Chapter 655: Midnight Roses (Edited)

Hermione's voice surprised Tom. This surprise was different from the previous one. The first surprise was due to the sudden appearance of someone in his bed, but this time, the surprise was because Hermione suddenly appeared in his bed.

Tom lived in a shared dormitory. Although he enjoyed various invisible privileges at school, he shared the dormitory with some fellow students of the same year. However, due to his multiple occupations, he was not very familiar with his roommates.

This presented a problem—Hermione was now in a room full of burly men! If this were a naughty novel, at this moment, Hermione should be discovered by Tom's roommates without them realizing it, and then she would be photographed. Roommates would often secretly look at those photos. Finally, unable to contain themselves, they would put something in Hermione's drink... If they wanted to enjoy themselves a bit more, they would simply get Tom drunk, and then...

Tom felt nervous and sweaty. This situation was simply a nightmare and unacceptable to him. The situation of "My wife is a very traditional girl, we are deeply in love, but now we are getting tired..." could not happen to him.

So Tom was worried.

He lowered his voice, grabbed Hermione's shoulder, and whispered, "What are you doing here? Go back quickly!"

He drew back the curtains beside the bed and saw that his roommates were sound asleep, which reassured him a little.

Tom turned to Hermione and said in a low voice, "They've already fallen asleep, now you can... mmm..."

Hermione completely ignored Tom as she enveloped him like a gentle snake and kissed him.

Tom felt very nervous but also excited to defy the rules. He made an effort to remain silent and not make any sound.

Seeing how cautious Tom was, Hermione laughed and released her mouth from his. She raised a finger to her lips, making a shushing gesture. Then she leaned in close to Tom's ear and whispered, "Shhh... We don't want to wake up your roommates, do we?"

Tom closed his mouth, not making a sound and not daring to move.

Seeing this, Hermione found it even more amusing. The thrill of sneaking into her boyfriend's dorm room and then playing with him was just too stimulating. She caressed Tom's chest and then gave his bottom a playful pat. The cold sensation made Tom's skin tingle.

"Lift it up," Hermione said mischievously.

Tom: ???

"Please, don't do this... It's, it's too embarrassing..." Tom murmured quietly.

"We've done this many times before, isn't it only fair that we switch roles now?" Hermione said playfully.

Although Tom wanted to say something more, thinking about the consequences of making noise, he gave in. He obediently assumed the position Hermione requested.

Hermione: ...

She only intended to tease her boyfriend, but she didn't expect him to actually do it. No, she has to hold back, she can't laugh! But it's just irresistible, please don't pout so much!

Hermione, seeing Tom, couldn't help but laugh out loud. Laughing heartily, her laughter echoed loudly in the quiet night.

Tom: !!!∑('Д')ノ

His face turned pale with fear, just as he was about to use a spell to make his roommates fall asleep one by one, Hermione said something that reassured him.

"Tom, I'm a witch, so I can completely isolate sound with magic. The sounds from your bed and external sounds are completely isolated," Hermione said.

"Oh, I understand..." Tom sighed in relief. Now he didn't have to worry about his most precious treasure being seen by other people.

"This spell is very useful. Do you want to learn it? If you want, I can teach it to you," Hermione said as she put her hand on Tom's waist and gave him a little pat on the bottom.

Tom: ...

Hermione was playing with this spell in a very creative way! Wait a moment, this spell seems perfect for use on seducers!

As for what kind of seducers Hermione captures... Flowers are also seductive! Boys must protect themselves when they're out! Tom teased in his mind.

To avoid being seduced, Tom tried to turn around, but he was stopped by Hermione.

"Don't move!" An icy wand was pointing at Tom's waist. At some point, Hermione had drawn her own wand and was aiming it at him.

"Wait a minute!" Tom felt that something was wrong. "Hermione, you can't use the wand for this!"

Hermione: ...

At first, she didn't understand, but when she realized what Tom was trying to do, a blush rose to her cheeks, and the wand in her hands seemed to heat up.

"What are you thinking?" she said a bit embarrassed while giving Tom a light slap. Then she waved her wand, and a pink cord sprouted from the tip, tying Tom up.

"This is a punishment for what you just thought!" Clearly, Tom misunderstood the purpose of Hermione drawing her wand, which made her feel a little annoyed.

"What a nuisance, I just wanted to do something romantic..." Hermione muttered as she toyed with her wand.


"Come on, stop teasing me, look at this." The wooden wand moved over Hermione's delicate fingers, and instantly Tom's bed was filled with rose petals.

An intoxicating fragrance of flowers wafted through the air and reached Tom's nose.

"How about that? You took me to see a fireworks show before, so I'm returning the favor with a sea of flowers, do you like it?" Hermione gazed into Tom's eyes, full of love.

Feeling the aroma of the petals, seeing the girl less than an inch from his face, Tom couldn't contain his emotions any longer.

He replied, "I love it."

"I'm glad to hear that." Hermione took the initiative and kissed Tom.

After a long time, their lips parted, and their heavy breathing echoed in this small world isolated from the rest of the world.

It was only at that moment that he had time to look at what his girlfriend was wearing that day.

Seeing Tom's gaze on her, Hermione looked at him coquettishly. "Do I look good?"

Tom swallowed and his throat went dry. He nodded firmly and said, "Very beautiful."

That day, Hermione had specially prepared a Christmas outfit for Tom, with very little fabric and mainly in red and white colors.

Tom examined Hermione's beautiful face and felt that everything about her was simply irresistible. She had cute rabbit ears on her head and a red ribbon around her neck. Besides the soft red velvet, she was only wearing a small silk bra, which held her two white rabbits. The edges of the bra were adorned with white fur, which wrapped around the silky red fabric, forming a strong color contrast that caused a rapid heartbeat.

