Chapter 595: Project Settlement (Edited)

Several layers of transparent shields appeared at the junction of the two Shield Charms, gradually merging with them.

Finally, the Shield Charms from all three of them merged and formed a basic version of the Super Shield Charm, which stood between Tom and the dragon's breath, keeping them apart.

Meanwhile, Tom didn't remain idle. His weather spell was gradually taking shape.

Thanks to the cold and humid climate of the Scottish Highlands, summoning a large number of black clouds here wasn't difficult.

The clouds in the sky rapidly expanded, and the raindrops transformed from fine to the size of rice grains. These water droplets fell onto the dragon's breath and almost instantly turned into water vapor, shrouding the area in dense white mist, making visibility extremely poor.

These water vapors rose into the sky and condensed into raindrops falling back down. Tom had already established a cycle, turning this space into his own battlefield.

The Hungarian Horntail became restless and waved its tail. The raindrops falling from the sky irritated it. As a dragon, it disliked rainy weather. However, with its intelligence, it found it difficult to comprehend where the rain in the sky was coming from. It simply thought it was unlucky to encounter annoying little creatures on a rainy day.

The Hungarian Horntail increased the intensity of its breath, but Cedric and Hermione also intensified the power of their spells. The combination of the three's Shield Charms and the dragon's breath created a strange state of "opposing waves," and for a moment, both sides were at a standstill.

All of this was clearly observed by the audience in the stadium.

"Amazing! They're not at a disadvantage at all!" Lee Jordan grabbed the microphone in front of him and was thrilled. According to his knowledge, a single wizard couldn't take on a dragon, even if it was a young Hungarian Horntail. But Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, and Tom Yodel had done it.

"You're my gods!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

This exaggerated gesture was not objected to because the three of them were indeed defying common sense.

The battle between Tom and the Hungarian Horntail caused quite a stir.

Krum, Fleur, and their respective supporters looked up at the changing sky. Then, they unanimously made a decision: to go and see what was happening.

By that time, the space above the land had already filled with rapidly growing black clouds, and the rain had turned into a torrential downpour. The Hungarian Horntail also noticed something strange: why was it only raining here? This wasn't localized rain, was it?

"Atmospheric Fulmen!" When Tom saw the right moment, without hesitation, he cast his final attack: a lightning bolt.

The spell penetrated between the clouds, which began to twist. Tom's magical power was also rapidly depleting. After a few seconds, a silver flash was seen in the clouds.


A white glare was born from the dark clouds, and accompanied by a deafening roar, the dazzling light instantly blinded all the spectators, turning the entire screen into a blinding white.

The lightning bolt descended from the clouds and struck precisely the Hungarian Horntail's back. The dragon emitted a roar of pain. Although dragon skin was extremely resistant, even dragon skin was vulnerable to lightning.

Tom's lightning successfully opened a several-centimeter-long wound on the Hungarian Horntail's back, and the edges of the wound were already burned.

Seeing the damage inflicted on the Hungarian Horntail, the faces of a group of adult wizards in the stands turned ugly.

They were the Romanian dragon researchers responsible for bringing these creatures to the island of Great Britain. After the dragons participated in the event, they had to be taken back to Romania.

Their task was to "retrieve" the big guys after the competition...

The difficulty of retrieving these creatures had increased considerably due to the damage suffered by the Hungarian Horntail. They all wore bitter smiles: they hoped that the next Triwizard Tournament wouldn't involve dragons.

The wounded Hungarian Horntail fully spread its wings and, before the second lightning bolt struck, flew away from the area, leaving behind this strange weather. From start to finish, it couldn't associate the climate change with those small figures in front of it...

"Incredible!" Hermione flew towards Tom like the wind. "We've successfully defeated a dragon!"

Tom smiled. Instead of immediately dispersing the clouds in the sky, he waved his wand and used the residual magic left in his body to generate lightning after lightning in the clouds.

"It seems like the commotion has attracted some flies. Fall!" Tom was aware of the noise he had just caused. He thought Krum and Fleur wouldn't miss this opportunity. This was their last chance to turn the situation around.

Who would be willing to give up directly? Why not seize the opportunity and take a risk? That was the correct line of thinking. After the dragon fight, the three of them were weakened, and Krum, Fleur, and their helpers could seize the chance and catch them completely off guard.

At that moment, the three of them would likely be too busy making mistakes. It would be funny if they had their fragment bag taken away.

Therefore, it was necessary to intimidate this group of people.

With a wave of Tom's staff, in the next instant, several tree-trunk-thick lightning bolts fell from the clouds and struck the surrounding forests, causing a series of explosions.

These lightning bolts truly frightened the two teams approaching slowly. One of the Durmstrang wizards had the misfortune of having a lightning bolt strike just half a meter away from him. If he had taken one more step, he would have turned into charcoal.

Although it wasn't a direct hit, the lightning so close made every hair on his body stand on end, and his hairstyle turned into a frizz.

Durmstrang Wizard: ...

He felt like his heart was about to stop beating. In the next instant, without hesitation, he crushed the Portkey shell and returned to the Quidditch field.

He no longer wanted to get involved in this project!

"It doesn't seem necessary to continue the competition," Dumbledore observed the situation on the spot and came to a conclusion.

The bracelet had been split into thirty fragments, and counting the one he had collected after defeating the Hungarian Horntail, Cedric had twenty-three fragments in his possession, and with the Fire Dragon he had prepared being defeated by the three of them, the first event was now a waste of time.

This also meant the end of the event.

"I agree." Madame Maxime had an unpleasant expression. She didn't expect her school's champion to lose so decisively. Fleur had been performing well in the competition, but in the end, she lost. Karkaroff, as always, remained silent, as if the outcome of the competition had nothing to do with him.

He nodded, showing his stance.

After reaching a consensus, Dumbledore stood up and actively announced the end of the event, starting the event's closure.