Eyes on the other man

The man in the mirror

The one who see when you comb your wet hair every morning

"Look within", they said

But what is within?

Broken dreams, strewn around like torn papers

Forbidden deeds and dreadful pasts

Pain from feeling too much or too little

Anger for all the times wasted

Self hate and former glory

Low self esteem and discontent

Questions and no answers

Pain and no outlet

Anger but in no particular direction 

Indecisions and hesitancy

Choices made in the heat of the moment, without thought and logic

Consequences, consequences, consequences

A never ending internal struggle

"Then look outward", they said

Pain and suffering

Our deeds of wickedness and cruelty to one another

False prophets and faux love

A rapist today, a governor tomorrow

Wokeism and it's negative impacts

Climate change and war