Chapter 477: Busy People (2) (Edited)

The end of the exams marked the end of the semester. As it approached, everyone found themselves in a state of simultaneous busyness and leisure.

Students grouped together to go on vacation to Hogsmeade, with the intention of doing some shopping before heading home and spending all the money they had saved during the semester. Meanwhile, the professors worked diligently to grade the exams and finalize the grades as quickly as possible.

Especially Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, both were in a competition. Neither of them wanted the other to slow them down.

Not only the professors, even the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, was very busy. Since that night when he spoke at length with Tom, his life suddenly became busy. He received more letters from the Ministry of Magic and had more matters to attend to. Everything seemed to return to how it was when he first assumed the role of headmaster.

That day he had a meeting with the Minister of Magic, Mrs. Bones, to visit an important guest. This guest had been a popular candidate for the position of Minister of Magic and still held an important position in the Ministry.

He was the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic, Bartemius Crouch.

Dumbledore and Bones arrived at Bartemius Crouch's mansion and gazed at the magnificent and elegant door. Bones couldn't help but sigh, "These ancient pure-blood families still have a lot of money! This mansion alone could be sold for thousands of Galleons."

For new wizards, taking possession of a mansion from an old family was much more convenient than finding a new place to live. Inherited magical mansions ensured security and discretion, and the surrounding Muggles were used to their presence. They were excellent places to live.

After Voldemort reappeared, he even considered Malfoy Manor as his base. Interestingly, the Order of the Phoenix also chose Grimmauld Place as their base. All of this was due to the unique advantages of magical mansions.

Therefore, magical mansions were very easy to convert into money. However, no pure-blood family would sell their ancestral home.

A light knock on the door twice caused it to open, revealing a house-elf. It was wrapped in a tea towel and had a pair of long, bat-like pointed ears, just like other house-elves.

"Greetings, noble sir and madam," the elf asked in a high-pitched voice, "What brings the two of you here?"

Dumbledore spoke, bowing courteously, "I am Albus Dumbledore, and I have come with the Minister of Magic to visit Mr. Bartemius Crouch."

Having chosen the right time, Dumbledore and Bones arrived just when Crouch was at home.

"Who is it?" Footsteps were heard behind the door. "Winky, step aside..." and the next thing he knew, a man appeared in front of Dumbledore.

When Crouch returned home, he wasn't wearing his wizarding robe, but a black dressing gown. However, his short, grayish hair was still perfectly combed.

"Mr. Dumbledore? Minister Bones?" There was a hint of surprise in Crouch's eyes. He couldn't understand why these two people would suddenly show up at his house.

"Sorry for the interruption," said Dumbledore with a smile. "We've come here for an important matter... Can we come in and talk?"

There was no way Bartemius Crouch, the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, would block two people at his door. He could only give in a little space and instruct his house-elf, Winky, to prepare tea.

"I cause quite a commotion every time I go to the Ministry of Magic, it's very troublesome for a hundred-year-old person..." Dumbledore explained as he walked towards Crouch's mansion. "I hope you don't mind."

This reason was quite reasonable, and Crouch believed it too.

"Of course not, it's a very important business matter; please come this way. We can talk in the study, can't we?"

"Of course not. This is a very important matter. Please, follow me. Can we talk in my study?" Crouch actively led the two people to his study. At that moment, the house-elf named Winky appeared at the door, holding a tray with a teapot, three cups of tea, and a plate of biscuits.

"Go and prepare dinner, something hearty," ordered Crouch.

"It's not necessary, not necessary," said Dumbledore, waving his hands. "We are only discussing general matters; the details we can... Oh, cream cookies, how delightful..."

Dumbledore showed great interest in the cookies, which led Minister Bones to wear an expression of resignation.

After tasting Crouch's cookies, Dumbledore couldn't help but praise them. It was after he finished the third cookie that Crouch and Bones began to grow a little impatient, and it was then that Dumbledore began to discuss the important matters.

"For the Triwizard Tournament next year, I have some ideas of my own regarding the challenges' contents..."


The three engaged in a lively discussion that lasted for several hours.

"All right, I believe that's enough for today," said Dumbledore as he rose from his seat. "I feel that the remaining details are something you, young ones, are better at than me... The contents of these three challenges were inspired by a young friend of mine."

"It's a wonderful idea. This Triwizard Tournament will surely be remembered in history," said Crouch with a smile on his face, expressing his satisfaction with the ideas proposed by Dumbledore.

He looked at the wall clock. "Is it already this late? No, I definitely have to invite both of you for dinner here..."

At that moment, a noise was heard in the hallway.

Dumbledore and Bones looked up to see.

"That clumsy Winky," Crouch frowned. "She's always in the middle of everything..."

"But wasn't Winky in the kitchen cooking?" Dumbledore appeared indifferent. "We should go and see; perhaps it's some kind of magical creature that has accidentally entered your house. I remember when I was a child, an Ashwinder suddenly appeared in my house; it was quite a mess..."

As he spoke, he headed towards the source of the noise, completely ignoring Crouch's objections. Seeing the determination on Dumbledore's face, Crouch turned pale, losing all color in his face.

When Dumbledore pushed the door and entered, Crouch slumped against the wall as if his bones had been removed. If it were any other ordinary wizard discovering that secret, Crouch would surely have used the Memory Charm to resolve the issue, but now he was facing Dumbledore...

Crouch didn't believe the lie that "Dumbledore was already senile"; he knew he had no chance against Dumbledore.

He could only accept the fate that awaited him.