Under the silk bra, her abdomen was exposed. Hermione's exposed skin wasn't as white as the fur, but it had a healthy glow, like white lamb fat.

Tom realized that Hermione was wearing a pair of black leather gloves. Suddenly, he understood why, when she touched him earlier, he felt a cold sensation.

Tom's gaze moved away from the gloves and was drawn to the small triangle. It was a piece of white velvet fabric that barely covered the intimate area but looked like it could be pulled aside with a slight tug...

On both sides of the triangle, there were thin white ribbons that tied the fabric at the narrow waist. In the center of the white fabric, there was a red bow that concealed a surprising secret.

The person who designed this outfit understood the contrast well, using white to enhance the red and embellishments to arouse even stronger emotions. Despite being dressed, it was even more seductive than being naked.

And those long, straight legs were perfect like ancient Greek sculptures. Unlike Greek sculptures, Hermione was wearing a pair of brown, heelless leather boots with a golden metal buckle on each side of the shaft, adding a wild touch to this little bunny girl. If the girl before was a domesticated bunny, then these boots transformed her into a wild bunny.

These boots looked somewhat like a cowboy's riding boots, with a sense of weightiness, but precisely because of that weightiness, they highlighted Hermione's beautiful legs even more.

The boots also created a feeling of confinement, firmly trapping those beautiful legs.

Tom couldn't bear to see her so confined, but unfortunately, at this moment, he was firmly tied up by Hermione and couldn't move.

It seemed that Hermione noticed Tom's desire; she wriggled and extended one foot toward him.

The sound of the metal zipper was heard, and the boot shaft opened slightly, alleviating the confinement a bit. Beneath the brown leather, there were black silk stockings with lace.

Tom's breathing became heavy once again.

"If you like it, tonight... your Christmas gift has arrived, do you want to unwrap it?" Hermione whispered in Tom's ear.


The ropes loosened, and rose petals floated in the air.


Much, much later, the morning sun shone on the bed's curtain, illuminating two intertwined bodies.

Hermione turned, and Tom slid out of her, while the boy lying next to her sighed. However, soon, the sticky sensation made her frown.

"Tergeo." Hermione lazily waved her wand and cleaned all traces of their act. Then she noticed that, although no sound could be heard, rose petals had seeped out through some cracks in the curtain.

"Sigh..." she sighed and extended a white arm from behind the curtain. "Tergeo."

The rose petals scattered on the bedroom floor disappeared completely.

The warm sun illuminated Tom and gave him some vitality back.

"You're a little rascal," Hermione rolled her eyes as she looked at Tom, who was like a puddle of mud on the bed. Hermione's playful spirit emerged once again.


Suddenly, Hermione attacked him again and tied Tom up once more. But this time, she chose to bind his limbs with ropes to the bedposts.

Tom: ???!!!

He was about to ask what was going on when Hermione covered his eyes with a cloth.

Tom: ???

Then, Hermione pinched Tom's nose, forcing him to open his mouth. At that moment, she stuffed a piece of silk fabric into his mouth, sealing it completely.

"Ugh, ugh!" Tom struggled without understanding, but it was destined to be futile.

Hermione used a transformation spell to turn one of the rose petals into a shiny blade.

Tom was struggling, but with a single movement from Hermione, he went stiff, not daring to move even an inch; he felt something cold and sharp pressing against the inside of his thigh.

"If you turn into a phoenix and then return to normal, do the cut parts grow back?" a demonic voice echoed.

Tom: !!!

Why? He really wanted to ask Hermione, wasn't everything fine just a moment ago? Why suddenly...

But he didn't have time anymore; the cold blade slid...

There was no blood or expected pain.

"I'm teasing you!" Hermione said, laughing. "Be more careful next time and don't disobey my requests again. I told you Professor Snape or Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be willing to provide us with that kind of potion, so be careful, okay?"

Tom nodded repeatedly.

"All right," Hermione said, tossing the black hair aside.

"This is just a small punishment." While listening to Tom's muffled sounds, Hermione swept away a whole set of dense dark bushes.

During the clearing, a crystal-clear spring gushed forth. Seeing the tender earth, Hermione couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I wish you a Merry Christmas!" Hermione kissed Tom's cheek. After wiping her hands clean of the "spring," she wrapped herself in the wizard's robe at the foot of the bed. Taking advantage of Tom's roommates still being asleep, she silently slipped out of the boys' dormitory.

Of course, as a precaution, she enchanted herself with an invisibility spell before leaving, so even if someone got up early to go to the bathroom, they wouldn't see her.

After Hermione left, Tom realized that the girl had forgotten to release him!

It was revenge! He thought to himself.

But fortunately, Hermione remembered Tom's situation upon returning, and within a few minutes, the ropes on his hands and feet disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Back to his freedom, Tom quickly removed the piece of silk fabric she had stuffed in his mouth. The black fabric with holes was now wet, so he balled it up and tucked it under the pillow.

Tom grabbed his wand from the bedside and cleaned up the remaining rose petals on the bed. It was then that he felt an uncomfortable sensation.

It was a subtle friction sensation.

The origin of the sensation was in the forest Hermione had cleared; although the trees had been cut down, the trunks were still there, giving him a novel experience, something spicy and fresh at the same time.

Tom felt his face was slightly flushed. He dressed quickly, and at that moment, his roommates also woke up from their sleep.

"It seems like there's a smell of flowers," said Anthony.

"I'm smelling it too, it's like the scent of roses, did someone use a new shampoo?" Michael replied.

Tom's roommates had no idea what had happened the night before, only a faint scent of roses wafting in the air was whispering something to them in silence.