Chapter 436: Then There's Only One Answer! (Edited)

The Vanishing Cabinet is one of the most mysterious magics in the wizarding world, or rather, no magic related to time and space is straightforward. Given the current state of the magical world, this pair of Vanishing Cabinets is likely the last pair left in the wizarding world. If he destroyed them, this wonderful spatial magic could be lost forever.

That would make him a sinner in the wizarding world.

Tom couldn't do something like that, destroy the legacy of magical civilization for reasons as abstract as "security." He felt that he should at least study the cabinet's magic before finding a solution to manage them. And he could seek an alternative solution! The existence of the Vanishing Cabinet affected Hogwarts' security, so he could simply remove the cabinet from the Room of Requirement and solve the problem! Plus, he could harness this marvelous magical tool for himself.

Tom extended his hand and gently rested it on the Vanishing Cabinet's door, reading its description.

[Vanishing Cabinet (intact) - unparalleled: a magical alchemical artifact that can jump through space. Needs to be used with another Vanishing Cabinet]

"You can't escape them. They'll chase me to the ends of the earth, like sharks smelling blood." In response to Tom's suggestion of escape, Borgin shook his head. "Unless they imprison me in Azkaban, it's only a matter of time before they catch me."

Saying that, Mr. Borgin smiled maliciously. "Those who operate in the gray area between good and evil have a much keener sense of smell than others. We, people like us, are much better than the incompetents at the Ministry of Magic at finding people. If they give us enough information, even if it's Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, we can somehow find them."

Tom believed Mr. Borgin's words. As for escaping, after his escape, Sirius managed to hide for a long time, but Igor Karkaroff was caught and killed by the Death Eaters. What's the difference? One was sought by the Ministry of Magic, while the other was pursued by the Death Eaters. So Sirius survived, but Igor Karkaroff was caught and died in a cabin in Siberia.

As for tracking people down, these wizards who operate on the edge of the law are a bit more skilled.

"So why don't you go into hiding in Azkaban?" Tom withdrew his hand from the Vanishing Cabinet and looked at Mr. Borgin, who was standing to the side. Due to Mr. Borgin's hunched posture, Tom, who wasn't known for his height, suddenly felt a sense of superiority.

Upon hearing Tom's words, Mr. Borgin raised his head in surprise. "Go to Azkaban... this..." He was speechless for a moment. Saying that was like hiding in the bear's den to escape from the wolves.

But then he looked at Tom and the unpleasant smell of Dementors surrounding him, and Borgin suddenly had a bold idea.

"What if the Dementors don't affect you?" Tom smiled and spoke words that excited Mr. Borgin. "You, watch the store's door and don't let anyone in." Tom ordered the Dementors in the store.

The Dementors obediently headed to the store's door.

"Can... can you really do that?" Mr. Borgin quickly corrected his posture and became more humble and flattering. Seeing that Tom could control the Dementors, Mr. Borgin already believed 99% of what Tom said. He understood that the time had come to change his fate.

Burke, a pure-blood noble? Go to hell! If you dare to come see me, I'll be waiting for you in Azkaban, and if you dare to enter, I'll give you credit.

For wizards, Azkaban was a forbidden land, whether you were a dark wizard or a white wizard, a common Muggle, or a Ministry of Magic official. In front of Dementors, everyone was equal. Wizards who could conjure the Patronus Charm were few, and wizards who could drive away hundreds of Dementors at once were extremely rare. If they didn't let their emotions get the best of them, these hundreds of Dementors would be the best guardians for Borgin.

However, Mr. Borgin, after so many years as a merchant, also understood that free things were the most expensive.

So he asked cautiously, "And what can I do for you, noble sir?"

Tom appreciated Borgin's attitude; this man was obedient, and that pleased him.

"I need you to run a business on my behalf, but you'll have to deal with Muggles. Can you do that?" Tom had come to see Borgin today on a whim, but there was also a practical need: he needed someone to help him with the White Dolphin Prison. Often, the people Yuri left behind couldn't solve magical problems, and it was better to have Borgin deal with them than to send a letter every time there was an issue.

"Of course, no problem. I've had this shop for decades; you'll be pleased with it. Besides, I'm not a follower of blood purity, so dealing with Muggles is no problem at all." When Mr. Borgin heard this, he realized it was that kind of business. For him, management and trade were his specialties, so there was no issue. He promised with determination that he would make Tom's business thrive in the Muggle world.

Trade and business management were Borgin's field of expertise. He had been running the Borgin and Burke magical items store since before Voldemort's birth. He was confident that, as long as he had a little time to adapt, there would be no problem in growing Tom's industry in the Muggle world.

After learning Tom's objectives, there was only one response from Mr. Borgin.

"And there's one more thing," Tom said as he looked at Borgin and Burke's cluttered shop. He felt that he could still uncover a bit more of the store's potential. "Hurry and tidy up the shop, take everything you can carry, and also attend to your personal affairs. We're preparing to depart."

"I appreciate your kindness. The defensive protections of the store have already been deactivated. You can have them start moving things." Borgin pointed to the idle Dementors at the door and then bowed to Tom before quickly heading to the back of the shop to pack his belongings.

While Borgin packed his things to flee, Tom didn't remain idle. He ordered the Dementors to collect all the items they could carry, including the Vanishing Cabinet.

"By the way, have I told you that you're not going to Azkaban? You're going to the New Azkaban, the White Dolphin Prison."

These words provoked a massive surge in Mr. Borgin's mind.