Back at school, Jesse tried as much as possible to escape from Coach Higgins but he failed,

 "Noriega!" Coach Higgins called out. He wasn't pleased with Jesse and Jesse knew that, but he tried to act like he wasn't aware. "Coach Higgins, what's up?" He said. 

 "Don't what's up me. Where were you during our training on Monday?" He asked him. Then he replied, "Uh... I had some errands to run. Ok, so sorry coach,"

 "That is not an excuse Noriega, neither is it a plausible one." The coach said. "Forgive me, coach," Jesse said as he bent his head down in shame.

 "You better tell me the truth or I'll drop you from the game. You know how much I hate lies." The coach said sternly. Jesse couldn't tell the coach that he was out attending to Tyson instead of practising with the team. So he stood there quietly, searching for a lie to tell until Isabelle bailed him,