Chapter 644: Menes: Guess Why I Don't Use the Philosopher's Stone to Renew My Life (Edited)

Dumbledore quickly arranged the suspension procedures for Tom and Hermione. Although they were called "suspension procedures," in reality, Dumbledore simply wrote a letter as the headmaster, informing the professors that Tom and Hermione could take a temporary break.

Hogwarts didn't have all the restrictions and complications of the non-magical world. Here, things could be done more quickly and straightforwardly. While in the non-magical world, they might have had to make countless visits to different offices to arrange something, here, with just a letter written by Dumbledore, everything was ready.

After leaving the office, Hermione excitedly grabbed Tom and said, "How didn't I think of this earlier? We can look for Menes!"

However, she was a bit hesitant because she didn't know if Pharaoh Menes, who was like a god, would be willing to help them. Even if he kicked them out of the Secret Realm, she couldn't say anything because they had no obligations towards them. Tom and Hermione couldn't offer him assistance; they could only have a chat with him. And in return, Tom received quite a generous reward from Menes.

They shouldn't assume that someone who was kind would help them without further ado.

Hearing Hermione's words, Tom rolled his eyes. "I know some people in the magical world too!"

He felt a bit frustrated because Hermione hadn't told him that from the beginning. After all, it wasn't an incurable disease.

Hermione pursed her lips upon hearing Tom, not knowing how to respond; she could only look away to avoid him pointing it out further.

"Even if it were an incurable disease, you should have told me; we could have faced it together," Tom spoke with a serious and compassionate tone, "I could be with you in tough times; that's what a couple does. I hope that never happens between us."

The word "couple" made Hermione's face blush, feeling a warmth spread throughout her body.

"We, we're not a couple..." She stammered.

"Then what are we?" Tom gently caressed Hermione's rosy cheek, "Close friends?"

"We'll see about that in the future." Under Tom's persistence, Hermione's face turned even redder, "Now, I need to prepare my things before going to Egypt. I'll have to protect myself from the sun..."

By the time the words left her mouth, she had already disappeared down the hallway.

Hermione wasn't making excuses; she was genuinely preparing for the trip to Egypt, changing her attire for the occasion.

When Hermione appeared in front of Tom, she had shed her heavy wizard robe and was wearing a long beige linen dress. She had a white wicker hat on, cinched at the waist with a thick leather belt. On her feet, she wore a pair of pointed white high-heeled shoes.

"Are you healing someone or going on vacation?" Tom looked at the Hermione before him with a sense of urgency.

"A bit of both, let's go," Hermione said with a bright smile towards Tom, handing him a beige linen robe.

"I picked this one for you."

Tom had no reason to decline the robe offered by his girlfriend. So, quickly, they both coordinated their outfits.

Getting more familiar with practice, Tom and Hermione quickly found Menes. As expected, he was resting in his palace.

"Oh, have you come? Sit down, would you like some candied olives?" Menes appreciated the presence of visitors; at the very least, he could hear some stories.

However, when his eyes fell on Hermione's face, he noticed a problem. To him, the young woman seemed to exude an aura of weakness.

"I suppose you've come seeking my help." He put the olive he had picked back into the jar.

"Yes, do you know how to make the Philosopher's Stone? Or, rather, take a look at this," Tom handed over the Philosopher's Stone fragments and added, "Of course, if you know of any other cure for her, that would be great..."

Menes merely glanced at it and tossed the small leather bag back.

"You've already found a reliable method," he chuckled softly, "The Philosopher's Stone, of course, I can make it, and you can too."

Tom: ???!!!

How didn't he know he could make it?

Hermione also looked surprised at Tom; she was well aware of Tom's abilities, and he definitely couldn't make the Philosopher's Stone. So why did they come here?

"I recall I gave you an Emerald Tablet, right? You can use that. Mix these fragments with my blood, and you can create the draft of the Philosopher's Stone."

Menes waved his hand.

But Tom didn't show joy; he had clearly heard the word "draft."

"Does the draft of the Philosopher's Stone mean...?" Tom had an unpleasant premonition.

Menes didn't immediately answer Tom's question; instead, he posed one of his own, "Guess why I don't use the Philosopher's Stone to extend my life? I can do that too."

Tom fell silent.

In terms of alchemy, this person in front of him was probably the most powerful alchemist in history. However, why hadn't he succeeded in making the Philosopher's Stone?

There was undoubtedly something limiting Menes' abilities.

Tom furrowed his brow, he had an answer in his heart. If it really was that reason, it would be terrible...

He looked at Hermione and noticed that she was thinking about something too.

"Not enough people, right?" Before Tom could speak, Hermione cautiously asked.

"Correct," Menes displayed an approving expression.

"The essence of alchemy is equivalent exchange; when it comes to life-replenishing items, naturally, you need to exchange with life, flesh, and blood," he said softly, revealing shocking words.

Tom and Hermione's faces suddenly turned pale. They realized one thing in an instant: if even Pharaoh Menes, who could afford the Philosopher's Stone, required such an immense amount of life energy, then they definitely wouldn't be able to provide enough.

After all, Egypt was a slave nation. Even if a Philosopher's Stone required ten thousand sacrifices, Menes' eyes wouldn't blink if he had to do it.

The number of people needed for the Philosopher's Stone would probably be so vast that not even all the lives in ancient Egypt and neighboring countries would suffice.

"I've heard that a successor managed to make the Philosopher's Stone; I'm truly intrigued by how they did it," Menes saw the two youngsters were utterly frightened and felt inexplicably happy.

"I thought maybe they had made some improvements in the process... but no, I saw that bag of remnants, and it's still the ancient recipe. Tsk tsk," a slight expression of compassion crossed Menes' face. In his view, consuming such a massive number of lives to prolong one's own life was too selfish and cruel.