Chapter 585: What a Great Treasure Chest (Edited)

The fresh water from the pond splashed onto Norberta's face, calming down this passionate dragon. Gradually, Norberta remembered the moments when she had just hatched.

Back then, she used to be constantly scolded by this young wizard in front of her. Every time she made a mistake, she received a stream of water, an experience similar to her childhood.

Norberta, who had been repeatedly disciplined by Tom, had developed a conditioned reflex to behave obediently when she saw him.

But she was no longer a little dragoness! Norberta suddenly realized that she was no longer the same and now had the confidence to challenge Tom.

Perhaps realizing the change in Norberta, Tom lightly tapped the ground with his staff.

[See? Do you think you could die if I hit you with my staff?]

Norberta: Not possible, absolutely impossible!

However, she folded her wings and became obedient.

A good dragon won't suffer an unnecessary defeat. I'll grow stronger if I keep growing. Norberta thought to herself.

Seeing that Norberta remained obedient as before, Tom also let his guard down. He stored his armor, leaped off Buckbeak's back, and conjured a fire on the pond's shore with his wand.

"Wait here; I'm going to find some food." Tom reassured Buckbeak and prepared to find some food for both of them.

Norberta seemed to understand what Tom meant and suddenly looked delighted. She spread her wings and flew through the air, returning in no time with a round boar in her claws.

Norberta crushed the boar with a claw and then carefully pushed it toward Tom, displaying an air of contentment on her face.

When Norberta was young, Tom used to grill fish and meat for her, leaving a deep impression on her. Later, she was taken to the dragon reserve, where she lived a life of uncertainty and hardships, without food as good as what she had at Hagrid's house. This made her long for her happy childhood even more.

"Thank you." Tom dragged the still trembling boar to the lake's shore. "Wingardium Leviosa."

The boar floated in the air, hanging upside down by the lake. Tom then used a cutting spell to slit the boar's throat, letting a stream of boar blood flow out.

Boar blood was a good thing, but Tom had no intention of collecting it at the moment. He stood by the lake, watching as the boar's blood was drained.

"Incendio." After storing the blood, Tom used a fire spell to burn the boar. It didn't take long before an entirely blackened boar appeared in Norberta's view.

Norberta: Awesome!

Given the circumstances, Norberta could only eat the prey raw, at most, use her dragon breath to burn off the hair and blood, i.e., the skinning and bleeding actions performed by adult dragons were impossible for her, as she was just a small creature without the conditions to do so. Moreover, eating meat with hair and blood was a terrible experience for Norberta. After all, she used to live in Hagrid's house, enjoying a privileged life. At this moment, seeing Tom busy cleaning the boar for her, Norberta felt her eyes welling up with emotional tears.

Ah, these wonderful days have returned!

After removing the boar's hair, Tom opened the boar's body and removed its entrails, tossing them all into the nearby pond. Although the pond wasn't large, it was a lively water source with some fish inside. These entrails were a feast for the fish.

However, not all of the entrails were processed by Tom. He left the boar's heart and gave it to Buckbeak.

The completely cleaned boar was cut into various pieces by Tom and placed over the fire to roast. Meanwhile, Norberta sat on the side, watching with anticipation.

Tom looked at Norberta and realized a potential opportunity. After a brief communication, he learned that the organizers had left a small box for Norberta, apparently containing some items.

Tom convinced Norberta with two roasted boar legs and persuaded her to voluntarily hand over the treasure box. The box contained only a fragment of the magic bracelet, some insignificant treasures, and a scroll.

Tom stored the fragment without hesitation, quickly checked the functions of the treasures and lost interest in them. They were similar to Fred and George's joke products that could produce smoke and such. Tom's gaze landed on the scroll.

Tom took the scroll and opened it, finding that it was a fragment of a map. It showed the area near the Whomping Willow, with the location of some NPCs and a clue about another fragment of the map.

Tom raised his eyebrows: This is very useful!

Without hesitation, he stored the map fragment in his chest and took a piece of roasted bacon from the fire, preparing to leave. However, in the instant before closing the box, something in the corner of the box caught his attention.

It was a lock covered by a cloth.

Tom frowned. What else could need to be covered by cloth other than a Portkey? Was that lock a Portkey? If it was a Portkey...

An evil idea surfaced in Tom's mind.


"This is the fifth box Fleur has opened! Since she summoned the Silver Wolf, her progress in the strategy has been much faster, but unfortunately, she has not yet found the fragment of the magic bracelet," the Beauxbatons announcer spoke excitedly.

The three champions hadn't faced significant difficulties so far.

After returning from the playing field, Krum had been wandering through the forest and encountered a Hogwarts volunteer. After defeating him, he obtained a map fragment from the volunteer containing the location of another fragment of the magic bracelet. At that moment, he was rushing toward the marked location on the map.

Cedric, after defeating the troll, had the misfortune of encountering a Sphinx, a magical creature originating from Egypt. They are very intelligent and enjoy riddles and puzzles. Cedric was trapped by the Sphinx, which significantly delayed his progress.

Fleur was in the best condition of the three.

The treasures she had obtained from the boxes had greatly enhanced her power. In case of an encounter, she could secure victory using the alchemical items in her possession.

Fleur's smooth success fueled envy among the Hogwarts and Durmstrang students. Many secretly hoped she would encounter some obstacle.

And that opportunity came soon.

Fleur headed toward the area of the Whomping Willow.

"Wow! Is contestant Delacour facing her first difficulty since the start of the game?"

"This could ruin all the advantages she has accumulated so far!"

"Fleur, get out of there fast!" the Beauxbatons announcer anxiously shouted, while Lee Jordan and the Durmstrang person gloated.

However, they soon lost their joy because the golden armored knight under the Whomping Willow had disappeared!

This creature can move too!? Is Fleur just too lucky?

Lee Jordan's eyes caught something beneath the Whomping Willow. He rubbed his eyes and exclaimed incredulously, "There's a large chest under the tree!"