Chapter 462: Desired Position (Edited)

The Ministry of Magic's recruitment event is scheduled for Sunday. It's the best day: it doesn't interfere with classes and allows students to have the entire day to converse with representatives from each department. The location of the recruitment fair is actually the Quidditch field, but at the moment, the field's roof has an additional covering, and the goalposts have disappeared, replaced by open cubicles separated by wooden planks, with small tables and chairs inside. These cubicles are the places for recruitment interviews.

As for the stands of the field, they remain open and available. Students can rest here if they get tired, reflect on their achievements and failures, or find a quiet spot for more detailed conversations with company representatives they're interested in.

When they arrived at the field, the Ministry of Magic's recruitment hadn't started yet, but there were already several graduated wizards gathered outside the field. Tom saw Percy from Gryffindor, Oliver Wood, Gabriel Truman, the Hufflepuff Prefect, and many other older students he recognized but couldn't recall their names.

It turns out they were about to graduate. The start-of-term dinner felt like it was just yesterday... Tom felt somewhat nostalgic.

The group joined the waiting line. Percy greeted Tom when he saw him arrive. Percy was also very formally dressed today, as if he had spent all his saved money over the seven years on new clothing.

In fact, Percy hadn't spent a single Knut. He had originally planned to rent a suit, but he stumbled upon a room full of elegant clothing while exploring the castle and solved the problem directly.

At nine o'clock, the gates of the Quidditch field opened slowly, revealing the orderly and organized fair inside. The students waiting outside entered in a rush and headed directly to the department booths they had previously selected.

"Take this." Robert pulled out a booklet from somewhere and handed it to Tom. It detailed the layout of the venue and provided descriptions of the positions offered by each department.

The Ministry of Magic's presentation was very detailed, with the job titles and certification requirements at the top, while below there was a brief description of the responsibilities of the position.

For example, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes had an affiliated unit called the Muggle Problem Mediation Committee, which was looking for a Muggle Liaison requiring only an O.W.L. in Muggle Studies, and they also wanted applicants to be "enthusiastic, patient, and have a good sense of humor."

Usually, serious wizards wouldn't want to take up that position because dealing with individual Muggles, like the Dursley family, required more than just a good sense of humor but also sufficient physical strength. The first time Hagrid met Uncle Vernon, he was aimed at with a shotgun. That meeting ended with Hagrid demonstrating his ability to take seven steps and deliver a quick and perfect punch.

After entering the field, Robert was also nervous.

"Well, you can take a stroll around here; I'll go for my interview."

"Good luck!"


With that, Tom and Robert separated.

Tom took the booklet and looked for the booth where he needed to present himself.

"Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures... Office of the Dementors... D8..." Tom began to search for the location of section D8.

"Tom, are you...?" Hermione approached, but Tom quickly closed the booklet.

"That's it for now. Go check out the booths that interest you; I'll get a head start." Tom handed the booklet to Hermione and quickly walked away, leaving Hermione standing there, astonished.

Tom Yodel! Hermione hadn't expected Tom to really "go solo." She instinctively wanted to follow him, but Tom moved so swiftly through the crowd that he soon disappeared.

Section D8 was tucked away in a corner of the venue, indicating the actual importance of the job: not very relevant. Departments like the Department of Magical Transportation and the Ministry of Magic's Auror Office, which were highly popular or vital, were naturally placed in the most prominent location.

The Department of Dementors, a newly created department, had been relegated to a corner. Section D8 wasn't exactly empty, but it could be described as a desolate place. Not only section D8, but also the surrounding sections were surprisingly quiet because nearby booths, such as the Office for Centaur Liaison, were not very popular at the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, in previous years, several offices shared a section, but this year, for some reason known only to the higher-ups, each office had its own space, so they were all separated.

This also resulted in several nearby sections being deserted, with a sign saying "Occupied" placed on the door, except for the Department of Dementors. There was a witch lying there, asleep.

"Ahem!" Tom cleared his throat, and the witch lifted her head from the table.

She was completely wrapped up, leaving only her eyes visible.

"I'm here to apply for the position of Head of the Dementor Department. Here's my resume." Tom handed her the letter.

"Follow me." The witch nodded and led Tom to the Quidditch field's changing rooms.

Once they were secure, the witch removed her hood, veil, and revealed her face as Amelia.

"So, what's all this commotion about me?" Tom was curious about why Amelia had ventured to this place.

"You're younger than I imagined," Amelia sighed and then proceeded to tell Tom about the recent decision she had made.

Tom: ...

What an interesting game!

Tom shook his head. "Your initial commitment was to establish the Department of Dementors, not three departments. That would be chaotic management."

There was a brief silence on Amelia's part. Her plan had hit a roadblock at this point.

"Actually, this could-"

"My requirements are clear. Dementors will only work with a single department. As for your desire to send people to Azkaban as an excuse, I don't object," Tom said firmly. He knew well the benefits of decentralizing power, but the issue was that he himself was in charge of the department that would connect with Azkaban.

"You wrecked my car, sold a bunch of scrap, and now you want to talk about benefits after getting rid of the car. Yes, I can make money from the scrap, but I lost my car! I'm not responsible for paying the salaries of that department's staff.

Is there really anyone who dismantles their own car/boat and rejoices in making money from the scrap? It can't be, right?" Tom stared at Amelia with a burning, dominant gaze. Yes, Amelia had the backing of the Ministry of Magic, but she shouldn't forget how she got to that position. Behind Tom stood a race of Dementors and Albus Dumbledore. Did she really want to play cunning games?

Tom pushed his intimidation act to the extreme.

He had to increase his influence in the Ministry of Magic along with Dumbledore. History had already shown that the Ministry of Magic was not to be trusted when faced with a powerful Voldemort, so he could only rely on his own efforts. That was the reality for common people in turbulent times.

