Chapter 530: Forbidden Spell (Edited)

Dawlish's eyes widened in surprise; he had no idea that the "staff" was Tom's wand.

A strong wind blew, lifting the flaps of his cloak. Seeing the strength of the wind, Dawlish had the faint sense that Tom Yodel really had the power to calm the tumultuous situation.

He sighed and pulled his own wand from beneath his long coat. On his free hand, the expensive protective ring he had acquired shone.

Tom and Dawlish were at a high point in the camp, which quickly drew the attention of the Death Eaters who were casting curses at the Ministry officials. Even though they didn't understand what they were doing, that didn't stop them from casting some curses towards these two individuals with odd behavior.

Observing the colorful spells coming their way, Dawlish blocked them with the Protego Charm from his ring.

"You should hurry," Dawlish said anxiously. He had managed to stop the first wave of curses, but the ones to come would be much more powerful.

Tom paid no attention to Dawlish and focused on controlling his atmospheric spell. The wind he conjured spread and stirred the tents around him. With each whirl of the whirlwind, the wind's strength doubled. Initially, it could only lift the flaps of his cloak, but after the first wave of curses from the Death Eaters, the wind was strong enough to make the tents anchored to the ground sway.

"Let's go!" Tom pointed his wand towards the marching crowd. The wind, which initially spread towards the crowd at a slow pace, suddenly accelerated as if it had been whipped, flying at a speed several times greater than before.

Tom's activity drew the attention of most people. More Death Eaters aimed their wands at Tom and cast curses at him. This was where Dawlish's role became evident: he performed his duty as a human shield perfectly, while the ring and wand worked together to withstand all the spells directed at them.

The whirlwind continued to expand rapidly and soon reached the marching crowd. The Roberts family, floating in the air, tilted slightly in Tom's direction due to the wind. The marching crowd was forced to stop because the wind's force was too intense, and their hoods might fly off, revealing their identities.

After successfully casting his atmospheric spell, Tom didn't rush to take the next step. Instead, in a baffling manner, he asked Dawlish a question.

"Mr. Dawlish, does the concept of 'forbidden spells' exist in the magical world?"

Dawlish was busy defending against incoming spells, and Tom interrupted him, almost causing him to fall from the top of the tent.

"It doesn't exist!" Dawlish felt like cursing but didn't know where to start. He could only say indignantly, "The Ministry of Magic has only established categories of dark magic; any other magic is simply called magic. Forbidden spells? That's never been heard of!"

"From today, the magical world will have Forbidden Spells," Tom laughed heartily after hearing that.

Death Eaters, they like to play with fire, don't they? Well, I'll show them real fire.

Tom took another deep breath, the veins on his temple bulged. For the third time, he raised his staff above his head, but this time, he didn't strike it against the ground but waved it as if he were waving a flag.

The nearby Death Eaters watched Tom's movements with some confusion, but their instincts told them that if they allowed that person to continue casting spells, something very dangerous might happen.

One of the burly Death Eaters snorted and aimed his wand at Tom. "Avada Kedavra!"

A green bolt shot towards Tom.

"Be careful! The Protego Charm can't stop the Killing Curse!" Dawlish was nervous; he didn't know any spell in his repertoire that could withstand the Killing Curse, and he wasn't willing to risk his life to protect Tom.

However, Tom seemed to have not heard anything. He clenched his teeth and waved his staff with all his might, channeling all the remaining magic in his body into the staff.

In the blink of an eye, the Killing Curse flew towards Tom, just as it was about to hit him, the three-headed dog Patronus that Tom had summoned soared into the air and lunged to deflect the spell.

The green bolt disappeared instantly, and the Patronus turned into a silvery mist that filled the air.

"Thank you, Hermione," Tom looked at the Patronus, which had turned into smoke, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"Super Protego Diabolica!"

A circle of blue flames rose around the edge of Tom's tent and expanded with the wind, reaching the same height as the tent beneath their feet.

The swirling wind nearby was swept towards the wall of fire and, upon passing through it, turned into a whirlwind of fire. In a matter of seconds, the large whirlwind conjured by Tom was tinged blue by the flames.

"Burn..." Tom laughed as he watched his "masterpiece," displaying a satisfied smile.

Let me show you the magic I've created, a combination of the atmospheric spell and Protego Diabolica, a 'Forbidden Spell'!

Tom was very pleased, but on the other side of the camp, the wizards found no reason to laugh. They were all taken by surprise by the sudden turn of events. They saw a wall of fire, or rather, a whirlwind of fire, approaching quickly carried by the wind. Wherever it passed, the blue flames devoured everything.

As the saying goes, "fire takes advantage of the wind, and the wind drives the fury of fire." In less than ten seconds, half of the camp turned into a sea of flames, and the air distorted under the scorching heat. Everyone felt their hair slightly curling.


A small ball of blue fire fell onto the robe of one of the protesters, setting it ablaze. Instinctively, he tried to extinguish it with his hands, but the flames clung and began to burn his skin.

"Ah!" He screamed in agony, wildly waving his hands. This had disastrous consequences: the flames splashed by his movements spread everywhere, turning him into a ball of blue fire.

The surrounding Death Eaters scattered in panic, tearing at their robes as they were driven mad by the flames. They were afraid of ending up like him.

"Let's go!" Someone shouted, followed by a bang and the disappearance of a hooded figure.

As if it were a signal, all the protesters, whether they were covered in blue flames or not, rushed to use the Disapparition Charm and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The air resounded with pops like fireworks.

As for the ball of fire, no one paid it any attention.

"Merlin in the sky..." whispered a Ministry employee as if he were dreaming.

"Quick, let's go!" Mr. Weasley was the first to react. He grabbed the Roberts, who were in a state of shock, and along with some colleagues, dragged Percy, who was stunned, and ran out.

Under Mr. Weasley's guidance, the Ministry officials quickly dispersed. Those who could use the Disapparition Charm disappeared using that spell, while those who couldn't hurried to run, trying to be faster.

In a matter of seconds, all the wizards disappeared from sight.

Seeing this, Tom gathered his last remaining strength and waved his staff once more, directing the whirlwind of fire towards the marsh.

After doing all this, he voluntarily severed the connection between those two spells.