While standing at akimbo, Devi couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Sandra's name was part of the homecoming planning committee. Nonetheless, she still continued despite her animosity towards Sandra.

 "As I was saying," Devi said after releasing a great sigh that was nearly a groan. She then continued saying,

 "We all know that there's no homecoming without a homecoming kind and or queen. Today, by 5 pm sharp, the nominees for the homecoming queen and king would be out on all our social media platforms. So get your laptops fully charged and prepared to see the nominees." 

 Someone from the crowd raised their hands to ask a question. Devi sighted her and asked her to speak, "Tomorrow's pep rally, right? That is if I'm not mistaken." The girl said.

 "No darling, you're not mistaken. In fact, tomorrow's going to be a very wonderful day to be a glimmer. I assure you there would be lots of fun at the pep rally."