At the restaurant, Maya handed Deryn a tissue,

 "Here, I'm so sorry." She consoled Deryn after hearing the story of how he lost his mom.

 "It must have been hard to take," Maya said looking at him with pity.

 "It was even harder for my dad. He didn't take it so well." Deryn said.

 Maya took Deryn by the hands, "Let's leave the past and focus on the future." She suggested.

 Deryn agreed, he decided to revisit their former topic about Maya's need to get a job,

 "So, about that job. I'll talk to my dad, I'll see what he can do." Deryn said.

 Maya's eyes were wide open in shock when she heard this,

 "Really? You'd do that for me? Thank you so much, Deryn." Maya said. She got up from her seat to give him a hug. After the hug, Maya went back to her seat. Her hands were on her head, she couldn't believe that she could finally get a job.