Chapter 452: Learning Occlumency Is on the Agenda (Edited)

Finally, Professor Lupin came to help untangle Tom's tongue.

Tom moved his numb and swollen tongue to indicate that Hermione should go find Snape and learn the Tongue-Tying Curse.

"Actually, Snape invented a spell that can stick the tongue to the palate... it's much more comfortable than the Tongue-Tying Curse."

"But when it comes to facing an enemy, isn't it better for the enemy to suffer more?" Hermione looked away, avoiding direct eye contact with Tom.

Tom: ...

In fact, Hermione was right...

"Reparo!" Professor Lupin took out his wand and restored the History of Magic classroom that had been wrecked by Tom and Hermione.

The overturned tables returned to their original positions, the objects damaged during the fight regained their shape in the air, chandeliers returned to the tables, and broken candles were restored. The damaged chairs were repaired and neatly placed behind the tables. Burn marks on the floor disappeared completely and became as shiny as new. Any other damage, tear, or rip in the room was also completely restored.

The classroom was now tidy again, and one couldn't see that a major battle had taken place there.

This is the amazing power of the Repairing Charm. This spell is one of the most useful ever invented by wizards, with a very high limit, and it can even restore large damaged relics. For example, the Colosseum in Rome, which was accidentally destroyed by wizards in 1754, was restored by the inventor of the Repairing Charm, Orabella Nuttley.

While cleaning the "battlefield," Professor Lupin quickly reviewed the battle in his mind. He was very curious about how Yodel had changed the situation and turned what was a certain defeat into a draw. In his eyes, Tom had only glanced at Granger, and Granger became paralyzed, unable to move, until Tom snatched her wand.

Miss Hermione Granger's performance truly seemed to have been enchanted, but Yodel had no Veela heritage, so it was impossible for her to exhibit this extremely talented ability. However, the idea of the charm was not wrong. Yodel probably used some kind of mental-level spell to interfere with Granger's consciousness.

Professor Lupin had also heard of mental and spiritual-level spells. The most well-known ones were the Imperius Curse and Legilimency. But the effects of these two spells were different from the effects of the mysterious spell Tom had used.

First of all, the Imperius Curse could be ruled out. Accusing a wizard of using the Imperius Curse was a serious and severe accusation. Without concrete evidence, Lupin wouldn't believe Tom had used the Imperius Curse. Plus, that would be putting too much faith in Tom. Using the Imperius Curse, one of the Unforgivable Curses, with non-verbal magic and without a wand was extremely difficult. Lupin suspected that not even Voldemort could do it.

Could it be Legilimency? Lupin had a vague feeling that Tom was using Legilimency.

However, did Legilimency have that kind of effect? Lupin didn't know much about Legilimency. Although Hogwarts had two masters of this spell, Snape and Professor Dumbledore, the enmity between Lupin and Snape made it impossible for him to consult Snape for knowledge of Legilimency. As for Dumbledore... next time for sure!

Perhaps Hogwarts was about to witness the birth of a skilled Legilimens. Should Lupin consider learning Occlumency? Unfortunately, the most skilled person in Occlumency at Hogwarts was Snape...

Snape's Occlumency was not ordinary Occlumency; it was developed by Snape to a very special level, so high that he could even be an undercover agent under Voldemort.

Occlumency could be divided into several stages. The first stage was when one learned Occlumency but couldn't resist Legilimency intrusion. The representative of this stage was Harry. He learned, but he didn't learn enough. Snape could come and go in Harry's mind at will.

That was simply insignificant. After a long period of training, one could advance to the second stage: resisting Legilimency perception. When someone tried to use Legilimency, they would realize they couldn't see the other person's memories. It seemed effective, but in reality, it was ineffective.

A shameless wizard like Voldemort could simply order you to stop using Occlumency, and if you refused, he could trigger the following conversation.

Voldemort: Let me see!

Passerby: No!

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!

I can't see your mind, but I can see your heart.

Those who could take Occlumency to the third level could be considered masters. These Occlumency masters didn't block you from seeing; they modified key memories. Slughorn and Snape were at this level. Snape might be even more skilled because he could do it without leaving a trace and had long been lurking around Voldemort without being discovered.

Lupin decided to find a book and learn it for himself. He didn't ask for much; he just wanted to reach the second level. Dumbledore and Yodel should be decent people.

After cleaning up the classroom, Professor Lupin took a chair and sat behind the desk, smiling at the three of them.

"Take a seat; we can still chat a bit more," Lupin decided to teach the kids something else before the class ended.

Tom, Hermione, and Harry obediently sat down, listening to Lupin speak at the desk as if he were giving a lecture.

"Today, I plan to teach you the Freezing Charm (Glacius), and if there's time, I'll also talk about the advanced weather spell, the Atmospheric Charm, don't you know it yet?" He looked at Tom and Hermione, fearing they might have already learned it.

Tom and Hermione shook their heads.

"That's great," Lupin said with a smile.

In the next fifteen minutes, he explained in detail to the three young wizards the words and key points for casting the Freezing Charm and the Atmospheric Charm.

The Freezing Charm was very useful; it could create a strip of ice in front of a person, freezing them and reducing their movement speed. If the person had water on them, it could freeze that too. As for the Atmospheric Charm, it was even more impressive; it could change the weather in a small area.

However, the Atmospheric Charm was not widely used in combat, as adverse weather was limited to lightning, rain, snow, and storms, and the magic of common wizards was not enough to cause a significant impact. And those powerful wizards wouldn't waste their magical energy changing the weather during a duel. The same applied to the Freezing Charm; its destructive power was insufficient. These two spells were used more in everyday life, like changing the weather in an office or making cold drinks.