Her elbows were placed on the kitchen counter, while her face was buried in her hands. Carmen then served her a cup of hot tea as a conversation ensued between the two women,

 "Now, I want you to calm down and tell me what's going on," Carmen asked Helen as she sipped her cup of tea and placed it on a nearby saucer.

 Helen snivelled for a while before she said, "I don't know Carmen, but I feel like day by day my daughter's changing."

 "What do you mean changing, like in a good way or bad way?" Carmen asked.

 "Somewhere in between. We used to be close before we moved here, but ever since we moved here, it's like she's been hiding things from me. The other day, she was dressed up like a hooker!"

 Suddenly, Carmen burst into hysterical laughter. She tried to control it but she couldn't, "I'm sorry Helen, but a hooker?!" She continued laughing then Helen said, "You're so inappropriate."
