Chapter 568: The Awakening of Tom Yodel (Edited)

"I think I can fully accept it. Couldn't you consider it as a combination of Maradona and Michael Jordan and thus understand their emotions?" Tom explained to Krum's enthusiastic fans.

Quidditch is the only popular sport in the magical world, so it's appropriate to compare Krum to a combination of a basketball star and a soccer star.

After hearing this, Hermione could more or less understand those people's feelings, but she still thought they were ridiculous and boring deep down in her heart.

Why pursue a star? Wouldn't it be better to use that time to read books? Even if they don't want to read, they could eat, drink, or play games instead. Why waste their valuable time chasing after stars?

They entered the Great Hall, where the Beauxbatons students were already seated at the Ravenclaw table, while the Durmstrang students were still undecided.

After the Beauxbatons students had taken their seats, they looked around the Great Hall with curiosity and seemed somewhat bored. Three of them even had their heads wrapped in scarves and shawls.

"Why are they covering their heads? It's not that cold today, is it?" Hermione complained a bit, feeling that those French students seemed to underestimate Hogwarts.

"It's probably for religious reasons. In France, there are many 'pieds-noirs' who come from North Africa, and their doctrine requires them to cover their heads."

In France, there are many immigrants from North Africa. Although even if their skin is white, locals derogatorily refer to them as "pieds-noirs," which means they have black African roots.

"Why do they still believe in those things after becoming wizards?" Hermione muttered. After becoming wizards, very few of them maintain their faith. Even people like Hermione and Harry, who come from Muggle families, rarely say "Oh my God." Instead, they usually say "Merlin" in general. Although Hermione didn't fully understand, she still chose to be tolerant.

She sat next to Tom at the Ravenclaw table, waiting for the food to be served.

"Today we're going to enjoy it." Tom was very excited because the guests were coming from France and Northern Europe, which meant that today's cuisine would include French dishes and Northern European specialties. This made Tom, who was already tired of unappetizing British cuisine, very excited.

He even hoped to expand the size of the Triwizard Tournament in the future, inviting magic schools from Japan and Brazil. This way, he could taste authentic South American dishes and Japanese food.

"Look!" Hermione wasn't interested in the food and was observing the changes at the teachers' table. Filch, in his tuxedo, had added two chairs on each side of Dumbledore's seat.

At the same time, the Durmstrang students finally made a decision and joined the Slytherin students for the meal. Tom could almost hear the sighs coming from the Gryffindor table.

"They added two directors but placed four chairs. It must be that someone from the Ministry of Magic is coming. Will the Minister for Magic be here?" Hermione was more interested in today's guests than in Quidditch stars.

"As Ludo Bagman is the head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, he's likely to come," Tom thought while analyzing with Hermione but was interrupted by a voice.

"That spell you used earlier was amazing." A Beauxbatons student with her hair wrapped in a scarf approached Tom and sat beside him, speaking to him.

"Ah, it's you!" Tom recognized the girl approaching him as Fleur Delacour, whom he had met at the World Cup final.

"Yes, it's me. After finding out that you're a Hogwarts student, I thought I might find someone to help me get acquainted with the place." Fleur smiled slightly at Tom. She wasn't intentionally using her veela ability, but that smile was incredibly dazzling; even Tom was momentarily stunned.

Fortunately, with his steel will and excellent Occlumency, Tom quickly recovered and returned to normal.

In a short period of time, Tom sensed a feeling of oppression around him, and his survival instinct sprang up like a spring after the rain.

"I'm sorry, Fleur, but I have to prepare for next year's O.W.L. exams now. I don't have time to show you around Hogwarts, but I'm sure there will be other kind students willing to help you get acquainted with the Hogwarts castle," Tom replied in an official tone, exuding an air of an exemplary model student.

Upon hearing Tom's response, Fleur showed a slight expression of disappointment on her face. She didn't have much interest in Hogwarts castle. Her initial intent in saying that was to get closer to Tom and get to know this extraordinary boy. Madame Maxime had told her that even excellent students who didn't become champions from the three schools would also participate in the Tournament, so she wanted to prepare in advance. However, Tom's evasive refusal completely foiled her plan, so she decided to let it go.

Hermione, who was standing next to Tom, displayed a satisfied smile. 'Well, this response deserves a ten. Tom has a great sense of responsibility,' she thought to herself.

She glanced at Tom, who exuded a sense of rectitude and masculinity, and thought that students with that kind of mindset should be recognized. On the other hand, Miss Fleur Delacour, who introduced herself without being invited, was not particularly pleasant.

Hermione began to think of a way to counterattack, but seeing Fleur fall silent after receiving a negative response, she decided not to say anything more.

When Fleur stopped talking, Hermione's breathing returned to normal, and Tom sighed in relief. 'I finally passed that test,' he thought to himself. The previous conversation was extremely dangerous. One slip-up, and he could have fallen into the trap of this charming half-veela.

Tom was very aware that he already had a girlfriend and that once he and Hermione established a relationship, he needed to be careful with his behavior. Having a girlfriend and flirting with other beautiful girls was not appropriate at all. Putting himself in Hermione's shoes, would she accept him becoming the "tour guide" for Krum? If she wouldn't, then he needed to stay away from Fleur.

At that moment, all the students had taken their seats, and the teachers headed to their seats of honor. Finally, the three school directors entered.

When Madame Maxime appeared, all the Beauxbatons students stood up and didn't sit down again until their headmistress had taken her seat.

Dumbledore delivered a brief welcome speech and then announced the start of dinner with a sweeping hand gesture.

Suddenly, all sorts of food magically appeared on everyone's plates. Upon seeing the mountains of roast potatoes, roast chicken, and sausages on her plate, Fleur let out a mocking laugh.

"Are you sure, Yodel, that this food will make us feel 'comfortable and happy' as Mr. Dumbledore said?"

It was clear that Fleur didn't have a very high opinion of Hogwarts' English cuisine.