Chapter 37: Prelude To A Plotted Showdown

Morrigan is at her castle, inspecting the quality of the new shipment of modified Egyptian weapons sent over by Anubis, th, witchy brews sent by witches under Hecate's orders, and a witch's spell-book containing witchy spells  sent over by witches under Hecate, accompanied by her male assistant named Ryuma Ochima. 

"What's up with the other two Game Administrators lately? I can sense that today's batch of shipments aren't high quality, and can only be used by the non-elite soldiers at best. Something is fishy right here, Morrigan. The three of them are up to something funny. "

Ryuma held out a witchy tome for Morrigan to inspect.

Morrigan accepted the witch tome, opened it, and read a sample spell written in the demonic tome out loud. 

" Oh Hecate, the one in command of the witches, I invoke you to grant the sword of an ordinary soldier the magic of darkness to smite down the soldiers of the light." 

" That's a basic spell used by the ordinary witches. What was Hecate thinking when she sent such a low quality item to us? I suspect that the two of them are in cahoots to remove me from leadership of the Majority Faction. That also explains the silence and cold, judgemental stares we got when we recently visited both Hecate and Anubis. The two of them are looking down on me too much. If they want a fight for positions, so be it. We will not back down. "

Morrigan practically tore the entire spell-book to shreds in a burst of anger. 

" I won't tolerate getting insulted and looked down just like that by the three of them. Have a servant break the glass vials containing the witchy brews on a secure, unbreakable container, and send the broken glass shards back to the witches as a reply. Do the same for the ancient Egyptian weapons,and send the broken blades back to them. As for these tones containing basic witchy magic, burn them up and send the ashes back to the witches in an urn. "

She commanded angrily to Ryuma, who rushed to fetch servants to do what Morrigan commanded. 

She is so angry at the fact that the  other two Game Administrators had the nerve to belittle her that she picked up a half-full whiskey glass filled with Irish whiskey that she is drinking, and let the glass drop on the floor breaking the whiskey glass and spilling the contents on the basement of the castle floor. 

These two sure got the nerve and the audacity to disrespect me upfront. I must admit that they took me by surprise, but as the saying goes, what goes around comes around. I won't take this sitting down and doing nothing. The two of them will get an overdose of their own medicine. I'll make sure of it. 

Morrigan thought to herself with a clenched fist. 

Beleth is in his castle grounds, drinking chilled apple brandy in his human form,  swirling the snifter glass while enjoying the scenery. 

"What a fine day to drink some brandy, eh? That Egyptian dog, the witch and the Irish goddess of death must be plotting moves against each other by now." 

Beleth said to himself relaxedly, knowing that he'll stand to benefit from the chaos that will happen. 

I'll wait while the storm is raging, just stand idly by and watch as the three of them fiercely fight among themselves for the position of leading the Majority Faction, then swoop in when they are all too weakened and exhausted from all the fighting going on. 

Beleth smiled a clever smile, and drank another shot of chilled brandy while looking into the distance. 

He had it carefully planned and instigated with the help of Alastair beneath the scenes. 

In Anubis' Great Pyramid, Anubis could barely control his temper at the sight of the vials of fresh blood that the witches under Hecate sent to him. 

It reminded him of Lilith and the rest of the vampires, since he knew that vampires needed to feed on blood to survive. 

The fact that Lilith just raided his place in a raid, and the bitter memory of Lilith making friends with the leader of the wood elves, and Hades, who were one of his worst enemies right in front of him before he chose to side with the Majority Faction instead, got further worsened by the sight of the vials of fresh blood. 

Laser shot out from his eyes in anger straight at the vials of fresh blood causing the vials to break and vanish into nothing, including the blood inside the vials. 

You sure know how to push the right buttons, Circe. Well played. As expected from the wily and clever nature of a witch. But, are you even aware that two can play the same game? 

Anubis thought to himself while still seething with anger. 

He instructed the elite player Bastet, who happened to be around, and witnessed his burst of anger at the sight of the fresh vials of blood, to fetch a servant, who hurried to wrap a painting of wolves howling during the full moon, and send the wrapped painting to the stronghold of the witches. 

I know that you witches detest Fenrir and the rest of the werewolves for always spoiling your plans. So, this painting is a perfect payback for what you just sent to me. 

Right when he finished dealing with the matter with the witches,Anubis totally lost

his temper upon seeing a mini-sculpture of Cerberus the three headed dog  with the black four leave clover at the bottom of the sculpture. 

He instantly knew it was Morrigan who sent it. 

He broke the sculpture, and luckily for Bastet, a few other elite Egyptian players tagged along with her. 

They had to calm Anubis down by force, and finally managed to make him drink a powerful draught potion that caused Anubis to fall asleep. 

Hecate is at the hideout of the witches for a visit. 

She is currently alone in the guest quarters and they are in the guest room to unbox two picture frames sent over by both Morrigan and Anubis. 

To Hecate's anger and dismay, Morrigan sent a picture of the elite vampire Rebecca Hudgens, with the mark of a black four leaf clover visible on the lower left corner of the picture frame, while Anubis sent a photo of the elite werewolf player Raymond Collins, with the Eye of Horus symbol visible in the lower right corner of the picture frame. 

Hecate dropped both picture frames in a fit of anger, letting the glass casings break on the cement floor. 

Both of you want to mess with me? Just you wait. I'll exact payback from the both of you soon enough.

Hecate thought to herself with pent-up anger.