Maya entered the building. She was directed where to go to join the queue of people applying for jobs in the office. It was a long queue but it finally reached her turn. 

 "Next!" A lady called out. 

 "Name," The lady asked Maya

 "Maya Hunts," Maya replied.

 "What job do you want to apply for?" 

 "The position of the secretary," Maya said with confidence.

 "How many years of experience have you had typing with a desktop?"

 "Uhh, since I was 14."

 The lady smirked as she heard this. "How fast do you type?"

 "Very fast."

 "How many words per minute? Miss Maya."

 "Uh, I don't know like 200," Maya said sceptically.

 "That's fast. Okay, can I see your resume?"

 "My what?" Maya asked, confused.

 "Resume." She replied without humour.

 "Is it optional or....?" Maya asked, hoping for the lady to say it was.