
Chapter 4: The elevator

POV: Lilith

I woke up to a beautiful day, the sun blessing its light upon my face through the glass.

Unlike every other day I wake up, I felt the excitement ripple through me, being welcomed by the magical interface sure proved that it was not a dream, but a reality.

A wonderful way to start a day.

I took off my uniform which I slept with, a first for anything I guess. And took a shower, though I had to increase the water heat a lot to feel the hot water on my skin, it was relaxing. Time came and I was done, I was about to step out, when I put my hand on the glass wall only for it to shatter as if it were paper.

Just that made me frown as my mood dropped by one point.

I stepped on the glass pieces and made my way back to my bedroom.


My uniform that I dropped on floor a moment ago was gone and now on the bed I found a new fresh uniform and a towel. I took it and dry my body, for my hair I made use of my magic and it only took half a point of energy from my mystical reservoir.

After putting on my uniform, I made my way outside into the corridor, there I found three officers waiting.

They extended their right arm from the shoulder into the air with a straightened hand making the empire salute, all of them shouting "Heil, mein Führer! "

That put a smile on my face as I gave a nod, "so, what do you have for me on this new day"

I walked towards where the elevator is, them following behind.

"yesterday midnight after the system activation, many of our patrolling units were attacked by beasts, and we are face with a loss of 349 men and women, 233 are injured and are being tended to, 82 were executed due to injuries being too severe and crippling."

I stopped him before he says anything else.

"Ah general, I know that you know you don't have to tell me about that, so you handle the situation like we've always done and that is drafting new recruits to take the dead's place" I said and thought for a moment "is there a report about the system everyone now seems to have?"

"Yes mein Führer! The monsters are getting stronger the more they kill, and few of our men who managed to kill some of the monsters that tried but failed.." I interrupted before he goes any further and stared at him, my eyes heating and I could see the fear in his eyes, his head sweating. They get me angry every time someone takes too long to say something, I barked at him "get to the point!"

I straightened my shoulders and relaxed, I breathed in and out and felt my eyes go back to their cool feel.

"Yes..yes! Um, when our men took a life they described themselves feeling a rush of power for a second before getting notified by the voice of the system that they gain something called 'xp' and then completing a level thus they get stronger, just like the monsters but not so extreme." said the general.

"Thats how you speak to me, and I have said it many times over. Don't ever go and open your mouth only to spout nonsensical details to waste my day" I breathed, and looked at the other two.

I tilted my head and asked "and what do you two have for me?"

Their system is very different from mine, and I know they know so as I'm sure the people awake yesterday heard it from the mouth of the world.

"Multiple spikes were detected this morning from the active readings of blue space energy crystals that were collected in the early days of our arrival" the scientist said, he pulled a file and handed it to me.

I looked through the papers and understood.

The spikes were more than just your average spike, it was a drawing made by the energy, a circle with many circles inside it, lines crossing each other with writings.

It said one thing 'Void star alignment'

The circle looked mystical, I ran my finger on the paper and closed my eyes, injecting a little bit of my magic.

I felt it then.

[Void channel ability activated]

[Void channel ability is unable to operate due to missing a solid foundation]

[a foundation blueprint is generated and is compatible with 'The Empire' current technological level]

A blueprint of intricate and nearly complex parts of a building, an ugly one but an improvement can be made on that aspect, slowly such improvement were made in my mind.

I returned the file and looked at the last one, from the religion guild.

"Your majesty, the new happenings have opened our yes to reform the church in a great image" spoke the pope with a grin.

I narrowed my eyes, "as long as you don't cross your limit, you are to do everything that will benefit me and the empire."

"Yes, your majesty!"

Just on time, the elevator arrived.


About to get out, I stopped and looked at the scientist leader. "I better find a new faster elevator replacing this one"

Continuing on my way, I looked at the receptionist, she saluted me.

"Go get me Ismael, tell him to bring a work tablet with him"

"Yes, mein Führer!"

With that done with, I go outside the building, those I passed making their salute. I pay them no mind as I breathed in fresh air.

This is a great day, even if a few people made me have the urge to laser them.

A great day indeed.