Chapter 20: A Fight With A Wild Basilisk

The elite werewolf player Raymond Collins is in the wilds, helping Asuka Enomoto, the witch assistant of Chiyo Chinen hunt down a fierce but wild basilisk. 

"What do you need a fierce basilisk for, Asuka? Do you need some basilisk parts? You witches and warlocks do use weird concoctions for your brews." 

Raymond said as he turned back into his wolf form and charged at the basilisk. 

"Be careful, Raymond. That basilisk can spew venom and fly around the place." 

"I know it. I'm not dumb. Just do your thing and give me back-up with your spells already." 

Raymond said to Asuka through telepathy while in wolf form. 

Raymond pounced at the Basilisk, which couldn't avoid and fly upwards in time, as the sheer strength of Raymond in his wolf form completely suppressed the basilisk's evasiveness. 

" This snake is slimy as hell. At this rate, I can only suppress this high-leveled snake for a few minutes. Do it now, Asuka." 

Raymond said telepathically to Asuka while atop the struggling basilisk, which started wriggling around under Raymond's claws and attempting to free itself. 

Raymond was about to sink his fangs deep into the basilisk when Kaito managed to shout. 

" Don't do it, Raymond. The innards of the Basilisk are coated with venom, which is highly toxic. I know your resistance is high, Raymond. But I need you to keep it distracted while I chant this spell." 

Raymond focused on distracting the Basilisk while Asuka chanted a weight enhancing spell. 

 "Oh ancient spirits of the dead, lend me your power to hold this Basilisk in place, and increase this Basilisk's weight." 

A few minutes passed before the Basilisk grunted and groaned, then spewed fire and venom blindly, unable to flap its wings to fly. 

Raymond held on to the basilisk's back, trying his best not to get hit by fire and venom.

A few minutes passed, and the basilisk calmed down, exhausted from being enraged. 

Raymond knew he only had minutes to spare before the Basilisk went berserk and got enraged again. 

He jumped off the back of the Basilisk, transformed back into his human form, put on his sunglasses, and fished out Medusa's mirror from his inventory. 

"I know that enhancement spell of yours will only work for a few minutes against such a high leveled beast. Let me help you. I got a few tricks of my own." 

Raymond called out, keeping his head low so he wouldn't gaze directly into the Basilisk's eyes. 

He fished out an enchanted spell scroll with the reflection spell written on it. 

"Look away, and cover your eyes, Asuka. Don't look at the reflection of both the Basilisk and Medusa's head. It's deadly." 

Raymond called out to Asuka, who instinctively ducked her head and looked down into the ground instead. 

As they averted their gazes, looking at the ground with their eyes covered by their elbows, a white and blinding light flashed around the Basilisk. 

A pained hiss was heard, along with the frantic flapping of wings, before silence filled the area once again. 

When everything went back to normal, both Asuka and Raymond went to inspect the dead body of the Basilisk. 

"What are you looking at me that way for, Asuka? You want me to carry the dead body of the Basilisk back to Chiyo's hideout for you? You're aware that it's like commiting suicide if both got caught, right? You got an inventory. Use it." 

Raymond snapped at Asuka ignoring her pleading looks. 

Asuka sighed, then proceeded to store the Basilisk into the inventory. 

Raymond helped Asuka store the Basilisk into the inventory. 

When they finished, Raymond held Asuka's hand, which made Asuka look up at Raymond. 

Raymond winked at Asuka, then smiled at her while gazing at her with wonder and kissing her hand. 

Asuka felt herself blushing, and allowed Raymond to kiss her on the lips. 

She kissed Raymond back. 

Their kissing went on for a few minutes before Raymond stopped. 

"Thanks for helping me gather the herbs and kill this annoying wild basilisk. I'll send the information to you through a messenger, as usual." 

"No. I know you're carrying scrolls full of information on you. Don't wait for me to get you naked on bed for it. You're going to like it and hate it at the same time. So, just spill the tea already." 

Raymond winked at Asuka. 

He grabbed her arm in time as she turned to leave, effectively preventing her from leaving the place. 

Asuka made an annoyed face at Raymond, before finally handling Raymond a few scrolls before she left. 

She walked out of the wild plains somewhere in the Legendary stage in a huff. 

She couldn't believe how she, a charming  enchantress, ended up getting charmed and enchanted by a werewolf. Not just any other werewolf, but a powerful hybrid who's a direct descendant of Fenrir, and an elite player at that. 

Raymond coldly observed as the witch turned to leave the wild plains, back to the hideout of Chiyo. 

I'm sorry, but I'm just using you, Asuka. Your witch master betrayed Ayami recently. You know it very well. I asked you to do something to stop or at least impede her plans. But you did the opposite. And both of you will pay for it dearly. With your lives. Sooner or later. And I will see that it is done, until the bitter end. 

Raymond thought to himself once Asuka is out of earshot, and the telepathy link between them is severed. 

He also turned to leave, heading back to the place of the elite werewolf players. He still had to read the information contained in the scrolls that Asuka sent over to him. 

He wished he had done enough to protect Ayami. 

But it was too late. 

Ayami was dead. 

If he had known better back then that Chiyo Chinen was a lackey of the Necromancer Guild, he would have killed 

Chiyo right on the spot, or at least prevented her from accessing the Gamer Guild. 

He knew deep down that Asuka is a wily and dangerous witch, and the only way to beat their cleverness is to outsmart them, and be more fickle and unpredictable than them.