Chapter 627: Great War (Edited)

On a desolate hillside, shadows appeared one after another. Bellatrix had transported the Death Eaters to this location.

She looked back and saw the Death Eaters with their heads lowered, like defeated dogs. Most of them were tightly gripping their wands with one hand and supporting the Death Eaters rescued from Azkaban with the other, looking disheveled.

Though they were prepared, everyone was deeply disappointed. Voldemort's retreat, no matter how many reasons there might be, couldn't hide the fact that he had withdrawn before Dumbledore.

Now, the only consolation for the Death Eaters was that at least they had been defeated by Dumbledore, and losing to Dumbledore wasn't really a defeat.

Bellatrix took a deep breath. She knew her master had his own plan. Although she knew nothing about the plan, as his most loyal follower, Bellatrix felt she could do her small part within her capabilities.

First, she counted the number of people to make sure no Death Eater was left behind, then she prepared to lead everyone to the Lestrange Mansion. She wanted the Death Eaters to settle into the mansion.

She waved her wand and conjured a silver snake. The snake slithered through the air, eventually forming a somewhat abstract "L," and then a large iron gate appeared out of thin air. Although many years had passed, the mansion's gate still looked new, with its black lacquer emitting a chill, and a decorative raven on top of the gate cawed. Along with this magnificent gate, an abandoned mansion also appeared.

Through the gate, the Death Eaters saw a dilapidated lawn and a somewhat ancient mansion in the distance.

A mansion abandoned for more than a decade still stood in this state, which was already quite surprising.

However, just as Bellatrix was about to use magic to open the mansion's gate, something unexpected happened.



"Petrificus Totalus!"

A burst of explosive sounds echoed in the area, and at the same time, numerous spells were cast from all directions.

In the next moment, people surrounded the Death Eaters, who were attacked without warning, and several Death Eaters were knocked down before they could react.

Bellatrix dodged a Stunning Spell, pushed her husband to the ground, and turned abruptly, seeing familiar faces: McGonagall, Arthur, Percy, Moody, Tonks, Snape, and Kingsley.

The members of the Order of the Phoenix who pursued them weren't numerous, but although they had knocked down three or four Death Eaters in the initial attack, they were still in an unfavorable position.

Bellatrix only needed a glance to realize the advantage was on their side; they had numerical superiority, and the other side had a traitor. There was no way they could lose!

"Kill them!" With no time to ponder why they had been able to reach them here, Bellatrix gave the order to the Death Eaters around her, urging them to quickly get rid of this group.

Percy, looking at the faces of the wanted fugitives on the posters, became excited and flushed. If they could capture these fugitives and bring them to justice, what a great achievement that would be!

It would be a great merit! Even he and his father could celebrate a meal together, and somehow he had the luck to find this opportunity!

So he was the first to cast a spell, which was easily blocked by Bellatrix. In an instant, it ignited the battle between both sides.

Spells flew in all directions, creating a lively commotion.

Bellatrix dodged an unfamiliar spell by lowering her head, and when she raised it, she saw Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa approaching Severus Snape. She couldn't help but silently curse, 'Lucius, you cunning old man! Do you really want to play tricks at a time like this? When I see my master, I'll definitely tell him!'

"Expulso!" A spell exploded near her feet, causing the ground to crack, and Bellatrix stumbled. She glared furiously in the direction where the spell had come from and saw it was Moody's doing.

With her gaze fixed on Moody, Bellatrix burned with anger and advanced towards him, actively confronting him.

Since they were outnumbered, generally, two or three Death Eaters fought against one member of the Order of the Phoenix. Although the pursuers from the Order of the Phoenix were all skilled, sooner or later, they would be defeated one by one.

"Fools!" Bellatrix laughed maniacally. "Do you think you can defeat us with so few? Perfect! Today, I will send the annihilation of the Order of the Phoenix as the best gift to my master!"

Now she realized that perhaps the members of the Order of the Phoenix had received information from somewhere about her and the other Death Eaters moving to Lestrange Mansion, so they had abandoned most of the Ministry of Magic forces and hurried here directly.

Thinking about this, Bellatrix released a cold laugh. The intelligence of the Order of the Phoenix was accurate, but how could they be their opponents with just the Order of the Phoenix? They had so many people!

Moreover, the rescued Death Eaters could also be of help. Even Death Eaters like Dolohov, in a bad state, had already picked up the wands of other Death Eaters and joined the fight.

Just as Bellatrix was preparing to exert herself more and defeat Moody in front of her, she felt a familiar chill coming from not too far away.


Along with the chill, there was also a group of Ministry of Magic employees and the most feared creatures for the Death Eaters: the Dementors.

"Cursed!" Bellatrix was furious, reaching her peak. Although they had the advantage, the situation was reversed with the arrival of the Dementors.

She made a motion with her wand, casting a killing curse to push Moody back half a step, then grabbed a nearby Death Eater from the ground and ran towards Lestrange Mansion. Bellatrix knew that if they didn't leave now, it would be impossible once the Dementors surrounded them.

Depending on the mansion's resilience, slowly fighting this group of people was the right choice. Bellatrix escaped, and the other Death Eaters also lost their will to fight and fled towards the mansion, even some using Apparition Charms in the chaos to escape the scene.

During the confrontation between the two parties, casualties were generally not evident. The real casualties occurred during the escape.

Percy, regardless of his bloodied nose, heroically stunned Yaxley, the most informed at the Ministry of Magic. The same happened with the others, with spells flying in all directions, leaving several Death Eaters behind.

Counting the abandoned ones, nearly half of the Death Eaters were recaptured by them.

"Should we pursue them?" Tonks looked at the remaining Death Eaters hurrying into the mansion, eager to try their luck.

At the crucial moment, Moody, with his extensive experience, kept his composure and stopped Tonks, warning her not to act hastily to avoid falling into an ambush by the Death Eaters. After all, they were in Lestrange Mansion, and no one knew what kind of strange traps might be there.