Chapter 579: What Happened (Edited)

After waking up, Tom felt a slight headache, perhaps a hangover?

Then he noticed something strange: there was a soft body wrapped around him like an octopus!


Tom abruptly woke up, instinctively reaching out and finding smooth, silky skin. In his sight, everything was pure and white like snow.


Memories of the previous night began to gradually surface in his mind.

Tom got out of bed.

His boyfriend's movement also woke up Hermione, who, upon waking up, was momentarily perplexed but then remembered what had happened the night before.

Suddenly, Hermione's face turned as red as an apple, and she instinctively pulled the sheets to cover her body, but as she moved them, she revealed some stains on the sheets that were previously hidden.

Both of them silently stared at the sheets for a long while until Tom finally broke the silence.

"Um... what time is it now?"

Hermione felt relieved and lifted her wrist; she still had her watch on.

"It's less than seven; we still have plenty of time," her voice trembled a bit, clearly suppressing her emotions.

"That's good," Tom replied, and they fell into silence again.

"Can you pass me my clothes, please?" This time it was Hermione who broke the silence.

"Oh, yes, of course," Tom, still half asleep, turned around and got out of bed to collect Hermione's clothes, looking rather disheveled, which made Hermione's face turn even redder.

But upon seeing the ruined dress, both of them fell into silence again.

"This dress cost me thousands of pounds!" Hermione said through gritted teeth as she looked at the scraps of fabric in front of her.

Tom: ...

"I'll definitely compensate you for it!" he hastily said.

"Yes, you'll have to compensate for it... and also, put on your clothes first!" Hermione shot Tom a disdainful look.

Hermione's dress required unzipping the back, putting the right leg in first, then placing the collar around the neck before putting the left leg into the silk stockings and securing them with garters. The back zipper was designed to be invisible, only a very fine line could be seen from the outside, which, in the dim candlelight, went unnoticed.

Tom, being inexperienced in these matters, was unaware of these details. Additionally, due to the haste of the previous night, his movements were somewhat rough, turning the elegant garment into pieces.

Perhaps in the future, it could be repaired with a mending charm, Tom thought. Wait, if clothing can be repaired with a spell, would there be a spell to heal wounds on the body...?

While Tom rambled in his thoughts, Hermione found her underwear in a pile of clothes and was about to put it on when she noticed her intimate area was wet and sticky.

Hermione touched herself and then brought her hand to her nose, gently smelling the scent. Her expression changed. She looked fiercely at Tom and punched him.

Tom: ???

Did this girl use Legilimency on me?

Tom didn't understand and felt puzzled. Hermione didn't want to explain; she quickly got up from the bed and looked around the room, the sheets slid off, revealing a large expanse of pure white. At that moment, in accordance with Hermione's wish, a door appeared on the wall.

Hermione opened the door and found a fully-equipped bathroom. She quickly removed the dirty socks from her feet and ran to the bathroom barefoot. Soon, the sound of running water could be heard.

While Hermione bathed, Tom stared at the blank sheets.

Hermione bathed for a long time, washing herself meticulously and carefully.

Finally, the sound of water stopped, and the young woman emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a robe, accompanied by a cloud of steam.

"Go shower first," without letting Tom speak, Hermione gave an order.

"Alright." Tom obediently rushed to the shower.

When he finished, Hermione had already cleaned up the mess on the bed. As for the dirty sheet, it was nowhere to be found.

Hermione sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, waiting for Tom to come out.

The current Hermione seemed to have left behind her youthful innocence and had become a bit more mature than the day before. She managed to find her underwear among the tangled clothes, put it on, and covered the raccoon and kitten patterns that were exposed before with a black cloth.

Tom looked at Hermione, his eyes widening. He approached the bed and sat close to Hermione, extending his arms to hug her.

Hermione resisted a bit at first but then accepted.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Tom still remembered how the sheet looked, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for the fragile girl in his arms.

Hermione pursed her lips.

"Actually, I'm fine." She felt lucky that Tom didn't ask silly questions like, "Did you enjoy it?" or "How was I?" If she faced those kinds of questions, she really wouldn't know how to respond.

It's also a matter of details. As long as the questions aren't too silly, you shouldn't ask such questions to the girl you love. They are questions that can't be answered!

Saying it wasn't enjoyable would hurt her boyfriend, saying it was enjoyable would demean herself. And as for "How was I?" well, if you don't have self-awareness, how should I evaluate you? And as for "Are you okay?" do you expect your girlfriend to say, "You're the best"? Then why don't you care about your beloved treasure? She just entrusted herself to you. Of course, if you're driven by carnal desires, then you can talk about whatever you want.

Tom felt a little guilty inside. He had originally intended to wait until their wedding night to take the final step, but they couldn't resist the temptation last night and tasted the forbidden fruit.

He felt somewhat regretful towards the girl in his arms.

As if sensing her boyfriend's apology, Hermione smiled slightly, then took the initiative and gently kissed Tom's cheek.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"No need to apologize. I prepared the drinks, bought the clothes, brought you to the Room of Requirement, and even the position was my initiative. What are you apologizing for?" Hermione acted generously, but her gaze was clear and determined. "Meeting you makes me happy, and that's enough. Let's take it even further; I'm already over sixteen! Even if Dumbledore catches us, it doesn't matter."

They both laughed.

"Alright, get dressed. We still need to head downstairs for the first event of the Triwizard Tournament!" Hermione freed herself from Tom's embrace, moved to the center of the bed, and leaned against the headboard, finding a comfortable position.

November 1st was Halloween and also the start of the first event of the Triwizard Tournament.

Tom nodded, but his gaze landed on Hermione's bare, fair feet.

Hermione tilted her head, with a small smile on her lips.

"If you still feel uncomfortable, why don't..." Her toes slid over Tom's chin and landed on his thigh.

" help me put on my socks?" Hermione smiled and said.