that probably not only the Prime Minister was aware of the existence of the magical world.

After all, the operation of this country, Britain, cannot be driven by just a Prime Minister and a few ministers. The sovereign of this country is the royalty, and the bureaucratic system is what keeps the country running. Even a Prime Minister with little power doesn't have much real power.

Lifelong bureaucrats, hereditary nobility, and Prime Ministers soon to be replaced, wizards should know whom to choose if they have any common sense.

Unfortunately, his current position was too low, he was just a third-grade student, and he could only fan a small fire under someone, without access to the central secrets.

Tom scratched his head and began to strain to remember Hacker's address, preparing to go and fan a small fire under him.

Knock, knock, knock! Hermione tapped the table disapprovingly. "I don't care who the Prime Minister is, I only care where your essay is."

Hermione was angry, her hair even seemed to puff up more.

Tom and Mr. Granger were startled, one started searching in his backpack, and the other went to the study with his radio in hand.