Chapter 589: New Business Opportunities (Edited)

Contrary to what the spectators expected, Cedric left. There was no conflict, nor did he manage to subdue the Golden Knight.

"What's going on? Cedric talked to the Golden Knight and then left?" Jordan had a big question mark on his face, but he quickly found an explanation: "Cedric probably reached an agreement with the knight and needs to complete some tasks to earn his recognition..."

Jordan's explanation was logical and convincing.

Jimmy, the Durmstrang commentator next to him, sighed and said with regret, "It seems that the right strategy for the Golden Knight is to communicate and talk to him instead of engaging in conflict. Our champion, Krum, suffered a bit in that regard."

Inside, Jimmy lamented Krum's situation. It would have been so good if Krum had discovered this trick earlier! Leveraging his initial advantage, he might have already defeated this boss...

Jimmy didn't even consider the possibility that the Golden Knight was a wizard. In his opinion, this guy should be part of the Ministry of Magic or some kind of alchemical automaton prepared by Dumbledore. He was extremely powerful and invincible, but by defeating him, you obtained many rewards, like fragments and items.

With Cedric's departure, the Golden Knight disappeared from everyone's sight. However, discussions about him didn't cease.

"He's too strong!"

"He's so handsome! I want to buy a figure of him..."

"Yeah, I want one too..."

These conversations were everywhere and eventually reached the ears of Hogwarts' two most entrepreneurial individuals.

"Fred, what do you think about making a series of figures of the Golden Knight? Will there be a good market for that?"

"Of course, George. The best part is that these figures aren't difficult to make. They're just an upgraded version of those clay figurines we saw at the World Cup. Should we do a market study first?"

The Weasley twins, after their interaction with Tom, awakened an entrepreneurial spirit. One of their focuses was "pre-selling."

Fred and George painted a great picture to other students. After attracting students with the picture, to get the "cake," they needed an initial deposit. Then, based on the number of deposits, they would produce a batch of products and collect the balance when they were delivered to the students.

The beauty of this idea lay in the fact that it allowed for market research in advance, obtaining precise feedback, and avoiding the risk of inventory accumulation. It's worth mentioning that if a customer backed out, the deposit wouldn't be refunded.

At this moment, in their picture, they already had figurines of three champions and some magical creature figures. Adding a Golden Knight figure wouldn't be a problem.

Hmm, at Hogwarts, the most popular action figure is Fleur Delacour's. This must be due to the young wizards' broad international perspective.

After bidding farewell to Cedric, Tom's place calmed down again. When it did, Tom couldn't help but think of Hermione. He wanted to know where she was now, what she was doing, and how bored she must be.

The volunteers were taken to the Forbidden Forest by individual professors, and he didn't know where Hermione was.

Why not try Divination? Tom came up with an idea.

He had quite good Divination skills; maybe he could find Hermione through Divination.

But just as he was about to start Divination, an unexpected visitor arrived in his territory.

The unexpected visitor was a furious Fleur.

After being tormented by the treasure chest, she was very dissatisfied and also noticed something strange. Her intuition told her that this strange treasure chest was probably deliberately created. The culprit should be the volunteer assigned to the Whomping Willow. After understanding this, she felt embarrassed about being tricked, which genuinely angered her.

So, after regrouping, Fleur, driven by her anger, approached the Whomping Willow. She wanted to see what was going on there and uncover the truth. If there really was a volunteer, she would teach them a lesson.

Then, she saw a knight dressed in golden armor.

Fleur: ???

What's going on?

Fleur's "second coming" was clearly seen by the spectators on the field.

"Be careful!" Amy, the Beauxbatons commentator, shouted in concern. "Don't engage with him, Fleur!"

Unfortunately, even though she shouted at the top of her lungs, Fleur couldn't hear her. But Fleur wasn't stupid; she realized that this big guy wouldn't be easy to handle. So, she took out two freshly acquired items, still warm, from her small waist bag.

One item looked like a candle burned halfway down, while the other was a small bell.

Fleur lit the candle, and the smoke that produced condensed into the figure of an adult witch. She had hollow eyes, wore a witch's robe, a pointed hat, and held a wand in her hand. This was the wonderful function of the candle; it could summon a ghostly image of a witch to fight alongside her, which wouldn't disappear until the candle was completely consumed.

After summoning the witch, Fleur shook the bell, and the ground transformed into the appearance of an Acromantula, the size of a desk. Once the Acromantula completed its transformation, the bell turned into small fragments and could no longer be used. It was an alchemical item imbued with transformation magic, a work of Professor McGonagall.

It could record the appearance of an animal and then transform the earth into that shape.

These two items were very useful, and Fleur had obtained them by defeating two volunteers.

Although Fleur seemed prepared, the spectators and commentators didn't have much hope for her.

"She's in trouble; it looks like Fleur still wants to resolve this through force, but it seems these two items in her hands aren't effective," Jordan said, expressing what everyone was thinking.

Fleur didn't care if the spectators didn't support her. She had full confidence in herself.

"Let me show this big guy what I'm made of." Fleur frowned and felt an inexplicable irritation. With all the pent-up fire inside her waiting to be released, she decided to vent it on this Golden Knight.

Fleur appeared in Tom's view with her summoned creatures.

"How annoying..." Tom wasn't pleased that Fleur interrupted his Divination, so he decided to resolve this quickly.

He pulled Buckbeak's reins and charged towards Fleur.


The Acromantula summoned by Fleur shattered, and both she and the smoky witch hit Tom with their magic, but the two spells barely harmed him.

Tom charged at Fleur again, this time targeting the smoky witch, but his staff failed to hit the witch's body, which transformed into a puff of smoke and evaded Tom's attack.

Tom: ???

Immune to physical attacks?