Chapter 646: Roast Pigeon (Edited)

The restaurant Tom referred to had a very exquisite decoration. It was built around a square, completely surrounding it. In the center of the square, there were some outdoor seats with umbrellas, and also a carefully designed small fountain as a dining area, but few people chose to dine outside. Most people preferred to dine indoors, enjoying the warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Upon seeing this restaurant, Hermione quietly took out her wallet, but then remembered that she had her father's credit card, so she felt relieved and put her wallet away.

No matter, she could afford this meal!

The interior of the restaurant was decorated in a very elegant Arabic style. The dining seats were very low, and customers sat on the floor in a semi-reclined position to eat.

It was quite similar to the style of ancient Rome. The way of dining in ancient Rome involved arranging three reclining couches in a "J" shape, with a small low table in the middle with food. Diners reclined on the couches and used their hands to take food from the dishes.

The style of this restaurant was somewhat reminiscent of ancient Roman nobility, except that customers sat instead of reclining.

Velvet rugs were placed over the seats, and before sitting down, it was necessary to take off one's shoes. Tom looked at Hermione's feet and reminded her, "Remember to take off your shoes."

The observation was not wrong, but unfortunately, due to the way he phrased it, Hermione felt a bit suspicious.

Are you sure it's for etiquette reasons that you're asking me to take off my shoes?

Although after seeing that Tom had already taken off his shoes and placed them aside, Hermione also didn't dare to enter with her shoes on. So she untied the thin straps of her high heels and took them off, entering barefoot.

Indeed, as Hermione expected, Tom glanced at her bare feet. Her delicate feet looked like white jade and had a warm and soft texture, with a touch of red that gave them a healthy look. Her toes naturally spread at the top, freed from the constraints of high heels, and around the edges, there was a reddish mark, making people want to protect them.

Tom's eyes burned with desire, which made Hermione feel uncomfortable, and she withdrew her legs inward, folding her long toes like five shy petals.

"Look again, and I'll cast a spell to make you go blind!" she threatened playfully, but in a soft and flexible tone.

Did you have to look here in the restaurant?

Faced with Hermione's tender threat, Tom decided to relent and called the waiter to order some special dishes from the restaurant, then handed the menu to Hermione.

Hermione's eyes quickly scanned the menu and stopped in one corner. Her face turned slightly red, and she added one more dish. The waiter standing next to her showed a mischievous smile.

"What did you order?" Tom asked curiously.

"A special dish recommended on the menu," Hermione replied, avoiding the obvious, and her gaze seemed a bit scattered.

"Oh," Tom nodded in confusion. He hadn't bothered to look at the menu; he simply ordered some dishes he knew would be good.

The food at the restaurant arrived quickly after ordering. Shortly after they took their seats, a waiter dressed in a white tunic brought various large and diverse dishes to the table, each filled with delicious treats.

The first thing they served was Egyptian flatbread, similar to the French bread before the meal, and it came with two sauce dishes, one of sesame and the other of eggplant. To avoid it becoming monotonous, they also brought a cold salad made up of tomatoes, onions, and pickles in vinegar.

In addition to that, they also served the grilled lamb that Tom had ordered, as well as Hermione's lamb-stuffed pasta. Hermione's ordered dish was served last; it was a small cylinder that gleamed with a layer of oil.

Tom looked at the small cylinder and, upon seeing two protrusions on both sides, barely managed to recognize that it was some kind of bird.

"Is this what you ordered?" Tom looked at Hermione uncertainly.

"Yes," Hermione nodded, "It's roasted pigeon; it's the special dish of this restaurant and it's stuffed with rice."

She added, "They say it's very beneficial for the body."

Tom gazed at the plump, round, headless pigeon for a moment, a bit speechless.

Turns out people here really eat pigeons!

Yes, unlike Western Europe, in Egypt, they do eat pigeons. Egyptians consider pigeons to be very nutritious birds that can greatly improve relationships between couples. It's said that before getting married, men should eat pigeons every day, and at the time of the wedding, they even give pigeons as gifts.

Tom picked up the roasted pigeon, which felt heavy, opened it, and found it filled with rice.

"Remember to swallow the bones too," Hermione advised, "Locals say the most valuable part is in the bones."

"Alright," Tom nodded a bit dazed and went on to swallow the piece of pigeon he held in his hand.

The taste wasn't bad; the rice was infused with pigeon fat and had a subtle spice aroma that couldn't be precisely described, but it was quite good.

"Do you want to try some?" after Tom finished half of the pigeon, he offered the other half to Hermione.

"No, it's just for you," Hermione kindly declined Tom's invitation and wrapped a lamb rib in flatbread, eating it with sesame sauce.

Dinner was very abundant, and Tom and Hermione enjoyed the delicious food. When it came time to pay the bill, Hermione didn't even look at the check; she simply took out her credit card and used it to pay.

After dinner, there weren't many entertainment options, so they both agreed to find a small bar where they drank beer and relaxed their tired bodies and minds. When night fell, they naturally decided to stay in a hotel above the bar.

After a simple cleanup, Tom lay on the soft, white bed with clean sheets, embracing Hermione's warm and fragrant body. A seductive and uncontrollable scent filled his nostrils, and tiny beads of sweat appeared on his body. The pigeon he had eaten seemed to come back to life in his stomach, turning into a warm flow that extended to the tips of his limbs.

"The heating in this place seems to be too high."

"Yes." Hermione, dressed in a white robe, nodded, expressing agreement with Tom's feelings.

The white robe, the white feather duvet were removed, and then, other pieces of clothing. The predominant color in Hermione's outfit that day was pure white.

"Now you can fully enjoy."

"Mmm... It's reddened, next time don't wear pointed shoes... Let me massage it..."

There was no conversation throughout the night, only the release of fluids.

The next day, they didn't wake up until noon. For them, who had gone to bed at 4 in the morning that night, it wasn't too late.


Some time later, in the distant city of London, Mr. Granger was confused and puzzled: why were there several charges on his credit card in Egypt? Has someone been using my card without my permission? I don't remember eating or booking a room in Egypt.