Amelia sighed. She had been too greedy. This wizard in front of her wasn't so easily fooled.

"All right, I'll do as you say. We'll only establish a single department. In which department do you want this department to be attached? I must warn you that this will be quite conspicuous and likely expose you to the public," Amelia relented.

Although this would bring a host of problems, they were all messes she had caused herself, so she had to find a solution.

"The Office for the Control and Management of Magical Creatures," Tom said, opting for the less popular of the two departments. His current power was too weak, and the Dementors had a highly negative reputation. It was better to act discreetly for now, as attracting Voldemort's attention could complicate things. It was better to proceed cautiously and wait for Voldemort to return before taking action.

The department would start operating without drawing too much attention, but at least it would have a structure.

Once Amelia relented, things became easier to discuss. Tom and Amelia soon reached an agreement.

"I'll leave you to handle the special agent from the Ministry of Magic," Amelia said before departing.

"Of course, I'll provide him with a good room. Oh, by the way, the case with the hippogriff...".

"I'll handle it personally."

They exchanged benefits in the dimly lit room.

"Next time, send the letters to this address to avoid having to communicate directly with the Ministry of Magic," Amelia said, pulling out her wand and leaving a silver line on the floor.

After doing so, she exited the changing room.

In the main hall, the Hogwarts job fair was in full swing.

Percy entered the venue after opening the Quidditch field's door, heading straight to section A1 where the Ministry of Magic's office was located, becoming the first applicant in that area.

The person who received him was none other than the Secretary of the Minister of Magic, Mafalda.

The gray-haired witch was sitting in a chair, looking small and relaxed. In front of her was a cup of tea and a chalkboard. Today, she was wearing a light blue robe and appeared very at ease.

Hogwarts was a warm place for her, and as an interviewer, she didn't feel much nervousness. Moreover, seeing the familiar layout of the venue, Mafalda genuinely felt comfortable.

"I'll definitely become a friendly and pleasant interviewer," she encouraged herself inwardly.

It was just past nine when the first applicant arrived. He was a tall, slender man with a refined appearance and striking red hair.

Just by looking at his hair, Mafalda had a rough idea of who he was.

"Hello, please have a seat!" Mafalda gave him a friendly smile and briefly said. This made Percy relax a bit internally – his tactic was indeed correct! The earlier you arrived, the more energetic the interviewers would be, and they would be friendlier to people.

"Here's my resume." He took a copy from his bag, handed it over, and sat up straight in the chair. But his buttocks only touched the chair slightly, and he felt like he would jump out of it in the next minute.

Exactly! Seeing Percy's name, Mafalda felt a sense of excitement as if she had solved a riddle. Percy Weasley, Arthur Weasley's third son, Hogwarts Annual Award winner, an outstanding student. His OWL grades could back that up.

She pulled a stack of pamphlets from under her desk.

"So, what position would you like to apply for? Don't be nervous, speak freely."

Percy sat across from Mafalda, trying to control his inner nervousness. He swallowed, "I'd like to be the Minister's assistant."

This Minister's assistant definitely didn't refer to Mafalda's position. Even if Percy were Amelia's illegitimate child, there was not a hint of a chance. That position wouldn't be given to an inexperienced newcomer. Mafalda had worked at the Ministry of Magic for over ten years before getting this job through her connections.

The position Percy wanted should have been called a registrar. The job involved accompanying the Minister in meetings and hearings and taking notes.

Mafalda nodded. "With your performance at Hogwarts, it's not entirely impossible. I can ask the Minister if he needs an assistant."

This was a subtle way of telling Percy that his idea wasn't feasible.

"But," she continued with a twist, "I've looked at your resume, and I think you'd be a good fit to be an assistant to one of the Heads of Departments in the other Departments."

Percy's eyes lit up. This also seemed like an excellent option.

The Ministry of Magic's Office was very popular because it could assign graduates to various departments as assistants to the Heads of Departments. It was a high starting point. First, they would gain experience working alongside department heads, and then they would be placed elsewhere. Many times, being transferred from this office was a promotion for others.

"Before we proceed, I must clarify that, although your previous resume is outstanding, you must have excellent results in your NEWTs," Mafalda said, taking a small silver book from the side.

"The requirements for the Heads of Departments are not low; some have special demands. In general, you should have at least four NEWT certificates, with grades no lower than 'Exceeds Expectations.' This is one less than what the Auror Office requires. The Department of Magical Sports also requires a certain level of Quidditch skill..."

Mafalda looked at Percy. "So, which Department would you prefer?"

Percy's mind raced, "The Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Department of International Magical Cooperation are good options."

Mafalda glanced at him. "Personally, I would recommend the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Mr. Crouch is a highly respected wizard, and I believe you would get along well with him. Besides, there will be significant events in the magical world this year and the next, which would provide you with many growth opportunities in that department."

Percy felt puzzled. What significant events? Was she referring to the Quidditch World Cup? It seemed related to the Department of International Magical Cooperation, but wasn't that the main focus of the Department of Magical Sports?

Seeing Percy's confusion, Mafalda decided not to reveal too much. The matter was still highly confidential, and only a few people, including herself and the Minister of Magic, were aware of it.

Percy was torn. Actually, he leaned more towards the Department of International Magical Cooperation for an inexplicable reason: his father worked in the Office for the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts. If he became the Minister's Assistant in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he would probably frequently encounter his father, maybe even collaborate with him.

Percy wasn't very enthusiastic about that idea.

"Well, what I'll do is send your resume to both departments, and we'll see the final results," Mafalda suggested, offering a compromise solution.

"Thank you for your hard work," Percy sincerely thanked her.

After a while, Percy left the cubicle in the Ministry of Magic's office, took a look at the long line outside, and left without saying a word.