Chapter 483: Party A: Dumbledore (Edited)

The next morning, the Hogwarts Express departed promptly from the train station.

Tom had good news for Hermione.

"Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall have decided to help us reapply for the right to use a Time-Turner for another semester!"

When it came to projects that had already been approved, the chances of getting approval again were higher, so Tom and Hermione practically had the fact that they would possess a Time-Turner for another semester assured.

The train would take eight hours to reach London. During that time, Tom and Hermione preferred to pass the time playing wizard's chess to entertain themselves. When they grew tired of wizard's chess, they played more relaxing games like Exploding Snap.

Just as Hermione was about to corner Tom's main pieces and eat up his last resource, a strange noise was heard from the train window. A large golden-red bird appeared gracefully outside the compartment, carrying a letter with it and flying around the train.

It was Fawkes, the phoenix!

Tom quickly opened the window and asked the incredible messenger to come inside. Fawkes left a letter in front of Tom and then proudly raised his head. The envelope bore Albus Dumbledore's characteristic handwriting.

"Albus Dumbledore is truly cautious... sending a letter through a phoenix," Tom sighed, impressed by Dumbledore's extravagance.

Dumbledore chose to send the letter through a phoenix to ensure speed and security. Of course, he also relied on Fawkes' cooperation.

Tom seized the opportunity to set aside the wizard's chess board and opened the envelope to read it.

The first half of the letter was a communication between Dumbledore and Tom, informing him that the plan had started and that the "actors" were already in place. The second half became a bit more magical as Dumbledore told Tom that there would be a Triwizard Tournament in the upcoming school year. Dumbledore provided Tom with a detailed description of the origin, purpose, and process of the tournament and attached his ideas for the tournament tasks.

Dumbledore wrote in the letter, "The challenges you planned to protect the Philosopher's Stone were very exciting, so this time, I hope you can outdo yourself and suggest some improvements."

"What does Dumbledore say in the letter?" Hermione was awakened by her curiosity. She was very interested in what kind of letter could make Dumbledore send it through a phoenix.

"It's about an important event next year. Dumbledore wants some ideas from me," Tom replied as he read the letter, finding excuses to respond to Hermione.

Since Tom gained control over the Dementors, his position in Dumbledore's mind had risen considerably. Moreover, after their previous conversation, Tom had been fully accepted as his equal.

The current Tom was not just a Hogwarts student but also a spokesperson for a significant force in the wizarding world. Dumbledore needed to collaborate with Tom to defeat Voldemort. After all, this plan was devised by Tom...

However, the fact that Dumbledore asked Tom to devise the tasks for the Triwizard Tournament was unexpected. Tom suspected that Dumbledore simply wanted to enjoy and relax, but he had no proof.

"An important event?" Hermione was fascinated by this word and hoped Tom would reveal some hints. Hermione also didn't quite understand how Tom suddenly became so powerful and how even Professor Dumbledore wanted advice from him. It was like they were studying together, and suddenly, he scored a perfect grade on a surprise test, surprising her.

"Are you sure you want to know? There won't be any surprises if I tell you in advance," Tom didn't like spoilers. In his view, spoilers were like getting information about the next version of a game from a mole. It might satisfy his curiosity, but excessive spoilers would also drain his interest in the game.

"Just a bit!" Hermione couldn't contain her inner curiosity. Her thirst for knowledge stirred in her heart like a mischievous kitten, frantically licking at her soft flesh at the waist.

"Alright, I'll give you a little preview... Next semester, students from other wizarding schools will come to Hogwarts!"


"Sure, absolutely."

"Guess. Which schools would you like to come?"

"Let me think... Wagadu from Africa and Castelobruxo from Brazil. It's said that Wagadu wizards are very skilled in wandless magic and Animagus transformation. And Castelobruxo in the rainforest is a school as historic as Hogwarts. If those two schools came, I would be so excited!"

Tom: ...

You might end up disappointed.

Fawkes, who was nearby, complained discontentedly when he saw Tom not responding to the mail. This finally made Tom focus and respond to the mail.

The rules of the Triwizard Tournament weren't complicated. Each of the three participating schools selected a champion, who competed in three different magical tasks. They were scored based on the quality of their performance in each task, and the champion with the highest overall score won. The tasks tested the champions' magical abilities, courage, reasoning skills, and ability to face dangers.

Dumbledore's ideas for the tournament tasks didn't differ much from the tasks in the original timeline. The first task involved dragons, and the champions had to retrieve a golden egg from one of them, which contained a clue for the second task. The second task took place in Hogwarts' Black Lake, and the champions had to rescue someone they cared about from the lake's depths. As for the third task, it was a maze with challenges like the Philosopher's Stone, such as potion riddles and moving statues.

For Tom, there didn't seem to be major issues, except for the lack of audience participation. The first task was fine, as at least spectators could witness it. Although, in reality, after Harry flew out of the competition area on his broom, the spectators couldn't see anything. The second and third tasks were even more absurd: one underwater and the other in a maze. Could spectators really see what was happening?

Should they stand outside the castle for two hours? Tom would prefer to have a barbecue in the common room by the fireplace.

These tasks needed significant changes! Despite being the contracting party, Tom showed the attitude of a principal party. He decided to modify the plan on his own initiative.

Tom thought for a moment as he nibbled on the writing quill, and he had an idea. He moved the wizard's chessboard aside and began writing quickly on the table.

After about half an hour, Tom finished writing the three new challenges. He rolled up the scrolls and handed them to Fawkes.

Fawkes: Snap!

The phoenix actually gave him a peck with his wings. He refused to accept the letter.

Tom: ???

Try again, and again.

Tom frowned, feeling the situation wasn't that simple. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized: the bird was demanding a bribe! He took out two bars of basilisk jerky from his bag, and Fawkes devoured them in one bite. Then, the satisfied Fawkes accepted Tom's letter and quickly flew off, flapping his wings.